
The Passionate Daily Life Starting from the Tachibana Family

"Mmm, Yuuka, what's the matter with the phone call?" "..." "Eh? There's no sound on Mom's side." "..." "Mhmm~" "Oh... Mom was eating some freshly cooked oden just now and accidentally burned herself, so she couldn't help but gasp~." __________________________ This is a Translation.. The short info and character list about it in the auxiliary chapter so you can check there. I'll just say, there's no NTR.. Cover's not mine.. If the original author or artist want me to remove their work, just leave a review below... _____________ To read in the original language: https://trxs.me/tongren/8687.html Original author: Don’t want to eat coriander _____________ To read 25 advanced chapters, join Patreon.com/abhi28 _________

Abhii_28 · Anime & Comics
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139 Chs

Indescribable feelings

The soft, elastic sensation transmitted through his fingertips to his mind, making him unconsciously think of jelly.

As for those soft warm cushions pressing against his back, like a furnace on a winter day, Sasaki didn't dare to feel too much.

After all, he was on the roadside now.

If he made a fool of himself, there would be no Otome to come and rescue him.

While he was recalling the permutations and combinations he learned in class today to calm himself down, the sudden soft whisper that sounded in his ears, mixed with that moist and hot breath, instantly warmed his heart.

This kind of behavior, where a beautiful girl murmurs in your ear, is indeed the quickest way to make a young man lose his composure.

In order to prevent this girl from stirring him further, Sasaki breathed out softly, responding to her while gently pinching the flesh of her thigh with his middle and index fingers, signaling her to speak less.

"It's no trouble at all..."

And girls' intuition is often the most accurate.

Although Haruno Kasumi didn't fully understand Sasaki's actions, his suddenly intensified breathing and somewhat tense back made her aware of his discomfort.

As a senior high school student, she was not ignorant about such matters and certainly knew that her figure was highly attractive to boys.

So, seeing the boy's current embarrassment and complaint that was completely opposite to his gentle look just now, the girl actually found it interesting and slightly curled her lips.

'Serves you right for being so rude to your senior earlier, even though you're just a junior...'

However, she only looked at him a few more times and did not stimulate him anymore or give him any benefits.

Being carried on the back by a boy she had just met was already enough to make her ashamed, especially with his shirt tied around her waist.

Just these things were scenarios she had never even imagined before.

As for asking her to do more bold or even provocative actions, it was something she couldn't bring herself to do with her character.

Of course, if it was a request from a lover...

Still in the throes of puberty, a young girl being carried on the back by a boy she has a crush on, could not help but fantasize about some blush-inducing scenarios in her heart.

Walking beside Sasaki, Haruno Ayato turned his head and looked at his sister lying on the boy's back, feeling an indescribable feeling in his heart.

A mix of sourness and congestion...

After all, she was the sister he admired and cherished the most.

To say that he harbored no thoughts about Sister Kasumi would be a denial of his own gender.

But thoughts were thoughts, he was very well aware of his own situation.

Even facing the hot girls' bullying in the school, he had no strength to resist.

How could he protect his sister like this?

So he knew that he and Sister Kasumi were not suitable, which was why even though he always had thoughts in his heart, he did not take any action.

Otherwise, with his unique conditions, it would have been too easy to establish a romantic relationship with Haruno Kasumi.

In another sense, it was those girls who helped him see himself clearly.

With bitterness in his heart, the boy followed Sasaki silently without saying a word.

Meanwhile, Sasaki, who was distracted, and Kasumi, who was lost in her fantasies, naturally had no intention of speaking.

The entire journey was speechless.



Arrive at Haruno's house.

Sasaki put the girl behind him on the sofa and had not yet turned around when Ayato, who had placed his schoolbag aside and was holding a medical kit, came over.

"Sasaki-kun, it's getting late, and I still need to cook... This kit has the treatment medicine... please take good care of Kasumi-nee."

Taking the medical kit Ayato had thrust into his hands, Sasaki looked at the boy who had gone to the kitchen and felt that he was a little disappointed.

Was it because his sister was close to another boy?

If that's the case, why did he leave this matter to himself...

And...why did his last sentence sound a little weird?

Suppressing the thoughts in his mind, Sasaki knelt down, opened the medical kit, and placed it on the table beside him.

Seeing the girl shrinking her little feet shyly, he reached out and grabbed the soft calf that was trying to avoid him.

"Sister Kasumi, don't be afraid, it'll be over soon. It might hurt a bit, though, so bear with it, okay~"

Listening to Sasaki's tone of voice as if soothing a child about to receive an injection and uttering such terribly ominous words, Kasumi hadn't yet rebuked him in a low voice when the pain from her ankle made her delicate body tremble.

Her whole pretty face turned pale, and there were crystal tears in her bright and soft eyes: "It hurts so much..."

"Take it slow, I'll take off your shoes and socks first."

Even before he said that Sasaki had already straightened her long legs and placed them on her knees.

He took off the white shoes that were too small, in his opinion, revealing the black stockings encasing her slender calves.

Holding the girl's feet through her stockings, he could clearly feel her body shiver slightly.

But because she was already prepared, the girl just bit her lower lip and turned her little head to the side.

Starting from the calf, he slowly rolled down the stocking, gradually revealing the toes.

Sasaki watched as the perfectly sculpted foot slowly emerged from the black sock under the light of the living room.

The stark contrast between the two colors made Kasumi's already fair foot appear even more flawless in Sasaki's eyes, as if filtered, immaculate.

Perhaps due to walking earlier, her feet were slightly sweaty, giving them a blurry sheen under the light.

However, although they were not fragrant, they did not have any peculiar smell.

Haruno Kasumi, who also knew that her feet were sweaty, noticed Sasaki's inspection.

The little feet that were originally spread out slowly curled up like a mimosa under the boy's warm gaze, with five little toes like milk beans.

However, it seemed that the slightly red and swollen ankle was involved due to excessive exertion.

So just when the little beans got together, Haruno Kasumi, who was sitting on the sofa, covered her face and let out a light 'um.'

Seeing how dishonest she was, Sasaki tilted his head to scare her.

"Don't move now; this is your last chance. If you do it next time, I will tickle the soles of your feet."

After saying that, Sasaki, still looking into the girl's frightened eyes, placed his finger under her foot and made a slight gesture to emphasize his point.

Hearing these words that put all the responsibility on herself, Haruno Kasumi pursed her lips with some disapproval and looked at the boy quite angrily.

Shifting all the blame onto herself was one thing, but why did he have to use such a childish threat on her?

Didn't he know she was his senior?

Although she was scolding Sasaki in her heart, but her feet were extremely honest and did not move again.

The curled toes slowly unfolded like blossoming flowers.

Everything was ready.

Sasaki opened the bottle of medicinal alcohol from the medical kit.

After pouring a little bit in his hand, he poured a little bit more on the sprained ankle and then started kneading it slowly.

Whether it was due to the appropriate force used by Sasaki or the effectiveness of the medicinal alcohol, the pain in the girl's ankle gradually subsided, and a warm, comfortable sensation slowly emerged.

'Umm... It's warm, kind of ticklish...'

Noticing the comfort and feeling uneasy about it, Haruno Kasumi's hands, which were grasping the couch, slowly covered her pink lips.

Although she was very alert and realized in advance that she might make some inappropriate noises, she still underestimated the potency of the medicine or perhaps her own sensitivity.

As she felt the warmth and tingling on her ankle, the girl's eyes, which were originally as clear as water, gradually shimmered with sparkling and dazzling ripples.

The pink lips under the red and white hands also began to hum softly uncontrollably.

Kneeling on the ground, Sasaki, hearing those troublesome sounds close to his ear, felt a bit uncomfortable and raised his eyebrows.

In fact, Haruno Kasumi's sounds were very soft, but in the silent living room, his perception was naturally heightened.

And therefore, her voice, barely louder than a whisper, was almost like speaking directly into his ear, making it difficult for him to speak out in this situation.

In the end, he could only endure it silently.

Fortunately, her swelling was not serious, and within a moment, most of the redness and swelling disappeared.

By tomorrow morning, it should be completely healed.

Fetching a pair of pink slippers with strawberry patterns from the shoe cabinet in the entryway, Sasaki helped her slip her feet into them before looking up at her.

"Since it's inconvenient for you to move with your sprain, I'll carry you to your room. For dinner, we might need to ask Haruno for help; how does that sound?"

After hearing the boy's words, even though she had already been carried on his back, the thought of being held still made her feel shy, so she instinctively waved her hands to decline.