
The Path: My Path (HIATUS)

Zonah Ashwell was a talented assassin in the modern world, he has decided to retire but was betrayed by his organization on his last job. He was captured and experimented on for 2 years, and finally set free on his birthday, with the relief of death. He makes a deal with an unknown being to reincarnate and get a chance at revenge, follow Zonah or now Kuroshi as she walks the path of revenge.

Java_Plays · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Venturing Out & Level 5

The following morning.

I slowly open my eyes and enjoy the sensation of the nice cool wind on my skin.

My plan for today is to slowly venture out and look for traces of any other intelligent species and maybe a civilization so that I can gather knowledge on a multitude of things.

I clearly know that I am not nearly strong enough to hold my own against powerful beings seeing as I can barely hold myself against a bunch of rabbits, so while I am on my search for civilization, I will kill everything and quickly grow stronger.

Now my main problem is that I have absolutely no idea in which direction anything is, all I know is that I am in the middle of nowhere.

The solution to this problem? Just pick a random direction and keep going in that direction till I eventually find something.

I trusted my old friend, Intuition, and decided to go in the direction opposite of where I went hunting yesterday, who knows, maybe I will find something interesting, for example, something other than a rabbit.

A few hours later...

"Howl!!" A howl similar to a wolf comes from deep within the forest, this howl is the first sound I heard from a creature. My excitement was short lasted since I know that a wolf only howls when it is either doing a rallying call or... hunting.

Judging by the rustling of leaves and the shaking ground that gets stronger and stronger as seconds pass by, I know that this isn't a simple rallying call but rather a hunting call, and the target? Naturally me.

I used to be able to fight wolf packs head-on in my last life but that was when I had a variety of equipment such as guns and grenades and sufficient preparation, now, however, I have none of those, not even a single knife.

I clearly knew that I am not the opponent of a pack of normal wolves, much less whatever kind of weird type this world has to offer. With this knowledge in mind, I ran for my life making full use of the [Dash] skill.

I ran and ran for what felt like an eternity and my stamina was running out so I decided to climb into a tree closeby and rest for a short while before continuing my run but unfortunately reality isn't as nice as we make it out to be.

Not even minutes later did I hear the rustling of leaves and see a pair of wolves coming out from the lush bushes with their noses in the sky constantly sniffing around, I am pretty sure that they caught onto my scent.

One kept walking forward towards the tree I am in while the other one dashed off into the bushes. The one that kept walking towards me had a rough air around it, and the scar on its eye showing that it survived a hard-fought battle.

It had black hair with silver highlights that reflect the glaring rays of light coming from the sun. I knew that it will eventually find me by following my scent so I decided to ambush it while I still have the stealth advantage, as soon as it comes under the tree, I will directly attack.

I slowed my breathing to be as silent as possible and waited for what felt like an eternity for the wolf to come under the tree, as soon as it reached the tree, I jumped down!

The wolf hears something and looks up only to see something quickly approaching, it was all too late to realize now. I land on its back, my left hand grabbing onto its hair and my legs quickly gripping on the wolf so I don't fall or get thrown off.

My right hand is like lightning approaching the wolf's eyes, unfortunately, I was one step too slow as the wolf quickly closed its eyes and turned its head so I couldn't get the quick kill by hitting the brain through the eyes!

The wolf spins in circles trying to throw me off its back but my legs working like a clamp and my left hand as a grip, there is no way that ill get thrown off! I go for a second attempt with my right hand trying to for its eye but I was still one step too slow and only managed to graze it.

I knew that this wolf was strong but I still severely underestimated its prowess, but the arrow was already shot and can't be stopped now so I had to figure out a way to kill it other than by going for its eyes.

'Work brain, work!' my mind worked as fast as it can thinking of a way to kill this mighty beast, but alas, I couldn't think of any way to do this smartly and my only choice left was to brute force my way through.

I pull my right hand back as far as I can and point my fingers so that my entire arm looks like a spear or arrow at the moment, and with full force, I strike at the back of the wolf's neck! Sadly for me, I only made a small scratch and drew a little bit of blood, and it seems my actions infuriated the wolf even more seeing as it is now not simply spinning in circles but running head-on towards a tree in the distance, it probably wants to smash me against a tree to get me off.

'I have to finish this quick' I thought, and I pull my arm back again and strike at the back of its neck, again and again, eventually, my hand went through its thick fur and went deep into its throat, and with all my might I crush its throat in hopes to kill it.

It got slower and weakly fell before the tree, I made it just in time. I was exhausted and wanted to fall asleep right here but I knew this wasn't the place and that I am not out of danger yet, I used the last bit of my strength to suck blood from the wound of the wolf.

The thick texture of blood slowly rolled down my throat and energized me, I quickly recovered from the blood I drank and was back in top-notch shape. I got a bunch of notifications from the system but I had no time to check them now since I was still in the middle of a wolf tide.

I drank the last bit of blood to recover some spare energy and ran in the opposite direction of the wolf pack.

I wasted no time and spared no effort to get away, I could barely fight a single wolf even with a sneak attack advantage, so I knew that I stood no chance against the pack. I didn't even bother [Inspect] the wolf since I could feel it was way stronger than me and I wouldn't get any information and I didn't spare time to [Inspect] it after I killed it since I had to run.

Only after running for a while did I rest, after I was rested I directly ran again, I repeated this cycle several times and decided to rather be safe and not take the risk just in case the wolf pack was still following me.

I ran for so long that the sun eventually set that I finally decided to take the risk and stop for a while. I know wolves are usually night hunters but these were out in the day so I should be rather safe in the night since they already expended their energy in the day.

I don't know the reason why they hunt at day and it doesn't really concern me.

I leisurely ventured on a bit further and did not encounter any other creatures.

Before I decided to sleep for the night, I climbed into the tree and found a good spot, however, before I fell asleep I realized I forgot to check my logs and stuff for killing the wolf and drinking its blood.


Level Up!!!

Level Up!!!

Level Up!!!

Level 5 Reached.

Stat point distribution upon level up will increase.


Other than levelling up, I also got the following skills :


New Skill Learned : [Claw Strike]

New Skill Learned : [Stealth]


Level too low to obtain some skills from the blood.

Skills obtained from blood:





Levels and skills aside, I did get an unexpected surprise, although it still is welcomed as a pleasant sight.


[Dash] mastery increased.

[Dash] levelled to Level 3


Levelling up [Dash] made it use less stamina and gave it a greater movement speed boost.

[Claw Strike] is what I used to strike at the back of the wolf's neck. It has very high penetrative power and quick attack speed.

[Sprint] is basically the same as [Dash] but it uses more stamina to go at a higher speed over a short distance, this will be pretty handy to quickly close the distance between something.

[Bite] as the name implies, biting.

Now here is my personal favourite, [Stealth], this will be useful no matter what. It will always come in handy, especially for an assassin like me.

And lastly, [Pounce], I mean, some use but not the best, basically just jumping on prey or enemy. Out of all that I got, [Stealth] and the level up for [Dash] are the top two.

I also got a 25HP bonus from levelling up to level 5, all the skills and including this, my current stats look like this:


[Kuroshi] [Blessing of #]

Class : None

Level : 5

Race : Vampire

Equipped Title

[One without chains]


Unallocated Stat Points : 15

HP : 125

Strength : 115

Endurance : 95 (+10+5)

Agility : 160 (+5+5+15)

Stamina : 115 (+5)


[Fang Growth] [Blood Suck 2] [Fly] [Claw Swipe 2] [Inspect 2] [Charge 2] [Dash 3] [Stealth] [Bite] [Sprint] [Pounce] [Claw Strike]
