
The Passionate Daily Life Starting from the Tachibana Family

"Mmm, Yuuka, what's the matter with the phone call?" "..." "Eh? There's no sound on Mom's side." "..." "Mhmm~" "Oh... Mom was eating some freshly cooked oden just now and accidentally burned herself, so she couldn't help but gasp~." __________________________ This is a Translation.. The short info and character list about it in the auxiliary chapter so you can check there. I'll just say, there's no NTR.. Cover's not mine.. If the original author or artist want me to remove their work, just leave a review below... _____________ To read in the original language: https://trxs.me/tongren/8687.html Original author: Don’t want to eat coriander _____________ To read 25 advanced chapters, join Patreon.com/abhi28 _________

Abhii_28 · Anime & Comics
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137 Chs

Picking up Natsuha

Clover Convenience Store, cashier counter.

Packing the items bought by a customer into a bag.

Once the last customer left and he found a moment of quiet, Haruno Ayato sat down and glanced at the time.

"It's been over half an hour, isn't the scolding over yet?"

Looking at the clock he couldn't help but mutter softly to himself.

It had been more than half an hour since Sasaki had entered the office.

Worried that he might be fired, he furrowed his brow.

Although he had gone to report to the manager about the situation as soon as Sasaki left, but the manager's expression did not show any signs of anger at that time and she just merely responded with a

"I see."

But the thoughts of a woman are the hardest to fathom.

The lack of display at that moment could mean the manager felt there was no use getting angry at him.

But that didn't mean she wasn't angry.

Leaving early on his first day of work, even though there were reasons, not explaining himself before abruptly leaving the post, is considered very poor form anywhere.

The boy wanted to plead for Sasaki, but being unclear about the full situation and rushing over might just anger the manager further.

So, after a moment of hesitation,

Haruno Ayato decided to calm his anxious thoughts and wait for Sasaki to come out before making any decisions.


Clover Convenience Store, Office.

Bright yet slightly chilly sunlight streamed through the partially opened curtains, casting light on the empty office desk.

Beside the sofa, not touched by the sunlight, a slightly panicked mature voice could be heard:

"Stop, if it spills on my dress, how will I face people when I go out..."

The sudden sound of conversation inside, combined with the tea set on the coffee table, easily conjured up an image of someone brewing tea for an elder sister.

And the reality was not far off.

Of course, this tea was a bit thick and tasted strange but it was drinkable.

In the clean and tidy office, dimmed by half-drawn curtains and unlit lights, the atmosphere was somewhat dark.

Sasaki casually leaned on the sofa, holding a teapot high, ready to pour the tea.

Himemiya Ayumi knelt beside his legs, her shoulders half exposed, holding a flawless porcelain bowl, waiting for the tea that Sasaki was clumsily trying to pour.

Of course, the tea was about to overflow from the spout so she had to ask him to stop reluctantly.

Hearing her request at this moment,

An almost suffocated Sasaki leaned back helplessly against the back of the sofa and took a deep breath:

"Phew~ What should we do then?"

Holding the bowl stiffly.

Not knowing how to delay any further, Ayumi, lifting her face tinted with the rosy hues of dawn, couldn't help but roll her eyes at Sasaki:

"Naughty boy, you've really taken advantage this time~"


With a sigh, realizing there was no other way, she lowered her head as if resigned to her fate.

And knowing that she had no other requests,

Sasaki leaned on the sofa, pouring the tea he brewed with a 'gurgle.'

As she held the bowl with both hands, sipping the tea sip by sip, he straightened his back, pulling out a tissue from his pocket.

Then stretched out his hand, considerately wiping the corners of her mouth, which were still dripping with tea,

Glancing sideways at the tissue by her mouth, a suddenly wide-eyed Ayumi bit her lip.

Listening to Sasaki calling out by her ear, and after finishing the tea, she couldn't help but clench her small fists and punch Sasaki lightly.

"I knew you did that on purpose, you bad boy."

Pulling her, who had put down the bowl, to his side,

Sasaki picked up a tea cup from the coffee table and handed it over:

"Didn't I just remember this?"

After swishing the tea in her mouth with a 'gurgle,' gulping it down in one go, Ayumi tidied her somewhat disheveled dress, and then suddenly wrapped her arms around his neck in a playful chokehold:

"Mo~ I really took a loss this time~"

Feeling the pressure against his cheek from her embrace, Sasaki, who felt no discomfort, let her vent her frustration.

Indeed, it was his fault.

Originally, he just wanted to give a small peck.

But he didn't expect that once the mood escalated, Sister Ayumi didn't resist his advances.

Her lack of rejection made it even harder for Sasaki to pull away.

After all, once the arrow was drawn, he couldn't just not shoot it.

And it's well known that shooting an empty bow can damage it.

So he just released a few shots into her mouth and she turned out to be a complete novice, making him subconsciously take the lead and the things got a bit out of hand.

Of course, he didn't go too far and stopped after a few moments, but those few feelings still left him with a profound expression.

However, Sasaki couldn't stay here too long.

So, in order to make it quick, he raised a concern, "This is too slow, what if someone sees us?"

And the bewildered Ayumi, in her flurry of emotions, inadvertently led him down that path.

Although it wasn't her fault because he was too proactive at that time, and given her liking to him, knowing that she wouldn't refuse his slightly within the barrier demands, he led her astray, but it's not like..he could control it, atleast by that moment his mind wasn't in control.

"It's okay, I'll take responsibility for Sister Ayumi," Sasaki, with his neck still in her grasp, chuckled as he reassured her, pulling her arms gently.

But Ayumi, who was annoyed at how unsatisfactory she was, subconsciously retorted.

"Cheeky boy, who asked you to take responsibility? You wish."

Although she could play it off as her first time, but knowing that she couldn't pleasure her lover was still a blow.

Releasing her hold and ruffling Sasaki's hair,

With her cheeks still flushed, she pushed the lingering Sasaki:

"You should go to work. I never thought I'd hire someone who takes my salary and tries to eat me out of house and home~"

"Who can resist when Sister Ayumi is so delicious"

Embracing her waist and because their relationship had grown closer, Sasaki planted a kiss on her rosy cheek with a 'smack.'

Of course, he knew why she was feeling like this.

And he really wanted to tell her she did a wonderful job, afterall it wasn't that easy to make him cum these days, but since she was not asking, he wouldn't say.

Afterall given her nature of not wanting to admit defeat,

Maybe next time, she would try even hard who knows,

Maybe then he could even ask for more

Afterall once the bottom line is lowered it can only goes down.

So sometimes it's better to not say anything.

Anyway this beautiful big sister didn't need him to comfort her everytime, and that was what he loved about mature women.

Before she could say anything else.

Indeed needing to get to work, Sasaki straightened her slightly sticky bangs:

"I'll head over first then, don't miss me too much, Sister Ayumi."

With that, he stood up.

"Pfft~ Who'd miss you, you naughty boy~"

Watching the boy leave the office.

Sitting on the sofa, still feeling somewhat feverish, Ayumi squinted her misty green eyes and spat lightly.


Changing into the convenience store uniform.

Sasaki approached the cash register at the convenience store and pushed open the door.

He had barely closed the door when Haruno Ayato, who had been paying attention, approached him.

"How did it go? The manager didn't say anything, did she?"

Seeing the concern on his delicate face, Sasaki reached out and adjusted his convenience store uniform before replying:

"It's fine, I just got a scolding, then I made the manager a cup of tea to smooth things over."

Pour tea?

Is this a new way of admitting a mistake?

Haruno Ayato scratched his head, not understanding how making tea could appease the manager.

But he didn't dwell on it.

Compared to these details, the important thing was that Sasaki was okay.

So, after exchanging a few more words and confirming that everything was fine,

The two of them resumed their duties for the day.

They worked until 6:30 PM.

In the changing room, after getting dressed to go pick up Natsuha Shinomiya from school, Sasaki waved to Haruno Ayato who was also changing.

"I'm heading out now."

"Alright, see you."

Going out, and after waved at the security camera by the store entrance.

Sasaki, with his backpack slung over his shoulder, walked toward the school in the fading orange glow of the setting sun.

Due to the approaching summer, various sports clubs at the school were undergoing additional training.

So, when he arrived at the school and reached the Aikido club,

They were still training.

But it was almost over.

After all, the school rule was that extra training could not go past 7 PM.

Entering the Aikido club,

The first thing he saw was a training area the size of a soccer field.

The ground was covered with tatami mats, slightly smaller than the training area.

Around the walls hung calligraphy and paintings that inspired martial spirit.

In the middle of the area, dozens of boys and girls in white tops and black hakama were practicing together..

As soon as Sasaki entered, he immediately spotted the extremely dazzling figure of Natsuha Shinomiya among the chaotic crowd.

Her soft, waist-length purple hair was tied back into a neat ponytail.

On her pretty face, her slender eyebrows were furrowed, making her originally charming and passionate eyes look a little sharper.

She was wearing a pure white keikogi with a mid-sleeve direct collar and a straight front, which flattered her plump and proud figure.

It seemed she had wrapped her chest tightly for training convenience.

Standing in the distance, Sasaki, with his extraordinary eyesight, could clearly see that her big white bowl was more than a circle smaller than it was in the morning.

So by applying the maths formula, the volume of each melon had significantly shrunk, thus decreasing the overall volume.

It was obvious that she was wearing a chest wrap.

Although he had never experienced it,

Just the thought of such big lumps of thick dumplings being twisted into small snow cakes made Sasaki feel a pang of sympathy for her.

Shaking his head and sighing,

The boy looked around, found a place out of the way, and sat by the wall.


After gently twisting the wrist of the girl who was sparring with her, Natsuha Shinomiya gave her a gentle push.

"Yui, you're distracted."

Rubbing her wrist, the girl called Yui, giggled and nudged her:

"Look over there, there's a handsome guy!"

Instinctively turning her head, Natsuha Shinomiya, standing in the middle of the field, spotted the lone figure of Sasaki sitting by the wall, waving at her slightly.

'He really came…'