

"The you that has been warned to stay away from me"

Time Stamp: 10:00am

It had been a week since the incident with Seung and Lee Sung and everyone seemed to go about their days in the village as if nothing had happened. After two days had gone by and Chae-young had not seen Seung anywhere in the village she had felt worried. There wasn't a trace of him that could be found, and his house had been completely devoid of anyone when she had checked.

Because of this Chae-young decided that the only person that would know where he was, would be the Chief but after she had found Min Jun and asked him where Seung was he didn't answer her. All he said was that he was away for a while and that she needed to stay away from Seung for both his and hers sake.

The rest of the week had gone by with Chae-young just holed up in the house she shared with Lee sung. She had only ever left the house when the Elders had called for her. The only question they had asked her was, when was she going to completely tie the knot with Lee Sung. Seeing as they were expecting news about her being pregnant sooner than later.

Chae-young had just listened to them not saying a word about anything. Lee had stepped in for her, telling the Elders that neither of them were ready for a child as yet and that had caused all of the Elders to nod their heads in understanding. Chae-young had sighed in relief once the topic had been dropped.

She hadn't noticed the way Lee had been looking at her ever since he found out that Seung had the left the village. He had noticed that she wasn't as cheerful or spiteful anymore. She had just been quiet all the time, listening to everything the Elders said with a simple nod of her head. After what happened with Seung, Lee now knew why Chae-young had never once acted the way the other women did when they came to the village. Most of the other women had immediately fallen for their spouses while Chae-young looked as if she had not a care for Lee in the slightest bit. She did care but it was more of in a platonic way and the reason was simple....

Her heart belonged to another.

It always had, long before he even met her. Why hadn't he noticed this from the start. He should have noticed from the minute Seung had stomped away when he had seen who the bride turned out to be. Since then, Lee Sung had put two and two together. Deciding that he needed to give Chae-young her space. He didn't want to get in between two people that seemed to love each other way more than they would like to let on.





"You all set?"

Both Haneul and Jin said looking at Seung as he hoisted his bag of clothes over his shoulders. Nodding his head Seung sat down at the kitchen table waiting on Min Jun to come pick him up. Honestly he would have gone back home himself but if Min Jun had said to the Elders that he was just going to pick Seung up, he'd have an excuse to come and see Jin. Since he literally hadn't been by for a week and there wasn't really anyway for them to communicate safely without the Elder's in Dionysus minding their business.

"How long is it going to take him?"

Jin said huffing out a breath. Both Seung and Haneul just chuckled at the man's impatient attitude. During the entire week that Seung was away from the village he had tried to clear his mind, only ever thinking about his music.

Haneul had caught him one night while he was rapping to one of the songs that he wrote. He had been so amazed that he hadn't left Seung alone until the man had sang five more songs for him. During this week they had gotten closer together. Although Seung still couldn't wrap his mind around the idea that someone this bubbly was next in line to take over the village.

Hearing a knock at the door, Jin rushed over quickly to open it. As soon as Jin had opened the door, he flung himself unto Min Jun both of them falling unto the ground. As Jun tried to figure out what had happened in the process of Jin falling on top of him.

"Took you long enough"

Jin said sarcastically as he pressed a kiss to Min Jun's forehead. The action causing the younger to blush. Remembering the reason why he had been so late, Min Jun cleared his throat as he stood up. Jin still clinging to him tightly.

"I'm sorry Love but umm, it's because of her that I'm late"

Min Jun said his voice full of exhaustion. Hearing a "her" Jin turned his head to the side to look behind Min Jun and there standing just a few feet away from them was a woman. Her head bent low as she moved from one foot to the other. Jin was about to ask who she was when he heard footsteps coming up behind him.


Seung said his voice cracking slightly in the process. Hearing her name Chae-young's eyes wandered towards Seung. A smile immediately invading her features but as soon as the smile had came it disappeared as she watched Seung turn around and storm off into the house.

Without thinking twice Chae-young ran after him, she wasn't about to let such an opportunity slip out of her reach. When she had heard that Min Jun was coming to pick Seung up, she had begged him to bring her along. Min Jun had just looked at her an unreadable expression on his face as he watched the tears stream down her reddened cheeks. He was about to tell her no straight away but out of nowhere Lee Sung had came up to them and he himself had asked Min Jun to let her go with him.

Jun had been taken aback by the way Lee was acting. Now that he had thought about it Lee had been behaving way more differently than usual lately. He wasn't as much of an asshole anymore and he didn't even try to initiate physical contact with Chae-young without her consent. He kept his distance giving her the space that she needed.

He had even stopped listening to his father’s usual rantings about Seung being unfit to be the Deputy Chief. Even in the absence of Seung, Lee stood up for him and this had been a first. Min Jun thought that Lee Sung had always hated Seung, but he guessed he had been wrong.

The beatings he took probably knocked some sense into him....

Min Jun thought to himself as he observed them both. Sighing to himself, he just agreed with the two not wanting to waste any more time when Jin was waiting for him...oh and Seung too.

And now here they were. Min Jun and Jin outside, Haneul sitting in the kitchen watching as a women zipped by running down the same hall Seung had speed walked through just seconds ago. Shrugging his shoulders he got up to make himself some coffee.

"Seung! Wait please!"

Chae-young said as she caught up to Seung just as he was about to head into his room. Before he could slam the door shut in her face, Chae-young had pushed the door open with all her strength. Letting herself into the room, she closed the door behind her. Watching as Seung went and sat down unto his bed.

"We need to talk"

Time Stamp: 02:00pm

"Has broken this one little rule"