
The Peak of The Tower of Glory

10 years ago, 12 Messengers of The Creator came down to earth and brought a message to mankind where they will receive punishment from the Creator. The punishment is the unification of the land into one continent and the appearance of a giant tower. To be able to free them from that punishment, they must be able to reach the top and declare their wishes to the Creator. However, as a form of generosity from Him, humans are given various abilities that they can use to help them reach the top. They are referred to as Bellators. However, not all Bellators in this new continent were capable of possessing the strong ability to carry out tower conquests. He is Galam Isiros. He's a low-ranked Bellator because the ability he has is not a useful ability in combat, namely the Space Bag. Before he ended up being a Bellator, Galam became a Professional Gamer. However, his achievements disappeared immediately after 12 Messenger of The Creator came down to earth. Currently, he works as a Carrier tasked with carrying loot in conquest. Even though he had entered many subjugation floors that had even higher difficulty levels, the money he earned was still insufficient to live on. Until one day, a strange occurrence in the conquest kills all of the party members except for him. When he was on the verge of death, his strength grew and allowed him to survive until the end. It allows him to achieve achievement and unlock a new ability that takes him to the top of the tower!

Ge_Arttype · Fantasy
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13 Chs

Deadly Condition

The man looked cornered and resigned if he had to die at that time. But heroically, his friend came to drag the man's body and threw him at one of the statues that were nearby. "I told you to pay attention to your surroundings, you idiot!"

That person saved his comrade and tried to withstand the attacks from the demons. "Leave them alone and run! What are you waiting for?!" said the man who had been saved.

The man just smiled hearing how his friend was worried about him. But sadly, right now he was only thinking of sacrificing himself. "Shut up! Return to your family safely and please take care of my daughter."

"Bastard, what are you saying?! Hurry up go—"

"You promised didn't you?" The man smiled at his comrade who had managed to survive.

Seeing his colleague who was starting to feel overwhelmed, the man just looked down and cried, unable to see what would happen to his friend. The man fighting the demon thanked him before finally a slash of the sword managed to separate his head from his body.

The man who survived was sobbing as he watched his comrade die before his eyes. "Uuk... Uuk... Euuk..."

The man then looked at the creature who was currently smiling as if mocking him and his other companions, toying with their lives like insects. "You, you filthy bastard."

On the other hand, Galam was still running while carrying Sana on his back. He finally managed to reach one of the statues that had musical instruments. But when they arrived, the statue was not playing its instrument. This made Galam surprised and panicked.

"Why? Why don't you play it, you bastard?! Hurry up and start playing your instrument!"

Seen from a distance, the creature noticed the presence of Galam and Sana. He then started walking towards the two of them and was followed by several little demons following him. Galam seemed to be wondering why the statue in his place would not play his musical instrument.

"Why?! Is this statue broken?!" Galam looks panicked. Then he looked again at the conditions in the room until he finally realized what he had done wrong.

"Damn! Don't tell me that one statue can't be occupied by two people?!" Without thinking, Galam then put Sana down and was about to leave her there. At least, Sana would be safe if she was near the statue.

However, just as Galam was about to leave, Sana awoke from her stupor. She then looked at Galam and asked, "What is going on?"

Even Galam who was ready had to give up his intentions and give Sana an understanding. "Sana, listen to me. The current situation is chaotic, many people have died in this place. And this area is the safest, but it can only be occupied by one person. So, stay here and don't go anywhere before it's all over." Galam gives a warning to Sana.

Sana, who had fully regained consciousness, was shocked at the sight in front of her at this time. Countless corpses of his comrades were scattered all over the place. Sana, who couldn't see it, could only cover her mouth and cry.

Not wanting him to waste any more time, Galam immediately ran towards the other statues. However, his hand was blocked by Sana which made him unable to leave. "Where are you going?! Don't leave me!"

"Sorry, I told you that this place can only be occupied by one person. So you should stay here and I'll look for another statue." Galam then let go of Sana's grip and ran towards another statue.

As he ran, the creature managed to block Galam and prepared to slash his greatsword. Fearlessly, Galam dashed towards the creature. Luckily Galam was able to dodge the creature's slashes. But a horde of little demons was waiting for him.

Galam was again able to dodge the attack, but this time it wasn't so perfect, several cuts were printed on his body from the brunt of several little demons. Sana who saw it then shouted hysterically, "Galam!"

Galam continued to run while dodging the various attacks that were aimed at him. The wounds he received were getting so much that he couldn't even keep his stance up. As Galam's vision began to dim, he tripped over the corpse of his comrade and made him fall right in front of the statue.

"Galam! Wake up!" Andras tried to help him, but if he was desperate to get there, what happened was that they would both be slashed to death.

Galam kept trying to crawl towards the statue in front of him. "If there is a God, please let me reach the statue."

So far, Galam has always put himself in a state of life and death, maintaining the rope of his life to support all the burdens of his life. He managed to maintain the thread until he managed to escape from various deaths.

However, over time the rope will become thinner and weaker. And at this moment, he felt the rope that had supported his life, felt like it would break at any moment.

Miraculously, with Galam's efforts, he managed to reach the place of the statue and managed to make the statue play its musical instrument. Ifrit, who had been preparing to kill Galam, lowered his sword again and walked away from him. This time, again, Galam's rope of life was able to defend him and save him from death.

"Galam!" Sana then ran towards Galam who was lying helpless.


"Galam, are you okay?!"

"That's how it is."

"Galam!" Sana's face looks very surprised to see Galam's current condition.

"Huh? Why?" Galam was astonished to see Sana's behavior.

But Sana didn't answer and just sat there while shedding tears. Her gaze fell on Galam's body. Galam then followed Sana's gaze and noticed the condition of his body.

"Ah, it seems, I have a lot of holes in my body."

Even though he was used to injuries, his body injuries this time were different. This time, he really wasn't sure whether his life would still stick with his body or not.