
The Path of a Ninja (Dropped)

A boy given a purpose, till he finds his own. Given Powers he received by 'luck'. He enters the 3rd Great Ninja War. He stands true to his conviction He walks the path of a ninja as he becomes the Merlin of the Shinobi World. . World: Naruto Tags: Smart, Good MC , Strong to Stronger, Mystic Eyes, No harem, Sword User. Disclaimer. I do not own anything(including the picture) except for the things I have made. Naruto is not mine.

NotJustExisting · Anime & Comics
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16 Chs

The Disturbance

Time: Evening Location: Somewhere in the Forest

Woosh* Woosh*

A boy could be seen jumping from branches to branches at a rapid pace with a rabbit on top of his head who seems to be enjoying the wind. He was following the source of the disturbance he felt in the forest.

'A week has passed since Mr. Wolf got roasted and during the whole week three more guests paid me a visit- Mr. Boar, Mr. Wolf #2 and Mr Giant Snake. The first two were easily boom-boomed, but Mr. snake was a pain. Since snakes 'smells' with their tongue I could not use the [Ew Powder]. In the end I had to do it Naruto Style. Meaning I had to get eaten then cut it open from inside using my impromptu Sword.

Thankfully my chakra control had improved enough to sharpen the wood and various other stuff. I still don't know my chakra nature and what [Sword-Style] I received. And for some reason the Little One is glowing brighter and brighter night by night. So much so that its like a walking hopping ball of fluffy light.'

During the week he had been training and meditating non stop. For his [Physical] training he would do Saitama training and asking the small animal to attach him from all angles to improve his reflex , dexterity, spacial awareness etc. As for [Mental] training he would meditate on the hot spring water to increase in chakra reserves and chakra control at the same time while the rabbit sleeps in his lap.

Causing him to MAKE sure he does not lose his concentration.

The clothes he is wearing seems to be self repairing and auto cleaning, which is very convenient in his situation cuz he doesn't have soap. The clothing he received was a White Japanese Style Easy-to-

Move-in-Kimono-Type-thing (A/N: Tomoe Gozen Stage 1's Clothes. Male ver. {F G/O}).

Soon he reached a large swamp from which he sensed the disturbance.

'Hm, so a swamp is the cause. The aura I sense is so Corrupt and malevolent, I wonder if a Tail Beast fought here once? Well no point in knowing. So how should a deal with a Corrupt Swamp. Long exposure to this aura must have effected the animals making them go berserk.'


"Hm?" Bringing him out of his thoughts he sensed a presence approaching him under the swamp. He quickly jumped back.

Roar!* Crunch* A big alligator popped out. Biting the air where he stood a second ago.

"Wao! Though I must have quite a strong body and vitality due to [Body In-Tune with Nature], I haven't tested it yet nor do I want to if possible. Thank you Little One, I almost died then and there. I'll find you more carrots later when we are done."


The rabbit on top of his head replied in delight, looking happy. As if the Alligator didn't exist as all.

'This Alli should be quite hard to cut due to its scales. I need to tie its mouth with something and injure its tail, they have super bite strength but quite weak muscles to open their jaws. Then Stab the eyes to pierce its brain. To do all this i need vines first.'


"I need strong vines guys!"


With that shout a dozen or so birds dispersed in all directions.

' They should arrive in a few seconds. Till then I need to keep it busy.'

By the time he shouted the Alligator had come quite near him. Attempting another bite at him but he dodged it quickly to the side by bursting his chakra at his feet for an instant.

Not expecting the boy to dodge it couldn't stop it's movement that quickly causing an opening.

The boy saw the opening and jumped at the alligator, quickly slashed at it's eye causing it to bleed and blind it.

Roar!!!* The alligator screamed in pain and anger.

It swung its tail at the airborne boy. He put forth his hands, collected his chakra at his palms, causing a burst of chakra which propelled him at the opposite direction allowing him to partially avoid the tail as it causes a slash wound at his chest. Just a superficial wound with a little bleeding.

But it also resulted in wounding the tail, making it painful to move.

'Ouch. It seem my body is quite strong. I'm so glad [Chakra Burst] worked. I got the idea from the tree walking exercise. Every time I overuse my chakra it just launches me away from the tree.

So for the same to happen in Mid-Air is just had to pump out a lot more chakra, Medium-high Chakra control and Strong Body to withstand the burst. I wonder if I could improve it to the level of [Mana Burst].

Chirp!* The birds finally arrived with the vines and quickly dropped it towards me.

"Thanks guys!"

'Lets do this.'

"Hold on tight Little One."


With those words he dashes forward using [Chakra Burst] to arrive near the alligator.

Just as he was in front of it and the Alligator ready to Bite him he threw a small bag of gunpowder to cause a smoke screen.


"Fire." Boom!


Though the explosion did not do much to the Alligator it was enough to make him Dazed.

Using this chance he jumped and landed on top of the Giant's head,quickly binding its mouth.

Now defenceless, the boy quickly stabbed his sword inside its brain through its good socket.


With a few seconds of final struggle it was dead at last.

Squeak!* Chirp!*

The Little One and the birds celebrated with a triumphant cry.

"Phew, that was fun. Though I need to carry this Giant Alli all the way back to the tree house. Sigh*"

Squeak-Squeak* pat-pat

"You have it easy don't you Little One. I guess that's fine. More training for me I suppose.

As for this swamp. What should do? If i had my Mystic Eyes unlocked I could have just killed the Corruption."

As he was pondering what to do. The Little One hopped down from his head and walked towards the swamp.

"Hm? What happen Little One?"

The sun had just set, it was getting dark but the moon was gracing the land with its light.

As the rabbit neared the swamp its body began to glow, brighter and brighter.

When the glowing rabbit touched the Corrupt water, a serene voice of a girl was heard.

~By the grace of the Moon above, Be Clean~

The rabbit emitted a blinding light and when it subsided, the swamp was no more. It was now a Lake with water so crystal clean and clear it seemed holy as the Moon reflects upon its mirror surface.

After performing an action which seemed borderline miracle even from this world's standard considering it was done by a rabbit.

The rabbit hopped back towards the boy looking quite pleased with itself.

The rabbit cried out a Squeak!* as if asking the boy 'praise me!'.

Coming out of his dazed state from The Little One's squeak and seeing the 'praise me' look it was giving him. He took the Little one in his arms leaning it on his chest and smiled.

"The was amazing Little One! I didn't knew you could do that. I guess we'll be having a carrot party tomorrow. For now, Let's go home."

Squeak!* It replied in delight.

As the boy and the rabbit under the night sky and the moon celebrate another victory, enjoying each other's presence. Little did they know it was the beginning of their legend. In the distant future, the Lake which the rabbit purified would be known as the [Serene Moon Lake of the Sage] which had [Healing] and [Purifying] properties.

That's the longest chapter I've written so far!

It took me 3 hrs!! That's Insane!!

Why am I so slow!!!

Well, enough ranting.

Hello Readers! Thank you for giving this chapter a bit of your time. I hope it was worth it.

I would be glad if you guys could give me some ideas I could reference from. And i was wonder what timeline should our MC be? I was leaning towards the 3rd Great Ninja War.

Until next time.


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