
The path of the Soul

A man teleported into a game of his own creation, without the ability to cultivate mana. A world filled with wonder and many more He found himself trying to go against beings he couldn't comprehend leading him to sit on the throne.

Alex_kingstone · Fantasy
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63 Chs

Chapter 60: The Fight Raged On


A shockwave surged from two brilliant figures in the sky, resembling gods to those below, who had no refuge from their clashing. The clash of titans painted a scene of celestial chaos, as if the very heavens were torn asunder by their power. A barrier enclosed the city, its shimmering walls trapping its inhabitants within the tempest of their battle. Blood stained the heavens, drawn towards one who appeared more divine than the other, as if fate itself had chosen a side.

Once-blue scales, a testament to Alex's draconic heritage, underwent a breathtaking transformation, transmuting into the brilliance of gold. His hair and eyes mirrored this metamorphosis, glowing with an ethereal radiance that eclipsed the sun. An aura, akin to that of celestial beings, enveloped him, marking his presence as something beyond mortal comprehension. Yet, amidst this divine spectacle, a notable absence caught the eye—the Golden mark that should have adorned his forehead was replaced by a lotus with eight leaves, a symbol of enigmatic significance. His once-black katana, an extension of his very being, now gleamed white with golden runes, pulsating with otherworldly power.

With each strike, a symphony of flames and sword intent echoed through the battlefield, leaving behind rippling shockwaves that distorted the fabric of reality itself. Pushing against each other with unrestrained ferocity, ALEX, with his cold and emotionless demeanor, fixed his unwavering gaze upon Levi, sending a chill down his spine. "Hand over the girl, Martial King," his commanding voice resonated, cutting through the chaos like a blade through silk.

[Lv90]= S+ (Levi)

Levi's response was swift and decisive. "I'm sorry, but I can't allow that," he stated calmly, his form dissolving into the air with the fluidity of a true master. Every movement he made was graceful, as if choreographed by an unseen force. His imposing great sword crackled with dark energy, shrouding it in an ominous aura.

"Dark: Lightless slash," Levi intoned as he unleashed his devastating attack, his voice carrying the weight of ancient power.

In response, Alex called forth his own technique, channeling his newfound strength. "Second form: Zurichi!" he declared, weaving together arcane mana, sword intent, and the eternal flames of his essence.

The collision of their attacks shook the very fabric of reality, bridging the gap that Alex had once struggled to overcome. The pressure emanating from their clash distorted the space around them, causing a slight twist in the surrounding environment.


With a resounding boom, the sky blurred as the two titans clashed, each vying for supremacy. Despite Alex's recent ascension to the prestigious realm of S-rank, he met Levi's assaults with skill and determination. As their battle raged on, Alex continued to ascend, his level of mastery and understanding growing with each passing moment.

Ting ting ting ting ting

Shockwaves rippled through the air, a tangible manifestation of the fierce clash between Alex and Levi. Alex's sword intent surged, growing stronger with each passing moment. Despite the battle having only raged for five minutes, the once bustling city now lay in ruins. Buildings crumbled, debris scattered, and fires raged unchecked amidst the chaos.

With lightning reflexes, Alex dodged an incoming attack from Levi and swiftly countered, his blade finding its mark and sending Levi staggering backward. As he observed Levi's defense, Alex noted the dark armor that adorned his opponent. It wasn't merely an external artifact; it seemed to be a manifestation of Levi's own Element.

Intrigued yet cautious, Alex hesitated to delve deeper into the nature of Levi's element. He was already consuming a significant amount of arcane mana in the intense battle, and further exploration could prove risky.

Utilizing his spatial manipulation abilities, Alex swiftly closed the distance between himself and Levi, appearing right where Levi's previous strike had landed. With a swift motion, he unleashed a series of Moon arc slashes, aiming to overwhelm his opponent. Levi, however, proved to be a formidable adversary, countering Alex's assault and triggering another explosion that added to the destruction already wrought upon the beleaguered city.

[Flash step activated]

Dodging attacks with lightning speed, Levi unleashed "Dark sword: Dominion," creating a wide-reaching slash of destruction. Teleporting wasn't an option, as it would afford Levi a moment to recover. Witnessing Levi's technique, Alex was impressed and advanced, protected by a barrier.

[(A) Darkness Barrier – Casts a defensive barrier with a 10-meter radius, made of darkness element, three times the host's physical defense. (Weak against holy magic). Requires 10,000 Arcane mana per second.]


Levi thought he had struck Alex, but he remained unscathed. 'This can't be.'

[Eternal Flames+Lightning Flash activated]

[Raging lightning activated]

Clouds gathered as lightning surged towards Levi, limiting his movement. Sensing the impending danger, Levi braced himself to clash with Alex. "First form!!!!!"

"Third form!!!!" Levi roared.

"Tostuki!!!" Alex shouted, summoning a sky dragon.

"Rusho!!!!!" Levi countered, conjuring a creature unknown to Alex, striking fear into all who beheld it.


The space quivered, unable to contain the force, resulting in an explosion that decimated a third of the city. Many perished, their blood absorbed by Alex's necklace.

Atop the protected hill near the manor, Cain observed the chaos with a grim smile. "I knew he was powerful, but this…" He was astonished.

The three A-rank warriors stood behind him, shielded by the barrier. Lydia, fear evident in her eyes, pondered their next move. "What do we do? He's covered the entire city with a barrier."

"I'll join Levi to finish him," Cain declared. "You three, ensure the girl is guarded or eliminated. Even a momentary delay could be crucial." His gaze drifted to the necklace.

Dashing out of the barrier, Cain charged into battle, while the old man instructed the soldiers to stand guard and report any developments.

"Yes, sir!" they responded.

"Right, we'll—" Before they could finish, a chill swept over them. Turning, they beheld a young man with a handsome face, silver hair, and piercing blue eyes. "Who are you?"

"It seems my master is causing quite a stir," the newcomer remarked calmly. "A pity. I sympathize with your predicament." He sighed. "I wish I could assist him, but orders are orders."

The three were paralyzed until the old man urged, "Move!"