
Two Millions?!?

"Hello. . . mom?" Yanai Tomoya answered the video call from his mother in Kyoto.

She was his one and only relative, it's just that, she's somehow addicted to gambles, as a result, she has two million dept from losing the game.

Yanai's father died long ago when there was an accident in his work, so they're the only ones left, only Yanai was working both day and night for his mother's money for games and money for food, even though her mother is making him work overtime, he never once whine nor get annoyed by it because that's how he's raised by his beloved father.

On the video call, She was tied up with ropes and was locked inside a room where she was forced by two people in a banana mascot to eat stuff that's better left unknown.

Yanai trembled, his eyes shows pain, his voice started to brake that almost no syllable was able to be uttered, he welled up tears from the sight of his beloved mother being forced to eat a black reddish stuff with a shape of unknown.

"M-mom! W-w-why? W-what's happening? A-a-are you alright? Mom w-where are you?!" He stuttered with a shout. About to barf because he can't take it, for him to witness such revolting scene of her mother, truly heart-breaking.

He can't do a thing, he's currently in Tokyo for his job as a secretary in a big company and even if he was able to take a leave to go to his mother, it'd be meaningless since he doesn't know where to search for her.

"Mfh. . . Ngg. . ." Her mother shrieked and gritted her teeth for she can't take it anymore, the taste was either funny, disgusting, bitter, or foreign, she was thinking if it was karma.

"Oh! The call reached, I thought your still taking a long shit before answering, (the guy in black suit inched closer to the camera) Huh? For a son of a bitch you sure are young and quite cute actually. He looks delicious (he licked his lips from let to right). Hey kid, you look kinda young, are you perhaps in your twenties? anyway, your mother lost two million yen from us so if you payed the money in a week or maybe pay it with your body we might consider setting her free" the guy in full black smiled creepily before hanging up.

Yanai, in his room lost all his strength, he slumped on the floor which accidentally broke his left hand.

' I'm cursed' he bawled pitifully. . .

"S-shoot! I almost forgot about work!, I'm going to get fired!" Yanai trembled just by thinking about being yelled at by his boss just to tell him he's fired.

In the company,

Yanai arrived two minutes earlier, though he skipped breakfast and forgot to cool off his swollen eyes which made him wear glasses and results him being the center of attention (laughingstock) because he looks like a nerd.

When he gets in to the office at the top floor of the building, there lies a man with jet black hair and glasses that hides his two different colored eyes. He's the boss of the whole company, Namely Seo Wataru.

"You're late, go brew me another coffee" Said Seo while still focused on his computer.

Yanai flinched, "Y-yes" He answered and immediately brewed coffee while thinking how will he be able to get two million yen for his mother's freedom, whether he should borrow a money from a Yakuza or should he just sacrifice himself.

After that, he gave the coffee he brewed to his boss.

Seo spurts the coffee right after taking a sip.

(Cough, cough) "Are you trying to kill me?!? That's so fucking bitter!" Seo lift his head to see Yanai, but then, he's stupefy to see Yanai burst into tears.

As Seo's assistant for few months, he know full well that once his boss look at someone in the eye, he'll be fired instantly. No explanation nor excuse can be made once Seo says the two words: "You're fired".

Seo was dumbfounded, it was his first time seeing someone cry by his stare, everytime he stare at someone he wanted to fire, they started to blush red or nosebleed from his handsomeness despite his cold and mean personality.

Yanai kneeled while bowing his head deeply as he beg " B-boss please don't fire me! I really need this job!", He remained bowing even after minutes has passed, well, since Seo hasn't said a word yet.

Seo finally come to his senses, he stepped on Yanai's head and said:

"Since you begged pitifully I'll let this matter go but there won't be another chance, got it?" .

" Y-yes" Yanai bawled so hard again. Relief that he's not going to get fired.

"Why in the world are you so scared anyway? I ain't gonna bite you. You should rest a bit so that that unsightly face of yours will be out of my line of sight" Seo removed his foot on Yanai's head.

With that order, Yanai left the office and go to the building's rooftop. Instead of calming down, he shouted "How am I suppose to get a million yen?! And it's two millions on top of that!!! If only money would rain from the sky or shred from a tree!!" he started to bawl after screaming the stress inside him.

Seo, who instinctively followed him heard everything and sneered for some reason. "I'll let you borrow some if you agree about being my slave" Seo said with a smile that made Yanai flinch and shiver.

Even with his trembling legs he answered without stuttering "I'll be your slave".

'Pfft so easy' Seo sneered and said "Good, for the first order, don't ever kneel like that just to anyone" He shows an excited and wide smile. His imminence was overflowing that gives Yanai an instant bad feeling.

'My deceased father in heaven, please give me your blessings for I must follow my decision out of the reason for my mother, your beloved woman's freedom. It also looks like I have awakened a sleeping lion, please do pray for my safety as your one and only son.'

I'm a guy that doesn't swing this way so I might have some mistakes about uke and seme, I'll be glad if you teach me and also enjoy

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WhiteRaven3creators' thoughts