
The Path of Emperors

The Qi of the world is in turmoil, a golden generation is brewing. Countless heavenly geniuses and fairy's are born, generations have passed since a sole Emperor ruled, will there ever be someone who can restore peace in this world? With the existence of multiple Emperors that could sunder the earth, flip the heavens and manipulate the man, peace has been long been since a thing of the past. Wars are waged over resources. Vanity and Greed are everywhere. But the heavens had enough, it is time to propose a new man—a ruler—that would bring peace to the earth. A brand new age, shining swords flying everywhere and rare elements being willed by cultivators, heavenly-defying pills being consumed and robust ancient formations being built are a common sight to see. Even mortal sects are more affected by the absence of peace and the rising new generation. The Cryptic Sword Hall's sect master in particular is betrayed, abandoned, and out for vengeance. His sect that he built with his own hands, destroyed by those he calls his own friends and allies. Bitterly escaping the clutches of his enemies, he narrowly escaped death and in his last breath filled with the desire to cut, a simple but beautiful iron sword descended and stabbed his chest.

benadiction · Eastern
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7 Chs

Last Disciple (II)

Staring at the incoming sword strike, Tou Jingxia instinctively raised her hand gently blocking it. Not a scar or even a scratch has been put on her hand, but she clearly felt the power that no mortal without cultivation should have.

Tou Jingxia is sporting a smile on her face, she finally found the one that the old man said to her. Her last disciple that she will ever take.

Long Wuxian's brows were furrowed, he did not expect someone to sneak up on him without detecting it. Also, the fact that his strongest strike being blocked without a sweat.

Gripping his hilt tightly, he gritted his teeth but when he was about to move a heavenly voice stopped him.

"Wait, will you be my disciple?" Tou Jingxia said hurriedly, she then realize how stupid she sounded. Randomly asking a stranger that she has no relation of, to be her disciple.

Unexpectedly, Long Wuxian contemplated on her question. He was not blind and stupid, currently he is powerless against this veiled woman who can easily block his strike without effort. She is definitely a powerhouse that is a whole another level compared to people he saw before.

But saying yes will make it seem that he is too easy, and that might ick this veiled woman. He can never know, his father said the stronger they are the stranger they are.

"Are you powerful?" he blurted out, it has been a long time since he asked a question.

Tou Jingxia looked at the serious look of this young man, she couldn't help but chuckle and feel sad, "Hehe, someone said the same thing to me before." she paused then smiled, "Yes, I am currently the number one strongest entity in the whole Supreme Emperor World. My name is Tou Jingxia, a Grand Elder of the Heavens Equal Sect."

Tou Jingxia then gaze towards him, and she sensed confusion and a little bit of distrust? This brat is impudent, I am only saying the truth.

Long Wuxian looked dumbfounded, Supreme Emperor World and Heavens Equal sect? He tried his best to put on a natural expression and said, "Even though I never heard of it before, but it sounds very powerful." he took a deep breath and continued, "And even though you are the... strongest. Can you even teach me the sword."

Tou Jingxia laughed hard, even with that demonstration that she showed this kid is still vigilant and not impressed.

Long Wuxian just stood there waiting for her to demonstrate.

"I haven't laughed that hard in years, here let me show you what you did earlier." Her aura instantly changed, the surroundings turned still.

Tou Jingxia is mimicking Long Wuxian's earlier stance before he slashed, but it looked much more refined and perfect. Her hand opened and reached out for Long Wuxian's sword, but before he could throw it, the sword just gravitated fast towards her.

Her aura again instantly changed by the time the sword landed on her hand. The difference were like night and day, her aura was rising like a sword slowly sheathing. She closed her eyes and inhaled.

By the time she exhaled, her eyes opened in her veil and the sword is slowly descending aiming towards a cliff.


No sound rang out, no crash just her shout. It was the most anti-climactic scene Long Wuxian has ever seen.

He looked towards Tou Jingxia walking towards him, his mouth is still agape.

Tou Jingxia was smiling brightly, she then threw his towards him and said, "Meet me at the Village chiefs house when you are ready to accept me as your master." She then disappeared like smoke before Long Wuxian could respond.

He looked towards his sword but saw it crumbling down like sand, shocked he gazed towards the cliff and approached it.

Long Wuxian arrived at the cliff and what he saw dumbfounded him. There was a slice on the middle of the cliff!

He measured it to be only a centimeter long and could not be seen by the naked eye of a mortal in a far away distance.

How could he not be shocked? His sword was dull and it was a little bit thick.

But most impressive of all, the cliff did not even budge.

Standing there for a long time, he saw what his future self might be if he took her as his master.

Holding the Sword mark while sighing, he let go and strode towards the village.

It was time to open up his heart towards others again.

Tou Jingxia appeared on a room, she then replayed what happened in her mind repeatedly then murmured, "That should impress him right?" she said then plopped on the bed.

She sprawled out her arm unrestrainedly and relaxed.

Tou Jingxia waited for an hour, she started to get jittery but then a sudden thought invaded her mind, "It couldn't be that he didn't saw the mark right?"

She slapped her forehead, and sigh deeply.

When she was about to find him, a knock rang out her door, "Miss, a young man with a sword stuck on his chest came to meet you."

Tou Jingxia sighed with relief. What did that boy do that made me wait this long?

"Send him in, I have been waiting for him."

After a couple moments, Long Wuxian arrived at the room. He was currently fidgety and nervous at this moment, but he still put on a brave front.

Tou Jingxia could easily see this but didn't say it out loud, there was total silence for minutes. Tou Jingxia could not bare it anymore and she said, "So what is your answer, will you accept me as your master or leave?"

Long Wuxian sighed, looking down he saw the sword that is currently lugged towards his chest. After that time, he never depended on anyone anymore and started to become a loner.

It helped in becoming independent, but he missed those times that he has a shoulder to rely on. Now he has this chance, though it is a gamble, it was a gamble he was willing to take, "Disciple Long Wuxian sees master Tou Jingxia!"

He kowtowed nine times as part of a disciple and master ritual, and he kept his head low waiting for Tou Jingxia's response.

"What an interesting name, is it as in limitless dragon, eternal cage or any other meaning?" She said with interest, having domineering names can somewhat influence someone's fate in someway.

"It was my mother who has the surname of cage and my father who named me eternal. My father never explained it to me why I took my mother's surname but I never bothered to ask about it." Long Wuxian never thought much about his name, but he wished it was the other meaning.

"Well as for me, you already know and I won't bother but most call be my title Deviant Fairy. Don't ask why they call me that, they just do." before Long Wuxian could ask, Tou Jingxia shut him down and changed the subject, "I'll accept you as a disciple, I don't need that formality tradition that we have to go to. Just learn as much as you can from me." shaking her head as she looked towards the window.

Long Wuxian was shocked, because in your life there can only be one master and it has to be bind by the Dao Oath. It ensures that your disciple will not tarnish your line or betray you, the severity of the Oath depends on the master but all of them require this.

He did not complain though, because it is stifling to be forever be bind on such an illusive thing.

Tou Jingxia then looked at Long Wuxian, noticing the sword that only had its hilt exposed but not the blade, she said, "When are you going to remove that thing or is it a remembrance of some sort?"

Long Wuxian responded by telling his story, the betrayal, chase then the sword stabbing him and waking up in a remote village.

Tou Jingxia was skeptical. he can't remove the sword no matter what?

Thinking of something, she tried to scan it with her eyes not her spiritual sense.

Surprisingly it gave off faint Dao Rhymes, constantly nourishing Long Wuxian's body.

Tou Jingxia explained what is happening and the benefits that the sword is providing Long Wuxian. Long Wuxian was not surprised because of what he saw when the sword stabbed him.

Tou Jingxia then proceeded to ask if he still wanted to remove it, "Do you want to remove it, it probably enhanced your sword Dao talent?"

"No, it has been constantly been on my way and I don't feel good being assimilated with it. Maybe it can also help me if It's constantly beside me anyways." Long Wuxian has always had a bad feeling towards this sword, though it help him enhancing his sword Dao talent a bit, he can't help but think suspiciously about it.

She sighed the said, "Well this is your choice Wuxian, wether or not it will benefit you will be up to the heavens."

Tou Jingxia casually used 1% of her spiritual qi using the most basic qi technique of qi cultivators, spiritual control. Surprisingly it did not even budge a little bit, it even looked like it was devouring her spiritual qi instead.

Tou Jingxia did not give up and increase her strength.

2%, 4%, 8% until she is using up to 75% of her qi.

Tou Jingxia was mad pissed, as the strongest entity under the heavens, this ordinary looking rusted sword could not even budge the slightest bit.


A hysterical shout like that of a pig being slaughtered woke Tou Jingxia from her mad frenzy, she actually did not notice he is actually suffering from pain.

She was intenting to stop but before she could, he heard Long Wuxian's hoarse voice saying, "Don't, I feel that if I don't remove this thing it would become a disaster for me."

Tou Jingxia continued and did not dare to be casual anymore, she used a more refined version of the technique and used all of her strength.

If not for Tou Jingxia's control of spiritual qi being peerless, the whole region would have been destroyed just by the sheer amount and density of the spiritual qi she is using.

It continued on for a minute without stopping, the sword kept devouring Tou Jingxia's spiritual qi, whilst Long Wuxian is gritting his teeth that his gums are bleeding and his eyes already turned scarlet.

Unexpectedly before Tou Jingxia could react, the sword suddenly got removed and before she could celebrate, the sword instantly headed to Long Wuxian's glabella.


Mustering all her strength that the room fractured as she tried to pull the sword but it was of no use. She could only watch in despair as it headed to Long Wuxian's mind sea, he was going to be possessed by an unknown object or thing.

She used her eye to peer on his mind sea, but all she can see is nine chains binding the sword that was supposed to possess him.

The sword emitted a sword cry, before its lights dimmed down.

Closing her eyes, she used her spiritual sense to look at Long Wuxian's condition. He was deathly pale and numerous Black Dao Runes are embedded in his skin throughout his whole body.

Nothing is wrong for now. About Long Wuxian's mysterious mind sea, despite reading the whole records of the sect did not contain any information about it.

Tou Jingxia currently has zero to little spiritual energy and it would take long for it to regenerate on this desolate region. Whilst carrying Long Wuxian, she stepped out of the house, gave the chief compensation and summoned a gigantic flying boat then flew away never to be seen again in this region.