
The past I wish to forget

Your_creatorElis · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Here I am

Let me start off by telling you a little about my self. I'm Rain I just turned 18 and I've been on my own since I was 8. I've had several foster homes but none lasted longer than a week, after about 2 years of moving from foster home to foster home I lost hope.

After a while I stopped being fostered and just remained in the orphanage. Unlike most children though I studied at high end schools because of my high grades. At the age of 16 I was gave a bag of my stuff and set on my way. Luckily my school had dorms or I would've ended up on the street.

But after moving into my dorm I began to question one thing. I had a dorm mate but I never saw him, there was also no trace of his existence so I began to wonder if he even existed.

There was also something else that concerned me more than the missing roomate. The other students, ever since I started coming to my new school I've had the feeling that someone was watching me. But who or what?!