
The path of the Soul

A man teleported into a game of his own creation, without the ability to cultivate mana. A world filled with wonder and many more He found himself trying to go against beings he couldn't comprehend leading him to sit on the throne.

Alex_kingstone · Fantasy
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63 Chs

Chapter 47: Cold-Hearted Lessen Given

A blazing strike scorched the land and sky, leaving nothing but destruction in its wake. The atmosphere's temperature soared to extreme heights, and the unaffected forest burned from the relentless flames. The golden light, once majestic, now instilled panic in the forest beasts. Lightning crackled in the atmosphere as if even space itself had been affected by the attack.

Nevertheless, Sasha remained unaffected because the strike hadn't landed on her. Stunned, she looked behind to see the destruction left in its wake—a deep gouge, over 100 meters in length. It dawned on her that fighting with Alex was pointless; his power had reached the pinnacle of A+ rank, if not S rank.

The feeling of powerlessness washed over her once more, shaking her emotions. Why had Alex done this? Simply put, he couldn't spend the entire night fighting her; he lacked the energy and time. He would rather retreat and cultivate than indulge her. To him, it was a lesson for her to control her emotions.

He knew his actions were cold-hearted, but Sasha didn't hesitate to kill just to vent her anger. He refused to play her game and chose to focus on preparing for future enemies. He learned a valuable lesson—that he wasn't strong enough.

Alex extended his hand to her, offering help, but she rejected his kindness by wanting to be her punching bag. In a cold voice, he said, "If this is how you repay my kindness, then... Goodbye. I'll contact you when I want our deal to happen." He sheathed his weapon and it disappeared before he walked toward where his eternal flames still burned.

With a wave of his hand, the flames and lightning vanished, concealed behind him. Without hesitation, he continued on his path, disappearing into the distance. "Please don't leave me," Sasha murmured softly.

Five kilometers ahead,

Alex collapsed to the ground, and Ava appeared to catch him. "Master, are you alright?"

"Yeah, just exhausted from trying to fuse elements. It took a toll on me," he smiled, still with cloth covering his eyes. "Even though my regeneration is fast, that technique requires tremendous mental and physical focus to prevent the elements from exploding. But it was worth trying. For now, I need some rest."

He sat against a nearby tree, removing the cloth from his eyes. "The world seems beautiful and yet not at the same time," he remarked.

"Was that the right choice, Master?" Ava asked, lying beside him. "I mean, with Sasha. She seemed mentally and physically unstable."

"Yeah, she was. But if I need someone beside me, that person should trust me and not treat me so poorly," Alex explained. "Ava, if you had to choose, would you prefer a partner who loses themselves in anger and tries to kill you, or someone who shares their problems and seeks help to fix them?"

Understanding his point, Ava nodded. "Changing the subject, you seem about to evolve," Alex noted.

"Is it a strange feeling?" Alex inquired, and Ava nodded.

"Huh... Will I also have a human form like Ximena?"

"Mmm, yes. With the devour ability, I can give you more Arcane mana, increasing the rate of evolution."

"No, I'm fine. I'd prefer you to give it when I'm about to evolve, not at the moment," Alex nodded, gazing into the sky. "It's a beautiful night, isn't it?"

"Yes, it is. Thank you, Ava," he said, closing his eyes.

"What for?" she asked, but then realized that Alex had already fallen asleep. She smiled, remembering that since the Dwarf city, her master had not rested. He cultivated, spent time hunting beasts for coins, and trained his swordsmanship and Arcane mana. [She didn't know when he slept in the dungeon.]

"I'll always be with you, Master, from the moment you made me yours. I'll die, kill, and even destroy anything that tries to harm you. So, as my King, my alpha, I'm here," she said, making herself his pillow as he slept peacefully.

With Sasha,

She remained in the same spot, unmoving. "Please come back." Suddenly, she felt a presence before her. Her head rose with joy to see a woman with white hair and dragon wings behind her.

"So, you're the one who made my husband so sad," Ximena said, her golden dragon eyes staring deep into Sasha's soul. "But it seems you've been forgotten, and now you'll witness his godly visage, above all."

"Who are you?" Sasha asked, though she knew the answer because she had sensed her when they arrived at the city.

Ximena snorted. "No matter how much I'd like to remove another wife from my husband's heart, I know that would hurt him even more. So, ask for forgiveness, little human."

"What?" Sasha had a confused expression, but then said, "I don't even know where he is."

"Then find him. I wish to help you, but this is just a clone, so my abilities are limited," Ximena said as the clone started disappearing from her sight.