
The Path to the Truth: Male Reader X Naoto

So this is a unique story that is a crossover between Persona 4 and YuGiOh VRAINS. Our protagonist is the younger brother of Ghost Gal and Shepherd, who has a bad temper. This takes place before the events in VRAINS begin.

Shockman_21 · Urban
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39 Chs

What has been seen, cannot be unseen

MY EYES!!! Dear god what was-


What the hell was that!?

I got a call from Yosuke.

"H-H-Hey! What the—- I mean!?" Yosuke said. He's too flustered to get his point across.

"Calm down." I said

"I was getting there! But that was completely over the top!! Though, it really was Kanji. Dammit although we guessed right he still slipped through our fingers. If only we'd held our ground and stayed there a little longer. In any case, that place that was behind him, what do you think it is? "A superb site for those searching for sublime love?" I just don't get it! Anyways, we'd better hurry and come up with a plan tomorrow, because now we've got two to rescue. Did you hear back from your brother yet?" He asked

"No." I said.

May 18

Before school.

"Hey, did either of you two put on that really old American Christmas Halloween movie last night and turned up the volume too loud?" Nanako asked.

Ah, that's where that song came from.

"Uh, no." I said

"Huh, I must've been dreaming then." She said. "Have a good day big bro!"

Yu and I walked to school together.


"We are not discussing what we saw last night. Ever." He said

"I'm on board with that plan." I said

After school.

"*sigh, given the pattern so far, Kanji's already inside the TV." Yosuke said

"I wonder what the Midnight Channel really is." Yukiko said

"At first, I thought it was one of those "paranormal" things, but when I gave it a try, it was real." Chie said

The Link Call came on.

"Whoa! What's that!?" Yosuke asked

"It must be Kengo finally responding back." I said as I hit the arrow.

"I'll make this quick, so pay attention, all of you. Cal Kido, son of former Yakuza Clan leader Hyde Kido. Two years ago, at the age of 14 he would've been indoctrinated into the clan, instead he decided to go to the police and turn his whole family in. Due to a misunderstanding they put him in Juvie while his older brothers, father and mother were put in prison. As you know, he was released into protective custody the day you were sent into Juvie for assault. A year ago he disappeared from our world, but thanks to our mutual friend I've been able to track him. For a year he was hiding within the Kirijo Group, and then recently they sent him to Inaba for his own protection.... he's gone missing hasn't he?" He asked

We nodded. No one else besides us can see or hear him.

"Damn. The cops think that he might be connected to the culprit who assaulted Miyu Sugisaki. The real culprit." He said

"Which then proves my theory of there being two criminals. There's no way the kidnapper could've gotten to Kanji and Cal at the same time. They live across town from each other." I said

"Wait, who's Miyu Sugisaki?" Yosuke asked

"The girl I was falsely accused of almost beating to death." I said. "You've been a big help, thanks a lot Kengo."

He hung up.

"You know, if there's a rumour going around about the Midnight Channel, then that means that there's a bunch of people who are watching it." Yosuke said

"How did the rumour go? If you stare into a turned off TV on a rainy night." Yukiko started

"No one in their right mind would try something that ridiculous don't you think? Unless someone urged them to. But if you actually try, it does work, and not just once. If this rumour spreads and everyone starts watching the Midnight Channel.." Yosuke began

"It could cause a huge panic." Chie said

"If Teddie is right, the missing people themselves create the stuff we see. So it's not random, it's specifically related to whoever goes missing." Yosuke said

"Hm, Yukiko had a show too, but she doesn't remember doing anything like that." Chie said

"Um, this might be a little off subject but, the culprit is probably watching the shows that come on, right?" Yukiko asked

"No doubt. He's probably sitting back and enjoying- wait a sec! I bet he IS enjoying it! He's probably laughing his head off watching the "show" that comes on after he throws people into the TV!" Chie said

"Ahh, I get it. It's definitely possible. Ugh, now when I think of the killer I get this image of a total sicko! "I wanna see everything about you Yuki chan!" Yosuke said

"Urgh, ergh, UGH! Wait, so if people saw Yukiko's show, do you think that people were watching what happened to me too? Oh that is it! That killer is dead meat! I'm gonna leave footprints all over his face! Guys! First we save Kanji and Cal! Then, we crush the killer! Finally, we crush the killer and send them to hell! Got it!?" Chie asked

Fool Social Link: Rank 3

Oh no.

"Heehee, Ch-Chie, those last two were the same thing!" Yukiko said

"Uh I know." Chie said

We headed to the TV world.

"Hey Teddie, someone's here right?" Yosuke asked

"Oh, yep. I think someone's here. I've picked up two scents." Teddie said

"You think? Do you know where they are?" Chie asked

"I dunno." Teddie said

"We think it's two boys, one named Kanji, the other named Cal." Yukiko said

"I dunno." Teddie said

"What's wrong? Not feeling well?" Chie asked

"Well I sniff and I sniff, but I still can't tell where the smell comes from." Teddie said

"Aren't you thinking too much about too many things? I mean last time you were wondering about who you really are, and how long you've been here. Your head's empty to begin with dude. Don't stress out over stuff too much." Yosuke said

"You're right." Teddie said as he turned away.

"Whoa, he's seriously down about all this." Chie said

"If he can't figure out where they are, we're in deep trouble." Yosuke said

"I hate to bring this up, but we have another problem. Two targets, with a limited time to rescue them. Meaning we might have to split up, or I'll just go to Cal by myself since I'm a one man army." I said

"No can do. You'll get lost in there." Yu said. "Besides, we can rescue one and a two of us will take him outside, while the rest will rescue the other."

"We can't just run around aimlessly in a place like this." Yosuke said

"I know what might help! You should give me some clues about the two people!" Teddie said. "It's just a feeling I have. I think I could concentrate better with it. Do you have anything that could give me a good understanding of them?"

"Something about Kanji huh? I can't think of anything besides all the rumours about him." Yosuke said

"Yeah it's not like we know him that well. Same with Cal."

"Except we do have information about him." I said.

I explained everything to Teddie.

"I'm not sure what all of that means, but- WAIT! I've got something!" He said

"Then it's settled, we go after Cal now, and come back for Kanji when we have more info." I said. "It won't rain again at night for a while, so he'll be safe for now."

We all nodded in agreement.

"Well then, lead the way." I said to Teddie.