
The Path Of A Hero

In a world filled with, heroes, villains, and evil, can heroes last long? When apparent friends can be enemies and the hunt begins, who can they trust?

_SCX_ · Fantasy
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50 Chs

The final battle ends/Fabian

"DAMNIT!" Joshua screamed out, watching the fireball consume the ocean. "I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. I'M SORRY!" Joshua yelled out to the sky. He had lost Ethan, both his friend and the man his sister fell for. 

"IS THIS WHAT YOU WANTED!? IS THIS THE FUCKING SUFFERING YOU NEEDED US TO ENDURE?!" Joshua shouted to anyone who was listening as the rain slowly started to fade.

"ALL HE WANTED! ALL HE WANTED WAS TO SAVE PEOPLE! WHAT THE HELL KIND OF GOD ARE YOU!?" Joshua yelled above, tears streaking his face as he repeatedly slammed his fist into the ground.

*Choke.* "How many did we have to lose to end this shit?" Joshua asked himself, his knuckles covered in blood.

"First Isabelle, then Andrea, then Ava, then Owen, then Elena. and now Ethan! When will this stop?!" He shouted to the heavens, as the sun began to shine, seemingly telling him it was necessary. 

"If there's a god or some higher being, I'm gonna kill you for this!" He yelled, falling over into the hard ground. Blood fell from his mouth, and the other cuts that were all over his body. Determination couldn't keep him alive much longer, he was bleeding too badly.

"I'm sorry...I should have...Saved you..." He muttered, as his vision slowly faded to black. "Goodbye you shitty world," Joshua said, his breathing slowing down. The ground around him started filling a crimson red. His consciousness was going to nothing as his thoughts turned to mush.

"I'm not content with this...I lost too many," He mumbled, as a silhouette appeared in the distance. Joshua couldn't even force his eyes open anymore, but he still heard a soothing voice above him. 

"You fought well, you can rest now," a young man said. "F-Fabian?" Joshua asked right before passing out. "It's okay bud, they're all safe. You did amazing," Fabian answered, patting him on the back.

*2 weeks later.*

"Please wake up! Fabian said your body was healed, so why won't you wake up!" A female voice yelled from above, making Joshua's eyes struggle for a bit before they eventually settled down. Still closed.

"Dammit, wake up!" She yelled out, punching the pillar next to him. They were in a bright room, the walls were yellow, with a smooth reflection of the white lighting. Two chairs sat empty, right next to the white bed.

Birds chirped outside the window, and the smell of cinnamon was thick in the air. Trees flowed with the wind outside, and the sound of people rushing past the door wasn't loud, but noticeable.

"Elena! If you wake him up before he fully rests, you could seriously mess up his body!" Fabian shouted from the doorway, startling her with the suddenness of his voice. He was holding two donuts, one cinnamon, the other was chocolate.

"I'm sorry. I just...I need him to wake up," Elena said sadly, taking the donut Fabian offered. "I want him to wake up too. He shouldn't have to suffer for saving the damn world," Fabian responded, sitting down. "Nathan wake up yet?" Elena asked, putting her hand on Joshua's forehead gently.

"Yeah, he's been up for a few days. He's doing okay, but his body is in shreds. He'll be lucky to even walk again in the next ten years," Fabian explained, poking himself with his nails at the sight of her wincing.

"It'll be okay, he's gonna make a full recovery in time," Fabian added, feeling guilty at the thought of her being upset. "What if he doesn't? What if the reward for all their suffering, for saving the world, is to suffer even more?" Elena asked with tears in her eyes.

"If that is their reward, then I'll fix the damn universe," Fabian answered, bouncing his knee up and down the longer he saw the sadness clouding her face. "I'll protect you and Joshua, otherwise everything I've done will be for nothing," Fabian thought, listening to the sounds of cars outside.

The entire world hadn't given the slightest care at their sacrifice. The only people they mourned were those they lost. So many gave their lives for them, but they didn't care, it was the hero's responsibility to protect them after all.

"They don't even care. My brother almost died for this world, and they don't give a shit!" Elena shouted, looking at the people outside the window. "Calm down, let them mourn first," Fabian said, pointing at the chair next to him.

"People don't even know what he gave," Elena said, sitting down next to Fabian. They both stared at him, as he slept peacefully. His chest rose up and down, and then... it stopped. "NURSE!" Elena shouted, throwing herself out of the chair.

"HEAL!" Fabian shouted, overlooking Joshua's body, he wasn't breathing. His heartbeat was dropping rapidly, and he appeared strained. "Please!" Fabian yelled with tears in his eyes. 

*GASP!* Joshua awoke with a start, looking at Fabian and Elena. Fabian was holding tears in his eyes as he healed him with everything he had. Elena was on the verge of tears before she saw him sit up.

"JOSHUA!" Fabian and Elena shouted in unison, and their tears finally came. They both embraced him and cried into his shoulders. "I'm alive. I think," Joshua said, tears in his eyes at their faces. He thought Elena was killed, yet here she was.

"Wait...Where's Ethan? Where's Nathan?" Joshua asked worried, as his face fell in an instant. "Nathan is fine, he's healing. But...Ethan died Joshua," Fabian responded, backing up so Joshua had room to breathe, tears clouded his eyes. 

*2 months later.*

Clouds streaked the sky as Joshua looked at Ethan's grave. Everyone he had lost was in the same line, including his mother. Crows spoke loudly not far from him, and the tree nearby leaned in pain. The air was crisp, yet difficult to inhale.

"Your sacrifices weren't in vain, I promise," Joshua muttered, setting down the bouquet of flowers he was holding. He looked toward the sky and a lone tear fell. "I hope this was worth it. You shitty god," Joshua muttered, turning around to return to Elena and Fabian.

"You ready hero?" Fabian asked as Joshua entered the car. "I'm ready, it's time for me to restore this world," Joshua answered, putting on Porcupine's suit.

The end...


You may wonder who wrote this. Perhaps you wonder why you're reading this story. This is just another book on the shelf of destiny after all. But you don't understand, this is the story of a boy who lost everything and gained everything.

So many lives were lost, so many buildings crumbled, and so many blank spaces were gained. Truth be told, I am the narrator. I am Fabian. 

If you thought this was bad my fellow immortals, you should know the original way this world was going to end. Prior to this, Joshua was supposed to die at the hospital and the world would be destroyed, but I disobeyed you shitty rulers.

I intervened in a world-ending event. I saved billions of lives. I saved one person, and in doing so, saved countless others. You can hunt me, and you can chase me to the ends of the earth. You can chase me deep into the sky.

Hell, you can try and kill me all you want, but I'll remain alive. I did what was right. Not to mention, I kept the balance of the universe even when I intervened in such a large event. I followed the rules that were put in place, even if you disagree, this is true.

I hope all of you readers and my fellow immortals, understand the amount of pain I had to endure breaking these rules. I will be hunted for intervening, for breaking the rules, and for saving someone. But understand this, fate is absolute and you will lose.

Joshua got his happy ending, but should you choose to chase me, you won't. 

Now that you've read all this, you can decide whether or not my choice was right. I saved a world, in exchange for hundreds of lives. Good luck killing me you bastards, because I won't ever fall to you, after all, I'm an immortal too.

-Fabian, the first immortal.

(Actual author here, hope you all enjoyed this novel. This is the first of two books in this series. The second book in this series is going to be titled, "Immortals." It'll follow Fabian in short. Thanks for sticking this through, it was a fun write. Yes, if you're wondering, Joshua is the new Porcupine. Thank you for reading all this, hope you all enjoyed it. Have a good rest of your months, and be safe! -SCX)