
The path to power

A young teenage boy was reincarnated to the medieval time. He reincarnated as a poor peasant orphan. One day when he turned 17 years old, he began to put his long dream into action.

GoldeneHand · Fantasy
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1 Chs


I was reincarnated... or transmigrated? I don't know.

It all started when I wanted to go back to my hometown with my friends on Sunday after a party. When the train arrived, I flew onto the tracks (I don't know how it happened) and was run over. Then everything went black.

After I transmigrated I suffered very bad headaches and it improved after weeks until I could finally open my eyes. What I first encountered was a small room with antique furniture. Even the bed looked like it was an antique and the mattress was rather hard and uncomfortable.

Through the knowledge of the old owner, I have learned that I was born into a noble family, the new world was like the Middle Ages in Europe. Unfortunately, I don't recognize the names of the cities or other geographical places and I couldn't find any world map, only a map of the area my family rules and its surroundings. Otherwise, I could use my knowledge about the events of the past. After all, the Middle Ages were not called the Dark Age for fun. All this comes later.

My new identity is Karl von Aschenbach-Ptera. The son of Baron of Ptera and Baroness of Ptera in the principality of Phoron. I am the oldest living son of my father, yes living. I had an older brother, a few years ago he died because of an illness. This is normal in these times when there is no real medicine or antibiotics. It is normal to have 6 children or more, where then probably 2 survive.

I slowly open my eyes, as my sleep was disturbed by church bells early in the morning. I get up and grab my clothes from the closet. It consists of red tunics with red leggings and black breeches.

I am currently walking through the hallway towards my destination.

Despite being a nobleman, I, who was a poor student in my last life, much less a noble, must learn many subjects as: noble manners, governing, history and language.

When I arrive at my destination I knock on the door.

*thud thud*–I modestly knock on the door. Even though I don't whats about, I'm still nervous.

"Father. I'm entering."

What I see is my father, Baron Friedrich von Preta, sitting on his desk. Several documents in his hands.

If I had to describe the inside of the room with a single phrase, I'd say "it's tidy".

In a space which appeared to not have even a speck of dust was a big table. An luxurious desk was placed beside it, creating the ambience of elegance.

As bookcases and ornaments were placed in the surroundings, the interior of the room felt quite spacious.

At first, there was no reaction from him. I say nothing and wait until he is finished. When he has finished reading, he puts the documents down and looks at me.

From appearances alone, he undoubtedly appeared to be a middle aged man, but with a firm look. Although he looked quite old, it felt as though his youth had yet to disappear.

His black hair was short but reflected the sun.

"Sit down" he points to a chair beside the table.

I sit down and keep looking at him.

Right now, I am in the office room of my father, right next to the bed-chamber. It is a place set up for the Baron for his work. Anything related to Ptera is here.

Yesterday my father told me to go to his study early in the morning to talk about certain matters. He looked serious.

"You will turn 10 next month. For your birthday party, several nobles from other regions will come. "

Since my awakening one week has passed and I have slowly got used to the environment. Yes and I am 10 years old.

"Yes, Father."

For the time being, I have not talked much with my father, because I don't want to be suspected. I have no memory of the old Karl, I had only had his knowledge of the world and language.

Until now I have not talked much with my father to be suspected. I have no memory of the old Karl, I had only had his knowledge of the world and language.

"Does it still hurt somewhere, or why have you become quieter since your illness?" he looks me into my eyes.


"Never mind, I don't care. What I wanted to say is that you should get ready for today. You have grown older and you have to experience the world. Today we're going to clean out a bandit's hideout." he says with a murderous look.

I knew that someone bandits were in our territory, but didn't think much of it.

"These bandits ruin my territory, I will kill these apes myself!"

This is my first novel and I'm not that good at English. However, I would be happy to receive some feedback.

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