

Fiona, Rosey, Stella, Monica, Cherry Fiona and Rosey are sisters Stella and Monica are sisters Fiona was forced to marry david Denzel liked Stella but Stella didn't liked denzel Monica was already divorced first she married Albert but because of some misunderstanding they both divorced each other. Cherry is in love with Austin Austin stays with her granny victoria and stays front of cherry house. Fiona rosey Stella monica and cherry stays near each other What will happen next ? Will fiona fall for david ? Will denzel fall for Stella ? Will monica and albert be able to clear the misunderstanding between them ? Will Austin come to know that cherry loves him ? Do Austin loves cherry ? You will come to know very think you just have to read the chapters SORRY FOR THE GRAMMATICAL MISTAKES SORRY

ARCHANA · Fantasy
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7 Chs


Teresa replied back : you don't worry about Jenny or jenny's family I will see to it you just ask fiona, for this marriage, and if you don't then I will make sure that the marriage is call off. Amy replied : okay! I will ask her for this marriage. Emerson, also agreed to amy, they both gone to fiona, together they saw her with her friends laughing and chilling out. They both moved closer to her. Amy, patted on fiona's, back fiona turns back to see the person who just patted on her back she turned and sawed her mom. Fiona said : Mom what happen ? She said those sentence with a smile. Amy, replied dear come with me I want to talk to you privately. Fiona replied with the same smile : Sure! Mom fiona asked the friends to wait for her she said to them : she will be right back after 15 minutes. She gone with her mom her mom took her in the corner of the hall and then she started to say she was hesitating to say the matter. fiona said: what happen mom ? Say me don't hesitate to say me anything. Amy rubbed her hand on fiona's face with full of affection fiona, was thinking that what happened to her mom today suddenly ? Amy removed her hand from fiona's face and looked at her another side, and then looked down to the ground because she didn't want her daughter to see her tears she continues to say looking down at the ground she said: listen to me very carefully fiona after completing the sentence amy, looked at the other side of her she continues she again repeats the sentence fiona takes her hand to amy's shoulder and fiona bows down, and then fiona said: mom what happened ? please say me mom. Amy continues: Teresa wants you to become her daughter in law listening this sentence fiona was hell shocked

Really sorry for the grammatical mistakes