
CHAPTER 35- Moments Before the Night 's Mission

As the sunset approached, the team prepared for the night. Inside the room, they gathered at the center, putting on their armors from the transparent storage.

Gabby asked, "Do you think these armors will protect us from being bitten?"

Carlos chuckled and replied, "Why?.. Are you afraid of losing a body part?"

"Nah, I just want to make sure I can take one of Monsters' teeth," Gabby replied, testing the flexibility of the gauntlets.

"Hmm, I'm starting to like this suit. I feel like a robo-soldier," Kevan said, gripping the advanced rifle.

"The accuracy is so damn impressive," he added, pointing at Gabby's face.

"Woah, woah, really?" Gabby exclaimed in surprise.

"Hey Captain, why so serious? Are you practicing your poker face?" Carlos teased Captain Kelly Wong while checking his gun.

"And hey, I think I spotted a few wrinkles there! Age catching up, huh?" he playfully added.

"Yeah, so you won't be embarrassed with your dick head," Captain Kelly Wong simply retorted, looking through the scope of her gun pointed in his direction.

"What did you say?!" he responded.

"Whoa-oh," Gabby and Kevan said in unison, trying to stop Carlos from attempting to attack Captain Kelly.

"Hey, dude, chill out. You're too sensitive. Don't forget she outranks us," Gabby said.

Meanwhile, Koby Chen smirked and shook his head.

Nashia laughed strangely upon hearing Kelly's response, while Carlos felt embarrassed and fell silent.

"You should be careful who you're teasing with," Nashia whispered to Carlos.

"Hehe, " she added, the sound of laughter coming from inside her helmet.

As Captain Kelly Wong left the room, she stood at the entrance.

"Is everything ready?" she asked on serious tone.

"Everything's good. We're coming," Lieutenant Nashia responded.

"Great," Captain Kelly Wong replied with a smile. As the automatic door closed, she timed it perfectly to throw a small stun grenade inside the room.


"Damn it! That freaking woman!" Carlos exclaimed.

"Ouch, my eyes!" Gabby exclaimed.

"Both of you should always be prepared," Nashia said.

"Hmm, this helmet won't be affected by flash bombs, interesting," Kevan remarked.

Meanwhile, as Captain Bron was observing the volunteers resting after their agility test, a soldier approached him, saluted, and said, "Sir, the command association has decided that all volunteers should prepare for the operation tonight."

"What? Are they crazy?" Captain Bron exclaimed, immediately standing up from his chair.

"No, it can't be. I won't risk their lives," he stated firmly.

"I can't bear to see another team dying one by one, especially these new soldiers," he added.

"Sorry, sir, but the President has also approved the plan. Excuse me, sir," the soldier said before he left.

Captain Bron nodded and sat back in his chair, placing his hands on his head, deep in thought.

"Are they going crazy? Including rookies in a dangerous mission without proper training and preparation?" he muttered to himself.

"No, I won't let that happen."

Mark approached and said, "Hey, Captain, you seem to be lost in thought. What's troubling you?"

"The Command Room has made a huge mistake in their decisions," Captain Bron replied, worrying evident in his voice.

"Even the President has approved that all the volunteers should participate in the operation tonight," he added.

"Are they out of their minds?" Mark exclaimed.

"It's a suicide mission. Most of them don't e-even know how to fight or hold a weapon. It's too early for them to be thrown into this crazy idea," he added, glancing at the resting volunteers on the floor.

"You're right, Mark. That's why I'll find a way to prevent that from happening," Captain Bron said determinedly.

"So, what are you planning to do, Captain?" Mark asked.

"If my position as a captain is based on my dignity, I'd rather sacrifice myself and lose my dignity than witness any of them facing a tragic and defenseless death,"Captain Bron said resolutely as he stepped forward.

"All of you, listen!" Captain Bron addressed the volunteers.

"I'm too tired. I can't even move my feet," one girl said, turning to face Captain Bron.

"Oh, come on, let us rest for a while," another male individual muttered to himself.

"The Command Room and the President of Geotopia have commanded that all the volunteers must join us tonight," Captain Bron said in a commanding voice.

Upon hearing Captain Bron's words, murmurs spread among the volunteers.

One of them stood up and spoke, "You told us that the Command Room had given us at least one month for preparation before we engage in the mission. Why are they suddenly changing the plan, saying that we should join you tonight? We're not just toys here; we're here because we want to protect our families."

"Exactly! We're not garbage! The officials should not recklessly throw us into battle. It's like putting chains on our hands without giving us a chance to fight back," another one added, expressing frustration.

Captain Bron paused for a moment, acknowledging their concerns. He understood their frustrations and shared their desire to protect their families. Taking a deep breath, he spoke in a determined tone:

"I hear your concerns, and I understand your frustrations. It's not fair to expect you to face such risks without proper preparation. I won't let you go into battle unprepared. We will find a way to ensure your safety and provide you with the training you need. Our mission is to protect our families and this nation, but it should never come at the cost of your lives," Captain Bron reassured them.

"Now, I want to give you all another choice. I want you to step back and reconsider. If you feel that you're not ready or if you believe it's too dangerous to proceed, I respect your decision. You have the right to choose. Place your weapons down and step back if that's what you decide," he added, extending his hand in a gesture of understanding.

One by one, the volunteers started placing their weapons on the ground, some hesitating for a moment before making their choice. The room fell silent as they contemplated the decision before them.

But only Brenzo remained in his position, crossing his feet and holding the rifle's barrel with its recoil pad on the floor.

"Are you all cowards?" he shouted, his head bowed before standing up.

"Why did you enter this facility and join this damn battle if you're afraid to die?" he added, his expression serious.

Captain Bron moved forward, making his way through the volunteers, and grabbed Brenzo's shirt, speaking closely to him.

"Fuck your pride and heroic words!" Captain Bron said.

"You have no idea what you're up against! Those monsters would kill you in a single attempt!" he added.

"Sir, I am always ready to face my destiny! I have achieved a lot in my life, and I am tired of wasting it on things that never make me happy!" Brenzo responded.

"All my life, I've dreamt of becoming the best soldier like you, sir, but my family is against me. They want me to focus on our damn business. Please, allow me to do this," he added, tears beginning to fall.

"Damn it! Just because you can't find happiness in your life anymore, you've decided to throw your life away?" Captain Bron exclaimed, as he let go of Brenzo and took a step back.

"This is the only advice I can give you: Don't ever call me for help, no matter what happens," Captain Bron said, pushing Brenzo and causing him to fall to the ground.

"You may look tough, but you're actually so fragile," he added, leaving Brenzo behind.

"I'll never disappoint you, sir!" Brenzo shouted, determinedly.

Brenzo's friends rushed towards him, extending their hands to help him up, but Brenzo defiantly pushed them away.

"Back off, you cowards," he growled, rising to his feet with unwavering determination.

As the rest of the volunteers filed out of the room, their footsteps echoed down the dark hallway, creating an eerie ambiance.

"Whoa," they gasped collectively as they caught sight of the soldiers clad in formidable armored suits, gradually emerging from the shadows.

"So that's the legendary Legion team they've been talking about," one volunteer whispered in awe.

"Hey, where do you think you're going? You don't want to miss out on witnessing the absolute best squad of all time!," a voice playfully taunted from within one of the helmets.

Nashia Opened her faceplate and rolled her eyes, interjecting, "Cut the bravado, Carlos. Try to set a better example for them."

The female volunteer took charge, asserting, "Let's move out of this room before the Command Association decides to lock us in here."

Gabby chimed in with a chuckle, saying, "They don't exactly fit the mold of your typical opening remarks, huh?"

Curious, Captain Kelly Wong approached Captain Bron, questioning his decision. "Why are they leaving, Captain?"

Captain Bron met her gaze, a somber expression on his face. "Sometimes, it's better to let them go. No one wants to witness the loss of those young lives tonight."

"So you're allowing them to leave this facility, even if it means putting your own position at risk?" she questioned, a mix of admiration and astonishment in her voice.

A bittersweet smile played across Captain Bron's lips. "Perhaps. But tonight, I choose to do what is right. The Command Room may have their orders, but I can't manage to see those kids risking their lives in the monsters' den."

"Hey, Sergeant, please escort them safely off this facility!" Captain Bron commanded the soldiers stationed near the door.

"Alright, everyone, let's keep moving. We can't afford to waste any more time here," he declared, taking the lead and gesturing for them to follow him.

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