
The path to a happy Life

The young boy Katsumi learns much and hard for a better future for his life, respectively for his family. Even though his life condition isn’t as bad as a poor family. What are his intentions with his deeds? Why did he feel so attracted to the school? What is the reason or the meaning behind his thoughts? Does he it with a free will? The story discusses about a person who learns his ‘’me’’, his self, his identity during he gets confront with many specific problems. The beginning of a new life.

MrGdeSama · Realistic
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2 Chs

Prologue 1 [Life is...]


It is a place what is very highly recognized or detested in the society. The views on this subject differ excessively, some see opportunities for a carefree life and others as a place full of worries and depression.

The same thought, the young student Katsumi also.

Opportunities for the future, he certainly thought to himself.

He just wants to finish school as soon as possible and finally enter the professional world. You could almost think he just wants to live a "normal" life. A life without sorrow, without grief, a life without external disturbances, a life for himself.

>>2 weeks since school started<<


"Hey Katsumi, everything good with you," Hideaki asks justifiably, what was going on with his buddy. -Although he knew exactly what the concern of his best friend was, namely, because of the achievement test that they had to write at the beginning of the school year.

"Oh, there's nothing to it."

"Are you sure-"

"Sure, sure. Everything is fine...really," Katsumi emphasized again clearly.

Even though Katsumi knew that his good friend Hideaki recognized this white lie immediately, Katsumi still had to commit this act in order not to make his buddy worry about what was really wrong with him.

In addition, he does not want to receive more attention from his classmates. Since his place is already to the left of the center, the middle row. What also means, each so inattentive movement respectively attitude leads to an uncomfortable situation, for Katsumi, there.

However, Katsumi sits on the opposite side of the row, which means that Hideaki has to push his way through the whole row and tables every time to be able to talk to Katsumi.

Even still, Hideaki isn't even that unpopular in class, which makes it difficult for Katsumi to remain undercover in class. Even the activity of closing the curtains makes Katsumi feel uncomfortable.

Hideaki Yoru, 15 years old, member and captain of the Kendo team of his current school. Since middle school, Hideaki has been involved in the martial art of Kendo and was also a part of the school team, or rather, he was the team captain there.

"All right, if you say so. Anyway, I wanted to know, how do you think the performance test turned out?"

["This performance test is getting on my last nerve! Oh, it's not even close to being as important as the actual exams that come later. Besides, the entrance exam was stressful enough"], thought Katsumi.

"Katsumi? Are you listening to me?"

["Mmh, but didn't the teachers mean that the results were fundamental to the future course of instruction?"]

"Hello?! Katsumi?!"

"Huh-what is it?"

"I asked what you thought", Hideaki repeated to Katsumi in exasperation. Despite knowing that something was wrong with Katsumi, Hideaki remained silent. Surely, Hideaki's purpose was for Katsumi himself to tell what was on his mind.

Katsumi and Hideaki have known each other since middle school and were in the same class. Therefore, it is not surprising that Hideaki could already experience Katsumi's attributes and habits.

"Do you mean from the statement? Well, I didn't find it difficult, so to speak, it was doable. That's exactly how I would say it. But of course there were problems in some places, where you had to think more than you thought. Even still, there were-"

"Okay, okay, got it, didn't have to go into detail. But interestingly I would have honestly thought it was easier for you."

"Well, it is what it is. What was it like for you anyway? From what I saw, you obviously had your own problems too, haha."

"Oh, shut up! How was I supposed to know that such topics would be asked, and besides, who could have anticipated that this school would be so serious? I mean, the entrance exam already served as proof of what our level of knowledge is, or where our competencies currently lie", Hideaki answers while looking out the window.

"Oh, you don't say," Katsumi replies mockingly.

"Pff, what you say, honestly," says Koshiro, from the middle, last row.

"Oi Koshiro, you'd better keep reading your crappy romance manga than interfering in other conversations", Hideaki retorts with anger.

"What did you say, you bum," Koshiro replies as he walks over to Hideaki.

"You have no idea what makes a good Manga! You consume shit anyway, shit like your kendo skills."

Koshiro Mori, 15, is also a member of the kendo school team and is only the second best, behind Yoru. His strengths lie more in the intellectual areas or school subjects. He likes to read manga and has an enormous grudge against Yoru (based on mutuality).

"Huh?! Are you looking for stress, or what is this?!"

"I'm not going to waste my energy on you, my time is too valuable for that," Koshiro says disrespectful.

"Tzz, just as I thought."

"Huh, what does that mean now?!"

"That you don't have the confidence to stand up to me. Including in Kendo, which, by the way, was already blatant."

"I'm supposed to have no chance against you in kendo? Haa, ridiculous. I would even beat you with one hand! But we'll see later during training anyway."

"Why wait so long?! There are other methods to teach you some lessons!"

"You know what, why don't we settle it here and now!"

"Um, guys, take it down a notch. You'll attract attention in the class," Katsumi interferes.

"You stay out of it! It's a thing between me and him," both answer, with a loud bawl.

*bam, bam*

"Ouch, what the fuck, class president?!"

"Ow, you old witch, why are you doing this?!"

"You idiots! Don't you realize that you are disturbing the others?!"

"Oh, thank you Arima-san. Finally they stop."

Fuyuko Arima, 16 years old, current class president of 1-B. A disciplined student who only radiates order and norms. She longs for greater successes.

"Oh my goodness, what is wrong with you people," Fuyuko says exhaustedly afterwards.

"Tzz, I thought I had articulated myself clearly," Hideaki replies while touching the back of his head, "but no, that witch has to interfere again. Typical Fuyuko."

*bam, bam*

"A little respect would be appropriate, too."

"But class president, how can it be that you overheard our dispute", Koshiro asks curiously.

"When you morons yell at each other so loudly! Then of course you get it with! It's logical! What did you expect that you whispered?!"

"....ohh," Koshiro replies bluntly.

"Honestly, is it really too much to ask to have some peace and quiet about this-"

"Dude, that's enough! How many times are you going to hit me on the head," Hideaki says while standing up.

"Well, those who can't hear must feel."

"Oi Hideaki, come back down now. The problem has been solved and that's good", Koshiro interferes.

"For you maybe, fucking romance reader! You did not continue to be hit on the head!"

"Huh?! What did you just say, you ass?!"

"Can you idiots finally stop! The lesson is about to start anyway!"

"Hey, don't talk like you didn't initiate this new dispute, you old hag."

*bam, bam*

"Um...I think he's unconscious, class president. He's not moving and his head is bleeding more than before..."

"Hmm, that could be problematic, but I'm sure he'll be fine on his own. I have to admit that his skull can withstand more than expected. But that was ..."

During the whole dispute Katsumi stayed out of it and only observed the situation secretly. He noticed that it had similarities to the first day after spring break. The more Katsumi thinks about it, the more absent-minded Katsumi becomes. To find out what Katsumi is currently thinking about, we have to go to the first day of school after the vacations.

>>The 1st day after spring vacation<<

A new school year is about to begin at the new school: "Shinjuku International High School". One of the most prestigious and recognized private high schools in Shinjuku. Not only because of its reputation or its status in society, but also the high probability of an international course of study of choice. In addition, the immense influence in the area also counts, since one owns additionally two sister school, the "Shinjuku international Middle School and Elementary School".

"I'm slowly getting ready to leave", Katsumi mentions while putting on his shoes.

"Okay Katsumi, but don't forget to buy the eggs after school, you wanted to eat fried rice."

"Yes, Mom..."

"See you later then.-Oh wait, you can pick up your siblings later too while you're at it."

"Yup, yup, mom..."

"Oh, Katsumi, come on! New school year, new luck. Where's the power?! The motivation come on!"

"Yeah, yuhu...", Katsumi responds demotivated.

"Oh, go on, killjoy. You wanted to meet with Hideaki-kun. Come on, hurry up, or you'll be late."

"Aye, aye..."

"Sigh, you really are a hopeless case."

"Whatever you say, see you later."

"If he continues to behave like this, I don't see any grandchildren."

["Uff, more like a new school year, new depressions. At least the admission for the new school went smoothly, so far. I hope it will stay that way."]

["So where did Hideaki want to meet again?"]

All these thoughts that were buzzing in Katsumi's head have not only been present for a short time. Already in elementary school Katsumi imagined to finish his school career as soon as possible, to participate in academic studies and to enter the professional world. He was not only concerned with material things, but also with independence. Until middle school.

I am looking forward for constructive criticism.

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