

Fiona, Rosey, Stella, Monica, Cherry Fiona and Rosey are sisters Stella and Monica are sisters Fiona was forced to marry david Denzel liked Stella but Stella didn't liked denzel Monica was already divorced first she married Albert but because of some misunderstanding they both divorced each other. Cherry is in love with Austin Austin stays with her granny victoria and stays front of cherry house. Fiona rosey Stella monica and cherry stays near each other What will happen next ? Will fiona fall for david ? Will denzel fall for Stella ? Will monica and albert be able to clear the misunderstanding between them ? Will Austin come to know that cherry loves him ? Do Austin loves cherry ? You will come to know very think you just have to read the chapters SORRY FOR THE GRAMMATICAL MISTAKES SORRY

ARCHANA · Fantasy
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7 Chs


I entered the hall thinking that today my sister's life is going to change she is going to get married soon, but i didn't thought that my life will also change i never thought about this tragedy my life is going to be totally fake after marrying david, everything is going to become fake. Fake marriage, fake love, fake smike everything between us will be fake nothing will be genuine today rosie's marriage was announced, and my marriage is also announced after the announcement fiona, wanted to meet david, she wanted to know that really david, loved her or he is also forced she gone to david, he was sitting with his friends fiona, gather the courage to go, and interrupt him she called david, he turned back and sawed her fiance he got up from his place and asked her what happened ? She answered : I want to talk with you privately? Is that possible today? He replied: I too wanted to talk, and it is possible today wait for me there he pointed his finger towards cascade he said : Wait for me near the cascade. The cascade was near the table where he was sitting his friends started to tease him, and it was clearly heard by fiona. David, gone have a conversation with fiona. David said : whatever my friends said just ingnore it. Fiona said: It is normal for me now. Fiona asked david: You have been forced to marry me or she stopped she didn't wanted to continue. David answered her : I was forced . What about you ? Fiona answered: I was also forced, but I agreed to marry for my sister. David replied: I agreed for my brother. They both were forced to marry eachother. Fiona said : I would like to finish our conversation here is that okay for you ? David said : Yeah! It's fine . After the great tragedy all came back to home rosie, was still unaware of this tragedy. Fiona entered the home, and straight went to her room whole night she was unable to sleep she was just thinking about the tragedy just happened she was thinking how her life is going to change more and more.