
The Peaceful End

A deep, dark journey into my mind You shall find wonder and depth And hopefully be moved This is my heart Laid bare

yaameen_ebr · Realistic
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20 Chs


Running sand

Filled with gems

Soil of gold

Rocks of diamonds

Shine of silver

Beauty of opal

On a journey

A path tread

Filled with thorns

I came across

The treasure patch

As if by fate

Beconing with audible

Singing and shimmering

It invites me

To grab a hold

Protect and cherish it

Gently I move forward

See teardrop rubies

Heart shaped amethysts

Fraught with cracks...


A warning of the difficulty

Of obtaining the treasure

So early

Fateful fortune is rare

So I persist and gently

Take a hold

Supporting it

healing it

Bringing out the shine

Slowly moving

This find, heartward

Eyes tearing, heart blooming

Happiness is found, my wounds heal

My soul dances for joy

Then I imagine

A slow trickle

Of gold dust through my digits

An inaudible crack of gem

My heart stops

I look down, all is well

A moment passes

I swear I feel a trickle

I gaze downward

See gold on the ground

Tears well