
The Path Of A Hero

In a world filled with, heroes, villains, and evil, can heroes last long? When apparent friends can be enemies and the hunt begins, who can they trust?

_SCX_ · Fantasy
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50 Chs

A bad ride/ Training Time!

"So cold," Peter thought alone in his cell without a soul in sight. "Hello? Can anyone hear me?" Peter asked aloud. "Hey, kid keep it quiet. We're being transported and I'm not sure about you but I don't wanna be tased," the man in front of him said. "Who said that, where are you?" Peter asked shaking. "We are in sight restricting cells they were made using sound I think," the man in front of him said. "What? All I did was follow a couple of women home!" Peter said aloud shocked.

"What a petty crime most of the people in here committed murder," the prisoner said. "T-This is a mistake I didn't do anything wrong!" Peter yelled grabbing the guard's attention. "Shut up prisoners 401 and 403 or you will both get the baton," the officer said. "I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING LET ME OUT!" Peter yelled, resulting in the guards grabbing their stun guns. "I SAID KEEP QUIET," the officer yelled as he shot Peter with the stun gun. *GAHHHH*

Peter screamed passing out. When Peter finally woke up he was hit by a baton and dragged out of the transport van into the pouring rain, before passing out again. The rain fell hard, every drop feeling like a rubber ball on the prisoner's shirts. *Pit Pat* The rain repeated as lightning lit up the sky followed by the roar of thunder and Peter opened his eyes.

"Keep the prisoners quiet!" an officer yelled over the thunder. "Gag prisoner 401. His power is activated by yelling a codeword," the officer who stunned him told another. "I-I'll kill you all!" Peter yelled over the rain a flash of lightning brightening up his face. "QUICK GAG HIM NOW!" the officers yelled too late. "I feel... I feel alive. I feel alive! I'm gonna get back at that bastard, ANDREA WILL DIE BY MY HANDS!" Peter yelled out as the officers rushed toward him, but they were too late. The distance was in Peter's favor.

"GAYYY" Peter yelled, the officers freezing in their tracks. "Nice going kid now let's get out of here," The prisoner Peter had spoken to previously said. "Boulder Boost!" Smasher yelled as a boulder appeared and the prisoners all hopped on top of it and sped down the road much too fast for any vehicle to catch up. "My revenge, yes I must get my revenge. I'll start with Joshua. Yes, Joshua sounds Perfect," Peter repeated in his head a sinister grin appearing on his face as they rushed through the streets.

"Spike!" Joshua yelled at his teacher's command. "Nothing, put your hand back on the ground and say it again," Mr. Owens commanded. "Spike," Joshua said once again as 5 spikes appeared all 5 inches in height. "Good, now try forming a shield out of them like you did back at the store," Mr. Owens whispered. "Spike," Joshua said but there was no response from the earth other than the sound of the 5 previously summoned crumbling. "So 5 is your limit and a max height of 25 inches for a single one," Mr. Owens said while writing down the result. "Damn even after what happened yesterday morning I still can't summon more than 5 but yesterday I summoned 20 in my sleep!" Joshua thought.

"Elizabeth I want you to throw a ball of fire at Joshua," Mr. Owens commanded. "Sweet! Flare!" Elizabeth said as a small ball of fire shot out at Joshua. "Spike wall!" Joshua screamed in fear but nothing happened. "Shit!" Mr. Owens said. "Freeze!" Mr. Owens said freezing the ball of fire but not stopping it from hitting Joshua in his chest. *Slam* The ball of ice slammed into Joshua knocking him off his feet. "Ow, sometimes I think pain is the only reminder I have that I'm alive," Joshua thought falling down.

*SLAM* "Ah shit I can see stars," Joshua said aloud. "Joshua are you okay?!" Ethan yelled from across the gym. "Peachy just give me a moment my element isn't wind," Joshua joked while sitting up. "I thought fear would be its trigger," Mr. Owens said whilst looking at Joshua's chest. "You're not the only one don't sweat it," Joshua said as Mr. Owens helped him to his feet. "My head is still spinning, although I should be glad it's not my body," Joshua muttered to himself.

"You okay weak sauce!" Elizabeth yelled. "Spike," Joshua muttered not expecting anything to happen, but the ground from around Elizabeth rose up and slashed part of her shirt off revealing her armpit. "H-Hey what the hell!" Elizabeth yelled covering the torn part of her shirt and rushing out of the gym. "How did I do that?" Joshua asked before taking a glance at his badge showcasing, "Rank 2, 2.17%." "Well, good job Joshua you have both cemented yourself as a rank 2 and liking armpits." Mr. Owens said walking out of the gym. "Not again," he thought to himself annoyed at the hand bad luck had once again handed him. "There's no living that down," Ethan chimed in.

"At least I am rank 2 now!" Joshua thought excitedly. "Spike," Joshua said followed by 8 spikes all 5 inches popping out of the ground. "Yes! A single rank-up gave me a ton of extra power!" he thought excitedly. "Joshua look out!" Ethan yelled but it was far too late as Joshua was hit by a teddy bear. "SORRY!" Andrea yelled from behind Ethan.

"It's alright I think it might have bruised my jaw a bit though!" Joshua yelled back followed by frantic pacing from Andrea. "Alright Joshua you may leave and Ethan you can as well," Mr. Owens said as he re-entered the gym. "Yes, Sir," Joshua and Ethan said at the same time. "Andrea you and Elizabeth are going to spar," Mr. Owens said as Elizabeth entered the room. "Here we go again," Andrea and Elizabeth thought in unison.

*Basic information* Hero names: A hero's name is the only chance you get to tell the world who you are and make a proper name for yourself. Most heroes got their hero names after undergoing their first mission.

*Villain: Undertaker, If he touches you, you will immediately get buried into the ground up to your head. Rank: 6.5 Threat level: Medium.*