
The Peak of Glory

The peak of glory

The story of how a young man named Satoru Yusuke became an NBA athlete in order to earn a simple scholarship.

Missouri High School student sator:

Satoru's family biography His father works as an assistant at SGI, his mother sews and sells short-sleeved shirts and scarves at home, and Satoru also has two younger siblings. The younger siblings are in the second grade of high school, and the youngest siblings are in kindergarten. The older brother, Satoro, was about to graduate, so they had to pay a large tuition fee. So Satoru began looking for a way to work part-time. But one day the class teacher announced that a sports scholarship had been announced. Thus began his basketball career.


Sensei-satoru has arrived here

Satoru: Why did your teacher call me?

There are affordable scholarships for the school you are going to attend.

Satoru: I really can't believe what kind of scholarship my teacher has

Teacher: I think it's possible for you.

Satoru- what a scholarship

Scholarships will be awarded to students who excel in teacher sports.

Satoru is true, but I haven't had any success

Teacher: Don't worry about it, I have a few clubs in our school that are fine. You can go to those clubs and see for yourself.

Satoru- za teacher, I will try.

Swimming club - oh my god, I can't drown.

Judo - I can't have people with these muscular brains.

I like volleyball, but it's always full of people who think a lot.

Satoru is the last club I visited in all the clubs of my school.

Basketball Club - What a horrible club room if you want something to come out of the mini mini dust. Suddenly something moved, my God, it was a mouse.

Teacher: What are you doing here?

Satoru-teacher, there is no one here

Teacher: It was opened in the old days, but our school budget was too bad and we couldn't support and develop it. Now it is an abandoned building.

Satoru: Well, I'm really tired today. Teacher, can I decide which club to join tomorrow?

Teacher, it's too late, so be careful.

Satoru- yep sensei