
The Path of a Ruler

The story explores the journey of a young boy who suddenly discovers that he possesses extraordinary powers, which he chooses to conceal from everyone around him out of fear and uncertainty. However, his world is turned upside down when he stumbles upon a shocking revelation: he is not a resident of Earth, but rather an alien from a distant and mysterious planet. As he grapples with this newfound knowledge, another startling truth comes to light - his seemingly ordinary father is actually a powerful and ruthless king who has committed heinous acts, including the genocide of numerous species, using a terrifying astro-manace number. This revelation raises questions about the boy's own identity and potential heritage - could he possibly be a prince, heir to a legacy of bloodshed and darkness? Conflicted and overwhelmed by the weight of his newfound heritage, the boy's life takes a dramatic turn when he is unexpectedly chosen by a figure of immense power and notoriety, widely regarded as the most fearsome and fearsome being in history, to become his successor. The boy is thrust into a world of politics, intrigue, and danger, forced to navigate treacherous waters as he grapples with his own inner turmoil and conflicting loyalties. As he struggles to come to terms with his identity and the responsibilities that come with it, the boy must choose between embracing his destiny as a prince and following in his father's dark footsteps, or forging his own path and standing up against the legacy of violence and oppression that threatens to consume him. In a world where power and ambition collide, the boy must confront his own demons and decide what kind of ruler - and person - he ultimately wants to be.

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14 Chs

chapter 3

After being told about almost everyone except my father, it became evident that there was a significant reason why the storyteller wanted to delve into the full story of my father. Following this realization, I took the initiative to inquire further, expressing my curiosity by asking for details about the story of my father.

Prompted by my question, the storyteller displayed a sense of delight as they embarked on recounting the intriguing tale of my father. The narrative unfolded in a distant era, approximately two centuries ago, within the Kingdom of Mutiet. This realm was bifurcated into two distinct factions: on one side resided the noble races, comprising Elves, Vampires, and Humans (albeit considered less noble in comparison); on the opposite end were the beast races, encompassing werewolves, foxes, werecats, dwarves, and an array of other mystical beings. These two disparate factions existed in a state of non-coexistence, resulting in the kingdom's partition. The nobles were led by a Vampire monarch, my grandfather James, known for his ruthless governance, while the benevolent beast races found their leader in a priestess named Denisia, celebrated for her kind and compassionate nature.

The Vampires, considering themselves superior due to their heightened powers under the cloak of darkness, boasted exceptional swordsmanship skills. Similarly, the Elves, when in proximity to nature, experienced a significant surge in their magical prowess, with a staggering 80% of expert-level mages being of Elven lineage. The overarching ambition of my grandfather, James, was to conquer the beast races, whom he held disdain for due to their mixed heritage. Despite the formidable combat capabilities exhibited by the beast races, he remained resolute in his quest for dominance. In a strategic maneuver, he conceived a plan to breed hybrids, believing that offspring borne of Vampire and Elven lineage would possess unparalleled talents derived from their respective races.

The ensuing events unfolded rapidly as my grandfather, James, wedded an expert Elven mage without the pomp and circumstance of a traditional marriage ceremony. Following a gestation period of nine months, the birth of the first child bore unforeseen outcomes. To the dismay of all present, the child emerged as a human boy devoid of any extraordinary abilities, lacking the ability to harness mana due to the absence of a vessel for its containment. Fueled by fury at this purported failure, my grandfather was consumed by rage and sought the infant's demise, viewing him as an affront to his aspirations. Despite the lack of evidence pointing towards infidelity on the part of his Elven wife, the child's ordinary nature was perceived as a personal slight, and my grandfather's wrath knew no bounds.

Resolute in his decision to rid himself of this apparent blight on his lineage, my grandfather commanded a maid to dispose of the child by abandoning him in the forest that acted as a buffer between the two opposing factions. Comprehending the dire consequences of defiance in the face of my grandfather's decree, the maid complied, offering a silent prayer for the child's well-being before departing, leaving the infant to its fate.

Subsequently, fate intervened as the abandoned child's cries attracted the attention of a mutated hyena beast, drawn towards what it perceived as an easy prey. However, the child's distress also caught the notice of vigilant patrol guards patrolling the area, who swiftly intervened, driving the hyena away and rescuing the defenseless infant. Recognizing the reason behind the child's abandonment, namely his perceived ordinariness in a world dictated by extraordinary abilities, the patrol guards decided to transport him to the capital of the beast races, the city of Suram, where the grand temple of The Dragon God of Dark Flames, ILXAM, stood as a beacon of divine authority.

Embarking on their journey towards Suram, a miraculous event unfolded upon their arrival in the city. A radiant golden light enveloped the entire expanse, heralding the descent of a majestic golden dragon from the heavens. With deliberate grace, the dragon approached the group, specifically acknowledging the forsaken child by bestowing upon him a blessing of apostleship, declaring him as his chosen emissary. This divine proclamation left the onlookers in awe and trepidation, as they bore witness to a momentous event that defied conventional understanding.

As the divine encounter unfolded, a striking youth with ethereal features, adorned in a pristine white ensemble, emerged to cradle the blessed child in her arms. Amidst the reverent gazes of the assembled throng, the priestess imparted a profound revelation, declaring the child to be a warrior of unparalleled prowess, a harbinger of strength and valor bestowed upon them by their celestial benefactor. This unexpected turn of events signaled a paradigm shift in the child's destiny, steering him towards a path imbued with divine purpose and extraordinary potential.

The narrative surrounding my father's origins unfolded like a tapestry woven with threads of mystique, fate, and divine intervention, setting the stage for a journey fraught with challenges and destined for greatness. The revelation of his divine blessings and prophesied role as a formidable warrior served as a testament to the intricate tapestry of fate that bound his fate with that of the kingdom and its inhabitants. The enigmatic tale of your father, the being who wielded both sword and magic, invoking the envy and wonder of all who bore witness to his unmatched abilities, is truly a remarkable odyssey that defies conventional boundaries and dimensions of understanding. It encapsulates the very essence of a being who transcended not only the limitations of his own existence but also the expectations of the world around him. Encapsulated within his very existence lies a story of resilience, transformation, and unwavering determination, painted against the backdrop of both blessings and curses, of triumphs and tribulations.

The very notion of a being who could seamlessly blend the art of swordsmanship with the intricate complexities of spellcraft is a rarity that has seldom been witnessed in our realm. This fabled individual, your father, bore the unique prowess and versatility to harness the capabilities of both disciplines, creating a harmonious symphony of power and grace that resonated across the lands. It was through the unfathomable blessing bestowed upon him by the revered Dragon God that he was endowed with the formidable gift of the "Perfect Body," a divine boon that manifested in the form of heightened mana affinity, unparalleled regenerative abilities, and the infusion of draconian essence that made him a half-dragon being.

From a tender age of one, when most are yet to even grasp the rudiments of the world around them, your father displayed an uncanny affinity for the sword. With a prowess that belied his years, he embarked on a path that led him to attain the intermediate level of sword mastery by the mere age of four, a feat that spoke volumes of his prodigious talent and unwavering dedication. But it was not merely the sword that beckoned to his soul; the mystic allure of magic also called out to him, casting its spell upon his very being. By the age of five, he had already delved into the realm of spell-weaving, mastering intermediate spells with a finesse and artistry that left many in awe of his sheer brilliance.

Despite the undeniable allure of magic, your father remained a being of laughter and light, his infectious smile a beacon of joy that illuminated the lives of those around him. It was this radiant spirit that endeared him to all who crossed his path, infusing his journey with a warmth and humanity that mirrored the very essence of his soul. However, fate is a capricious mistress, and at the tender age of ten, it decreed that your father's path would veer in a direction unforeseen and perilous.

Forced to confront the specter of conflict and strife, your father laid aside the intricacies of magic and delved deeper into the art of the sword, honing his skills and fortifying his spirit in preparation for the trials that lay ahead. It was in these moments of turmoil and uncertainty that the true mettle of his character shone brightest, illuminating the path that he had chosen to tread with an unwavering resolve and a steely determination that knew no bounds. And though the road ahead was fraught with challenges and dangers untold, your father faced them all with a courage and valor that bespoke a heart forged in the crucible of adversity and tempered by the fires of perseverance.

The very fabric of your father's existence bore the marks of a destiny that intertwined the threads of magic and swordplay, weaving a tapestry of legend and legacy that continues to linger in the annals of time. His transformation from a vampire to a human, wrought by the hand of nature itself as a punitive measure for his audacious fusion of sword and spell, stands as a testament to the price one must often pay for daring to defy the laws of convention and tradition. And yet, even in the face of such a profound metamorphosis, your father remained undaunted, his resilient spirit unbroken and his indomitable will unshaken.

The dislocation of his mana vessel, a consequence of his temerarious actions, served as a stark reminder of the consequences that accompany the pursuit of forbidden arts and forbidden paths. Nevertheless, with a mere touch, his mana vessel could be restored, though the mark of his transgression would forever brand him as a human, stripped of his vampiric heritage and consigned to walk a path divergent from the one he had once known. And yet, in this transformation lay a deeper truth, a revelation of the boundless potential that lay dormant within his very being, awaiting only the touch of destiny to awaken and manifest in all its resplendent glory.

As the echoes of his tale reverberate through the corridors of time, it is incumbent upon us, the denizens of this world, to heed the lessons imparted by his journey. For in the chronicles of your father's life, we find not merely a story of power and prowess, but a testament to the enduring power of the human spirit, to transcendence and transformation, and to the infinite possibilities that lie latent within each and every one of us. And so, let us honor his memory, let us learn from his legacy, and let us carry forth the torch of his indomitable spirit, illuminating the path ahead with the radiance of hope, courage, and boundless potential.