
The Path of Destroying Fate

Born a god, Yven, Daisen, and Estella, finally ventures to the world they belong to, the god’s world. But the portal they entered gave them another view of the world. In the ‘God’s world they were nothing but insects at the bottom of the food chain. They were not gods, but an angel, a human, and demon. Three people started at different points as they collectively aimed for immortality along with different kinds of creatures. *cover photo is not mine*

Problemo · Fantasy
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Divide Of The Three Gods

Yven watched as the people perished at the hands of the demons. Evil creatures born attracted to corruption, evilness and greed of the humans. He could only sigh and burrow his head against the warm person holding him.

The child was a demon, but covered in the light of angels, and having the appearance and desires that all people have. He is an unknown blessed by god.

Yven licked the blood from his mother's chest where her heart was pierced and his eyes shimmered with crimson. The burning hot feeling coursed through his veins, his arteries, causing his adrenalin to increase; Then he bit the pierced spot, allowing his venom to transfer to her.

This wasn't the first time he did something like this. Evelyn's body turned cold, but her movements did not go unnoticed by the young three-year-old.



There was only silence between them. The saintess could not feel her connection with their god anymore, and she knew what he did. After all, Yven was a being born from the essence of the Earth. From a wisp of energy in between the borders of the demon kingdom and the holy land, he emerged into a young human with white hair, pink skin, but crimson eyes and sharp fangs. He was both a demon and an angel.

A few investigations were done to gauge his threat to the holy land, but none was seen whatsoever so he was given to the human priestess Evelyn to raise.

Yven awoke to find himself in an unfamiliar place. His eyes shone red in contrast to the pitch blacck surroundings. The smooth white skin of the child creased and his eyebrows furrowed slightly.


There was nothing but an echo of his voice.


This time though, he felt something but it was cold, heavy, and strong. Something was gripping his leg.

The very person he called mother was covered in dark, slimy, liquid and surrounded by a black. His very own mother was pulling him like how a quicksand swallows a person. "Why did you turn me this way? WHY!?????" The woman wailed in a broken voice, and again, Yven didn't notice his surroundings. It was white but the dark edges were slowly inching close.

In the end, the child was pulled without resistance, his eyes moist from crying along with his mother.

"YVEN!!" It was a familiar voice. "Did I not tell you to wake up on your own now?"

"Yes Mam!!"

After the incident, Yven and his mother since lived among the demons, never to appear in the holy lands. The capital was bustling as usual and many people were already swarming around their place to buy medicine. Although the people buying were of course humans or half bloods.

"Yes?" He asked to arrive outside, ready to take care of their business but something wasn't right. There weren't many people, but only a few black haired men. Their eyes were not deep red, but those colours clearly meant strength.

One of them finally spoke after a few moments. "We're here under the order of Marquess…"


Yven was already running away with great speed. Daisen, the hidden god also born from the essence of the evil wishes, greed, and negative feelings of people was creating havoc within the human world.

Something that he learned during his one month caging in that hellish residence was the world of gods. Gods are born from the World's wishes. They are born from the desires so upon appearance, they're already equipped with knowledge of the beings inside the world. Yven was a god as well in that context.

"Nice to meet you again. We shall be commencing with the plan and go to the god's world. With Estella of course." A white figure appeared beside the darked haired figure. Her hair and clothes are white but her skin was tanned.

"I agree with Daisen."

In the end, he could only explain to her mother overnight and leave for Daisen's residence. There was a portal below the basement, which they assumed that another god used.

"Alright, let's go!"


"Ahh. Alright…"

Holding each other's hands as a safety measure and a lock to prevent the others from leaving, they entered and in an instant, they were scared by the pitch black surroundings.

"Are you guys there?"


"Stop being creepy, Daisen."

"Alright, my lord Yven."

Estelle took control of the group and asked, "What then do we do?"

Naturally, the other two didn't know what to do, but in the end, they decided to walk forward until they fell without any reason. Screams echoed but there were only the three of them to hear it. A scorching hot feeling overcame them, but only Estelle and Yven wished to die.

After who knows how many days, they were finally met by a cold white surrounding but just like the darkness, they fell down again and experienced deep chillness. They were frozen in place unable to move until passing through a lukewarm place of grey.

The three born from different lands understood what they had gone through immediately. The dark area was a demon's place, the white area was the angel's and this lukewarm area was the middle area. Both dark and white smokes mingled but before they could further investigate, they were pulled down again. This time, it was alright and they were able to converse.

That is until they felt their bones almost crack due to the impact. A rough texture met them, and their eyes adjusted to the bright light of the sun.

Everything was already overwhelming, their hearts were pumping. But that wasn't the end. Old and young people in their teens watched the three with nothing but boredom. It could even be argued that they were expressions of distaste.

The silence was broken by Daisen who's shriek almost deafened the other two. Estelle and Yven turned towards him only to release the same shriek. Their appearances were undoubtedly different than before. One was a cub, another was a flower, then…

Yvan could not move his body. Using the reflective eyes of his friends, he finally saw what he looked like. He was a pebble. "WTF!?"

All three could finally understand the strangers' expressions. All three of them were taken by three different old men despite their refusal. Two could not move, while the cub was too weak to fight back.

Yven was taken into what the people explained as a sect and was placed on the window of a bedroom to bask under the moonlight.

"You need to absorb pure energy to become human." Those were their only excuse as they threw him under water, burned him in fire, buried under dirt, and even hanged on a string along with the wet clothes. Within the span of hundreds of years, the pebble under the power of pure lighting of tribulation, finally turned into a human infant.

Ross, the cultivator undergoing his tribulation for entering the golden core was in immense pressure. If he does not beat this tribulation, then the child could possibly die. This human born from the pebble which they tossed and played around with for the past hundred years.

The eight lighting tribulation out of the total of nine was finally above him. The young child was crying, scared of the pressure that the lightning was bringing.

Meanwhile a few kilometers away, the elders were watching their proud successor disciple's achievement when they also noticed the baby. Pure energy was escaping the child who is in risk of dying. Although if they decided to save the baby, Ross' cultivation would also be at risk.

"Ross! Prioritize yourself!"

"Yes, master."

Ross rid himself of the cries and thinned his shield. He does feel pity for the infant but Ross put his life more than anything else. His master knows that too.

The lighting finally touched Ross' shield and for twenty seconds which felt like eternity, he was able to hold on to his consciousness.

"This damned, child."

Ross, a 45 year old man whose appearance can deceive people into thinking he was 21 years old held the baby in his arms. His shield was still thin as ever, but it also shields the baby pebble. The 9th lightning didn't wait long before crashing down as well.

Thankfully, the disciple was able to concentrate and save the two of them from the wrath of the heavens for defying the world's law.

In another place, the white hair of a teen was flowing graciously whilst she was exercising her air throws. This was not a surprise in the eyes of these monks who strongly believed in god. To them, she was like a child of god and they worshipped her in their hearts.

In a human's kingdom, Daimen, the cub also received his human form. He was already gathering Qi inside his body. The body of the beast greatly benefits him and still continues to. Xenon who has no memories of his past life continues to

The three of them had different starting lines despite arriving in the same place at the same time. How would the world adjust to accommodate the three? How would fate bring them together? Would it be through hate like in their past lives?