
The path to eternity

A man on his path through life has to drink from one of the two cups. One grants him a glimpse of eternal flames that burn inside him, another shapes his path to ruin. The man has to choose one, but he doesn't know which in particular is which until he tastes the first tang of it.

Schriftsteller123 · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Training with Alice

Alice was waiting for her younger brother to her for training and she couldn't for the life of her get the idea that something was seriously wrong with Eiden. ''Not only did his behavior change drastically over the night but there was also the incident where he singlehandedly beat up one of the knights.'' After she heard about it she called her father's personal alchemist. He at first was trying to just persuade him that sometimes people on the brink of death, don't always come back the same, but after constant pestering from the girl he gave in and gave her the animaluminus stone. She was told that if she touches Eiden with this stone and it lights up this means his body is possessed by some sort of fiend but if it doesn't. she should just give up and accept the fact that extraordinary happenings do transform people in the strangest ways. She wrapped the stone around her arm to just pretend that it was part of her bracelet and that she wasn't some weirdo carrying around stones.

After a few minutes of waiting Eiden and Gary walked up to Alice.

Alice pretended to be in a bad mood because of the latecomers. ''You are late Eiden and who is your boyfriend walking beside you?

''Excuse me what did you just say? '' Eiden really didn't appreciate her humor.

''Oh nothing dear brother, let us begin training. So why don't you pick yourself a weapon?''

''Oh dear sister why don't we spar hand to hand first'' He really wanted to get his arms around her delicate neck and teach her a lesson of how important it is not to insult people with egos as massive as his,

''I don't think so Eiden, take away the weapons and the magic and we would actually have ourselves an almost fair fight. And what would you learn then? I can have my little brother walk around the world thinking it's fair now, can I?

Eiden laughed to himself, the girl even tho is stronger with her sword and her magic then he still can't admit that she is worse than him in one discipline and that she would get absolutely pummeled if they would cross arms instead of swords. He decided to ignore her. ''Alice this is Gary my new personal guard and Gary this is my bitch of a sister Alice.

Gary felt awkward and completely out of place watching the siblings insult each other, and now he had a feeling he is gonna become collateral damage in their fight.

Bitch huh? It's a good thing alchemists have produced healing potions because you would look awfully pathetic without your teeth and your tongue after I di will dispose of them in a minute you little asshat. ''Pick a weapon, Eiden.''

Eiden looked over the wall with all the weapons, he could see swords, shields, axes, spears, hammers, bows, and different kinds of unique weapons like katanas, kings, bolas, sarissas, and the like. His look stopped on a spear, considering he wasn't a trained fighter having an edge in range does mean something tho as he was about to learn not that much. He also picked up a shield for some extra protection and assumed a fighting position.

Wait, I don't think fighting just you would be much of a challenge and your guard also needs training. You pick up a weapon as well.

And here it is, thought Gary, not only does he have to listen to their bickering he will also get his as beat by a noble little brat. He went to the wall and picked a falcata and a shield, and joined his master's side.

'' Well let's begin said Eiden just before storming towards his sister, he knew that mindless violence usually is not the best tactic but sometimes, a decisive and surprising onslaught can give an inexperienced novice a victory against a seasoned master. He stabbed with his spear against Alice with a flurry of different aiming stabs but they all missed. Once he aimed at her head, then at her leg the third time at her torso. Bus she evaded the blows like they were done by a tortoise. Suddenly Eiden saw a sly smile on her face and the next moment he saw her moving, and towards him came tumbling Gary. Alice moved just in time for their disastrously unsynchronized attack to fail miserably. ''You two do know you are fighting me right? Ahahah pathetic I tell you. Both Eiden and Gary stood up and attacked again. This time they weren't exactly better but at least they managed to stay on their feet. they were both breathing heavily after hardly parrying all her attacks and unfortunately for them, some slashes did hit the target so they were also losing some blood and starting to feel weaker and weaker as time went by. ''Ok listen, Gary, you distract her and I will attack her legs.'' Gary nodded and they once more commenced their attack, as one made a slash towards her head another down on the ground and slashed at her ankle. The girl did manage to block the first hit but she moved he leg just a second too late and the was a shallow wound on her leg. This angered the girl so she evaded another slash from Gary and moved behind his back where she kicked his lover back, successfully dropping him to the ground. Eiden in the meantime was already on his legs but not for long because, Alice gave him a low kick successfully making him kneel. She followed the low kick with a kick to his head making him unconscious.

Alice making Eiden take a nap, went to him and gave him a healing potion then she pressed the stone to his forehead and watched in surprise as it did nothing. ''Hm no reaction, this can't be real, he can't be the real Eiden, or if it is really him something strange must have happened with him. She sighed deeply, threw another potion at Gary, and took a sit next to Eiden.

''Tell me Gary how does a spoiled little nerd best a duke's knight during a fistfight? I guess another question would be how does he manage to stand on his feet against me as long as he did, but first, do answer my question?

''Well my lady, he fights really well, his punching and grappling techniques are superior to mine and I am one of the better fighters among your father's guard. I would say he had a splendid teacher. '' Gary did also find the fact that his master who was known as a scholar and in no shape or form a fighter in reality almost a master in hand-to-hand combat but he really didn't find it prudent to voice his opinion at loud. He just assumed he must have been practicing in secret he thought, another question in his mind was who was Eiden's teacher.

'' That's just the thing, as far as my knowledge goes he had no teacher, heck I'm pretty sure he didn't even watch a real fight or open up a manual.''

Gary gave the girl an awkward smile and said:'' well he had to have learned to fight somewhere, people don't just wake up as masters,'' haha laughed Gary while scratching his head.

''Indeed they don't.'' The seriousness with which Alice spoke the last word gave the knight a feeling of uneasiness, but luckily his master was starting to wake up so that he could finally put an end to the strange conversation.

''Sir Eiden, you are awake,'' Gary quickly walked to him and helped him stand up. After which, Eiden took out his waterskin and greedily drank from it, so much so that half of the water missed his mouth and splashed on his body and clothes. He really didn't mind and also poured the water over his head. The cold water really felt good over his heated body. ''Do you really have no control woman, you nearly killed us both. This is training remember not let commit fratricide and disguise it as a training accident.''

''Stop being such a baby I barely touched you and besides you will wish for a beating from now on because there will be no more sparing till further notice, you two will begin learning, fighting stances and your weapons' techniques and you will practice them on those practice dummies over there. Eiden, you will also learn the art of the sword. Remember knowing how to fight with one weapon is passable but knowing how to fight many is wise. Also, you are a noble so knowing how to swing a sword is a given. Furthermore, you have to seriously improve upon your physique so you can expect a ton of running, push-ups, situps, weight training, and whatever workout I come up with hahaha.'' After laughing she added: ''this will be so much fun little brother.''

Eiden started to feel a sudden feeling of dread descending upon him, this girl is enjoying herself too much, he thought, defeated he added. '' Can't wait Alice.'' There was a thought that went through his mind about how he needed to make sure other people don't realize he isn't the one he is pretending to be. He said in a serious voice.''By the way, can I have a word with you in private?''

Alice dropped the smile in surprise and came closer to him while saying: ''sure what is it?'' Gary in the meantime decided to give them some privacy and he suddenly developed a fascination with the wall on the opposite side from where the siblings were.

Eiden whispered in the girl's ear: '' I wanted to thank you for today's lessons, Alice. I've always thought that using violence to solve problems was a primitive thing to do, but I think that was an unwise perception of the reality we live in. I haven't told you this but on the night before I got cured, I had a dream. In it I dreamed of our duchy, I dreamed of myself inheriting this duchy. And you know what happened. It burned to the ground'' Eiden pretended to be sorrowful while continuing. ''Those animals came through our bothers and slaughtered every man, woman, and child they could find. They demolished and burned all the villages and cities until nothing was left but ash and despair. Maybe it is a funny thing for me to change my view of life only because of a dream, but the despair I felt in that dream was real, and there was nothing I was able to do to protect the people I loved and there is no chance in hell that anybody will harm my family or my people while I'm still standing. Nobody will harm you, Alice''

This was what Alice wanted to hear an explanation for why her brother has changed so suddenly and that together with the little test she did early eased her mind. She thought about how silly she is being doubting her little brother was really him. She felt overwhelmed with emotions of guilt and love for her brother, hugging him tightly.

One more thing, you know about the Karakkov pass which is one of the crucial strongholds right?

Alice nodded. Of course, what about it?

There have been movements of enemy forces spotted around it and mother has sent reinforcements there.

Don't worry about it skirmishes and orc raids are completely normal at the border. I doubt there will be any serious fighting there since the main orc forces are attacking the Chiron's wall where our father is.

I don't know Alice but I have a bad feeling about it nevertheless.

Well, all you can do momentarily is train so that you can go and help father and stop concerning yourself with things above your paygrade.