
The Passionate Daily Life Starting from the Tachibana Family

"Mmm, Yuuka, what's the matter with the phone call?" "..." "Eh? There's no sound on Mom's side." "..." "Mhmm~" "Oh... Mom was eating some freshly cooked oden just now and accidentally burned herself, so she couldn't help but gasp~." __________________________ This is a Translation.. The short info and character list about it in the auxiliary chapter so you can check there. I'll just say, there's no NTR.. Cover's not mine.. If the original author or artist want me to remove their work, just leave a review below... _____________ To read in the original language: https://trxs.me/tongren/8687.html Original author: Don’t want to eat coriander _____________ To read 25 advanced chapters, join Patreon.com/abhi28 _________

Abhii_28 · Anime & Comics
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139 Chs

Haruno Kasumi

"Really? That's really great."

Holding his hands together and clasping them in front of his chest, Haruno Ayato, who had just heard Sasaki had been hired, smiled and congratulated him.

Seeing the boy making such a heart-grabbing gesture, the latter's eyes twitched and he suddenly wanted to remind him.

But thinking that doing so might irritate him, Sasaki chose to remain silent.

Although it felt a bit awkward, in the final analysis, it was just a minor issue, better to pretend not to see it.

Automatically ignoring his movements and delicate red face, the boy glanced at the time on the wall and asked softly: "How long will it take for you to get off work? If it's not long, let's go together later."

After all, he was the one who helped him find the part-time job, aside from his feminine appearance and occasional girlish behaviors, this boy was a good person, so Sasaki would not alienate him because of his appearance.

As for whether there would be some rumors in the school...

Sasaki didn't care, anyway whether he was normal or not, Otome had the most say.

And whether the girls who had a good relationship with him would think too much about it...he didn't care about that either.

If they were swayed by some rumors and became suspicious of him without even asking him, then there was no need for Sasaki to have a deep relationship with them.

Haruno Ayato seemed very happy to receive an invitation from a male classmate in his class, which was extremely rare.

After taking a look at the time and realizing it was almost time to leave, he greeted Miwa Itsuki, who was still working, and then asked Sasaki to wait a bit before heading into the changing room.

As he had just left, a girl wearing their school's uniform entered right after him.

The girl was around 165 cm tall, had shoulder-length light black hair and wore the uniform white blouse and pleated skirt worn by girls in their school.

And her figure was quite...

Standing inside the cashier area, Sasaki looked at the white blouse bouncing up and down with her movements, and his eyelids couldn't help but twitch involuntary.

There was something wrong with this world.

Although not all, the majority of the girls Sasaki had encountered today possessed figures that would be considered nuclear-grade in his previous life.

Such figures were unheard of, let alone seen, in his previous existence.

Especially since these figures were clustering in a place like a school.

Isn't it a harsh blow to ordinary girls.

Those heavy watermelons were like the pair of giant mountains pressuring the world.

The more he saw, the more he couldn't help but marvel at the beauty of this world.

Sasaki looked at the face of the girl who was holding the schoolbag in her hand and slinging it on her shoulder.

Although he didn't want to describe everything in detail everytime he sees a new girl, but he was helpless.

When such bombshell crosses paths with you, it is inevitable to warm your eyes.

It has nothing to do with being lustful or thinking with the lower body, it is just a subconscious reaction.

And in this amazing world this subconscious reaction was quite frequent.

Looking at the girl in front of him, this subconscious reaction also came up.

Her delicate and charming face was impeccable, and her slightly pursed lips were naturally red, forming a subtle pink line on her fair and soft cheeks.

Although there was nothing special about it, it looked particularly eye-catching.

The slight smile on her lips was as soft and gentle as the sister next door, making people feel close to her.

Her soft eyes under the light black bangs complement her gentle temperament, tempting one to indulge and drown in her tenderness involuntarily.

However, a light brown mole near her right eye turned that intoxicating gentleness into an alluring charm.

Her face wasn't as sharp as other girls', but it was exceptionally round and plump, adding to her cuteness, which matched her sexy yet more curvy figure.

The same small and fleshy hands are now holding the light blue schoolbag slung on the soft shoulders, squeezing the tall and erect snowy dumplings.

Her small, plump hands were now gripping the light blue schoolbag slung on her soft shoulders, squishing her scandalously tall and firm melons.

Under the squeeze of the school bag, the pure white blouse overflowing from the surroundings was extremely noticeably higher than the blouse wrapped in dumplings on the right, creating a stark contrast between the two making it difficult to look away.

And as the white blouse gradually fell down and sank into the waist of the skirt, the thin waist of the snake swaying due to walking gradually came into view.

Just like the breeze caressing the slender willows, the movements between the twists of her slender waist were extremely natural and smooth, without any forced attempt to draw attention.

But the curve that gradually becomes wider and rounder under the slender waist seemed to have a mind of their own.

After all, the pleated skirt, stretched yet clinging to her behind, silently but conspicuously showcased its roundness.

He didn't look at the seamless legs that were pressed together so tightly that they couldn't even fit a piece of paper into them.

As the girl approached the counter, Sasaki noticed her look of surprise.

Looking at her brows and eyes that bore some resemblance to Haruno Ayato, he asked softly.

"Are you looking for someone?"

Looking at the slender and handsome boy in front of her, and recognizing him in the school uniform of her own school, Haruno Kasumi nodded in response to his soft inquiry.

"Yes, that is, the person who was here before..."

Her voice was gentle and warm, like a spring breeze caressing one's cheek.

After hearing her words, Sasaki, who knew what she wanted to say, nodded.

"You must be Haruno's sister. I'm his friend, Sasaki Fuyumi. He just went to the changing room; it might take him a while to come out."

Hearing that the boy in front of him was Ayato's friend, the girl's eyes widened in surprise.

After all she also knew that he didn't have many friends in school, so now hearing that the other party was a friend of his, she chatted with Sasaki warmly..

She was well aware of her brother's temperament and appearance.

Although she didn't care as a member of his family, his appearance and character made it difficult for him to make friends at school.

In extreme cases, it wasn't impossible for him to be bullied.

Thus, whether at school or outside, Kasumi was trying her best to protect him.

Just as she had let him to join her club or was picking him up from work now, it was all out of concern for him.

"Sasaki...kun, when did you become friends with Ayato?"

As one of the top honor's students in the class, Haruno Kasumi, who usually didn't talk to boys much, stood aside with a red face and whispered to Sasaki, who had not yet become a formal employee.

Standing at the side of the cashier counter, hearing the girl's question, Sasaki, knowing she was curious about him because Haruno Ayato had never mentioned him, answered truthfully.

"It was just today. I took a leave of absence for over a month due to family reasons, so I only joined the class today."

Not mentioning the incident where Haruno Ayato was bullied by the girls, Sasaki continued,

"Haruno is a good person. When I first arrived here, I didn't know anyone, and he helped introduce me to the teachers and classmates. He also recommended this part-time job to me."

He shared the story of how he met the boy.

When Haruno Kasumi heard Sasaki's praise of her cousin, a bright and moving smile appeared on her face.

Although surprised that her cousin could take the initiative to make friends, she didn't think too much of it since it wasn't a bad thing.

At the same time, she also also grew fonder of Sasaki for not rejecting Ayato based on his appearance.

After all, befriending someone with feminine looks like Ayato could lead to exclusion by other boys, or possibly even negative rumors.

And after one day of class, the boy in front of her still did not reject Ayato, which meant that he was not the kind of person who cared about other people's words.

Haruno Kasumi asked herself that she could not ignore other people's opinions and evaluations, so she admired and favored Sasaki even more for being able to do so.

After all, he who can do this was undoubtedly a 'beast' that was superior to everyone.

As long as such a person harbored no ill intentions towards Ayato, then it would be beneficial and harmless for him to be friends with him.

With the intention of assisting her cousin, Kasumi adjusted a strand of hair near her ear, her pretty face blushing as she casually chatted with Sasaki, while searching for words.

After getting to know each other better, and to distinguish herself from Ayato, she asked Sasaki during their conversation to call her "Sister Kasumi," just like Ayato.

And facing the girl's enthusiasm, Sasaki naturally knew her intention.

After all, with Haruno Ayato's appearance and personality, he was easily bullied at school.

And as Kasumi, being his older cousin and due to the age and gender gap, couldn't always protect him, so she deliberately tried to close the distance with Sasaki, who did not reject it.

Understanding her actions, he readily agreed to call her "Sister Kasumi."

At the same time, he had to say that Ayato was really fortunate to have such a beautiful and caring sister always looking out for him.

