
The Path of a Ruler

The story explores the journey of a young boy who suddenly discovers that he possesses extraordinary powers, which he chooses to conceal from everyone around him out of fear and uncertainty. However, his world is turned upside down when he stumbles upon a shocking revelation: he is not a resident of Earth, but rather an alien from a distant and mysterious planet. As he grapples with this newfound knowledge, another startling truth comes to light - his seemingly ordinary father is actually a powerful and ruthless king who has committed heinous acts, including the genocide of numerous species, using a terrifying astro-manace number. This revelation raises questions about the boy's own identity and potential heritage - could he possibly be a prince, heir to a legacy of bloodshed and darkness? Conflicted and overwhelmed by the weight of his newfound heritage, the boy's life takes a dramatic turn when he is unexpectedly chosen by a figure of immense power and notoriety, widely regarded as the most fearsome and fearsome being in history, to become his successor. The boy is thrust into a world of politics, intrigue, and danger, forced to navigate treacherous waters as he grapples with his own inner turmoil and conflicting loyalties. As he struggles to come to terms with his identity and the responsibilities that come with it, the boy must choose between embracing his destiny as a prince and following in his father's dark footsteps, or forging his own path and standing up against the legacy of violence and oppression that threatens to consume him. In a world where power and ambition collide, the boy must confront his own demons and decide what kind of ruler - and person - he ultimately wants to be.

Anonymou · Fantasy
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14 Chs

chapter 6

On a momentous and fateful night, the death conjurer silently slipped past the border, leaving behind a sense of unease among the noble races. Little did they know that this night would also witness the birth of young heroes who would shape the future of their world. As the death conjurer made his way back to the temple, just outside the city, he was met with a sight that struck fear into the hearts of the gathered army. The soldiers, gripped by a primal fear and fueled by thoughts of bloodlust, believed that a demon from the underworld had emerged to slay them all. However, to their astonishment, the figure they had prepared to face was none other than the young priest.

Upon realizing that the perceived demon was merely a humble priest, the commander of the army fell to his knees in a mix of emotions. He wept for the innocence that had been tainted by their misconceptions and cursed the world for its injustices. In the aftermath of this encounter, the elders convened a meeting where they unanimously decided that the outside world was too perilous for the young priest. Consequently, it was decreed that he be isolated for his own safety.

Accepting this decision with a resolve born from his desire to enhance his magical abilities, the young priest ventured into isolation at the tender age of fifteen. His goal was to elevate his mastery of the elements to an expert level and attain prestigious titles associated with each element. While most humans could manipulate only one or two elements, the young priest displayed a rare prowess by harnessing all six elements—an unparalleled feat that defied conventional wisdom.

Eight years passed in solitude, during which the young priest delved deep into the mysteries of magic. Emerging from his isolation at the age of twenty-three, he had ascended to the expert level in all elemental domains and acquired notable titles befitting his extraordinary abilities. These titles, such as "Ancestor of Phoenixes" for fire, "Steward of Aquarius" for water, "Gale Master" for wind, "Nature's Ally" for earth, "King of the Night" for darkness, and "Son of Light," bestowed upon him formidable powers and authority over various entities.

In a rare twist of fate, the young priest's remarkable achievements led to the consolidation of his titles into a singular appellation—"Perfect Being." His prowess and reputation drew the admiration of the elders and dwarves, who honored him with artifacts and weapons. Opting for a plain yet durable sword and a magical ring that eliminated the need for incantations, the young priest embarked on a journey to fulfill his solemn vow to avenge his mother's killer.

Joining the ranks of the nobility as a soldier, the young priest registered his expertise in fire and wind attributes—a combination that set him apart from his peers. His exceptional abilities quickly earned him the prestigious role of a commander, propelling him into the limelight. However, before he could engage in battle, a grand tournament unfolded in the capital—a spectacle that promised fame and glory to those who emerged victorious.

As the tournament commenced in a grand stadium at the heart of the capital, a palpable sense of excitement filled the air. Thousands had gathered to witness the spectacle, with the king and his children presiding over the event from a lofty dais. The initial stage of the competition involved a ruthless knockout phase, where contenders vied for supremacy amid fierce competition and high stakes. Among the participants stood the young priest, his very presence evoking a sense of trepidation and wariness among his fellow warriors.

Despite the daunting aura that surrounded the young priest, none dared to challenge him in combat, recognizing the peril that awaited those who crossed paths with a being of such unparalleled skill and power. The unfolding events hinted at a monumental shift in the dynamics of the tournament, as the stage was set for an epic showdown that would test the boundaries of courage and resolve.The knockout stage of the tournament was indeed a sight to behold, with your father standing out among the competitors. His prowess and intimidating aura were evident, as no one dared to challenge him in combat. It was clear to all those present that your father possessed a formidable fighting spirit that set him apart from the rest.

As the knockout stage progressed, the numbers dwindled, leaving only a select few standing. The audience observed an unusual phenomenon whenever your father took to the stage – his opponents would flee, their voices trembling as they begged for mercy. Despite their pleas, your father advanced through the rounds effortlessly, reaching the semi-finals and eventually claiming victory in the finals without even needing to raise a finger.

However, the crowd's initial excitement turned into disappointment and outrage as they felt the tournament was rigged in your father's favor. Their protests and outbursts of frustration culminated in them hurling debris toward the stage. In response, your father quieted the unruly crowd with a mere gesture, demonstrating his commanding presence.

With a calm demeanor, he dismissed the audience's complaints and promised to deliver a spectacle they would never forget. Intriguingly, he then revealed a black oni mask and introduced himself as the "death conjurer," igniting a mixture of fear and fascination among the spectators.

The tension in the arena heightened further when your father made a mysterious reference to a figure he addressed as "father" and challenged him to face him. The sudden appearance of the king, bearing a striking resemblance to your father, confirmed the familial connection. The revelation of familial ties added a layer of complexity to the unfolding drama, captivating the audience even more.

The clash between your father and his enigmatic adversary was nothing short of epic. The resounding clash of their swords echoed throughout the stadium, signifying a battle of immense power and skill. Despite the initial balance in their duel, your grandfather, the king, found himself steadily losing ground to your father's relentless assault.

Faced with the prospect of defeat, your grandfather resorted to a desperate and dangerous maneuver known as the "hour of the night," a forbidden vampire skill that summoned the darkness at a grave cost. This risky move allowed him to momentarily gain the upper hand, overpowering your father and driving him to his knees.

However, your father's resilience and cunning were not to be underestimated. As the hour drew to a close, he revealed his true strength by unleashing a breathtaking transformation. The emergence of golden dragon wings, blazing flames, and a fierce determination in his eyes symbolized the manifestation of his "dragon body," a power beyond ordinary comprehension.

With an awe-inspiring display of strength and prowess, your father struck back with a devastating blow that overwhelmed your grandfather. The sight of a golden dragon materializing from his strike left no doubt about the magnitude of his power. In a single defining moment, your father emerged victorious, avenging the memory of your mother in a dramatic and unforgettable fashion.

The echoes of the battle lingered in the air as your father stood triumphant, a testament to his indomitable will and unwavering determination. In that fleeting moment of victory, he honored the legacy of his past and the promise of a future filled with untold potential.