
CHAPTER 33- A Poignant Tale

"Is he dead?" one person asked anxiously.

"I'm not sure, I can't see him. The soldiers are blocking my view," another replied.

"Did you see the veins showing on his head?" someone questioned.

"I've never seen anything like this before. It's as if something inside him gave him incredible strength," another volunteer observed.

"Brenzo was lucky that the soldiers arrived in time. Otherwise, he would have met a tragic fate at such a young age," whispered one of the volunteers.

Tension filled the air as the volunteers exchanged hushed conversations, trying to make sense of the intense situation.

"Take the body to Dr. Feriz. We need to determine the cause of her death," General Maverick ordered as he approached Captain Bron, who was checking on Mark.

"Don't worry, Captain. He's not dead. I'm not foolish enough to kill someone who could help us, especially on tonight's mission," General Maverick reassured them.

"But you shot him in the neck. Do you really think that wouldn't end his life?" Captain Bron questioned.

"You can check the bullet in his neck. It's not just a normal bullet. It gives a mild shock that's enough to make him lose consciousness. It will take a few hours for his body to recover," General Maverick explained.

"And besides, if I hadn't shot him down, you would have been the one on the ground this time," General Maverick added, addressing Captain Bron.

As General Maverick's attention shifted to Brenzo, he asked, "Who is this tall guy?"

"Someone reported to me that you caused trouble up there in the gym," Maverick said sternly to Brenzo.

Brenzo stood firm, his expression serious. "I'm Brenzo Thoshiba sir, the owner of Thoshiba Company. I'm sorry for my foolish actions that caused trouble, sir. I am ready to accept any punishment you deem appropriate," he said, showing his willingness to take responsibility.

"Just as I heard, you disrespected your senior officers earlier. But for now, I want you to be a positive influence on your fellow volunteers. I don't tolerate any misconduct within my base. That will be your punishment. Do you understand?" Maverick said firmly.

"Yes, sir," Brenzo replied, acknowledging his understanding.

"Sergeant, continue with the training for them. They need to learn what is necessary. If needed, enforce discipline," General Maverick instructed the female soldier standing behind him.

Turning to the tall guy, General Maverick spoke assertively, "I don't care who you are or how wealthy you may be. If you display disobedience, rest assured, you will face the consequences you deserve."

"Everyone, get back to your fucking business!" General Maverick shouted with authority.

"General Maverick, it's better if I take Mark to my room to ensure he won't cause any more trouble," Captain Bron proposed as he lifted Mark onto his shoulder.

"Do what you think is best, Captain. We need him for tonight," General Maverick replied, acknowledging the captain's decision.

Addressing Brenzo directly, General Maverick commanded, "What are you standing around for? Help Captain Bron carry him."

Brenzo quickly stepped forward to assist Captain Bron, and the rest of the team resumed their duties, focusing on their tasks.

After a brief moment, Captain Bron addressed the Brenzo, saying, "You may now resume your training. Thank you for your assistance." after They carefully laid Mark down on the bed.

"Sir, you're welcome. It's my duty to help others, I'm sorry again for my stupidity" Brenzo replied.

"Just continue to do well. You may go now," Captain Bron instructed.

Brenzo nodded and saluted before leaving the room.

Captain Bron sat down on the couch and spoke to Mark, who was still unconscious. "I'm sorry for your loss, Mark. I understand the pain you're feeling. It's incredibly difficult to accept the loss of friends right before your eyes."

"I've experienced it too. I remember waking up in a helicopter, seeing my troops being overrun by those monsters. They were waving for help,but the rescuers didn't have a chance to land as they were surrounded by those monsters. I tried my best to help, but all I could do was watch them being killed one by one. I thought it was just a nightmare, but that night reminded me of how much of a failure I felt as their captain. I let them die," Captain Bron's voice cracked as tears streamed down his face while recounting the story.

"We returned to the morning, hoping that some of my troops were still alive. However, all we found were their lifeless bodies, brutally torn apart. My knees gave way beneath me as I desperately wished that my cries could turn back time to when we were enjoying our last night together. In the midst of my anguish, I didn't hear the voices of the soldiers trying to stop my impulsive plan. I was ready to pull the trigger that day, but then I remembered our families. I realized that I had a duty to protect them, even if it meant sacrificing myself. That was the only way I could truly help them," Captain Bron expressed with a heavy heart.

"I do apologize for my actions, Captain. I was just hoping that Spectre would help me avenge my mother's death, but everything turned upside down. However, I still consider myself lucky to be alive, despite the threat of the microorganisms inside me. It's as if the heavens have given me a chance to make things right and find the answers to the questions that haunt me," Mark said, opening his eyes and gazing at the ceiling.

Captain Bron wiped away his tears and stood up, his eyes fixed on the monitors. "Perhaps our destiny was not fulfilled there. There are still reasons that keep us alive."

Mark sat up in bed, a determined look on his face. "Where have they taken her body?"

"General Maverick ordered her body to be sent to the research facility for further examination into the cause of her death," Captain Bron replied.

"Can I see her?" Mark inquired, his voice filled with longing.

"Not at this time, Mark. Our priority right now is to prepare for tonight," Captain Bron responded, his tone firm.

"There is much you need to learn before we embark on such a significant mission," he added.

"How many of us will be part of this mission?" Mark questioned.

"I am not certain yet. We will have a better idea once the volunteers from the other city arrive this afternoon," Captain Bron replied.

"I believe we don't need them," Mark stated confidently.

"What do you mean?" the captain inquired, his curiosity piqued.

"I possess the ability to handle this myself," Mark said, his left hand shifting into a vibrant red color, veins pulsating around it

"You're not surprised by this?" Mark asked,

"No, I expected that you were capable of such abilities," Captain Bron replied calmly.

"The night before we were attacked by those monsters, I encountered someone similar to you. They had the power to change their appearance, speak, and command others. They could even control those parasites. I had hoped we could defeat them, but their abilities surpassed what any human could achieve," Captain Bron explained.

"That's precisely why we must strike them at night, and we'll need some assistance to accomplish that," he added.

"Your ability is impressive, Mark, but we still need to be cautious. We don't know how many of those creatures are out there and what other abilities they may possess," Captain Bron said.

"Why don't we withdraw for now and gather more information about these creatures?" Mark suggested.

"You're right, Mark. That's precisely why we need to venture out tonight and gather additional information on these beasts and what's exactly happening in Maharlika City. This mission has been issued from the command room, so we have no choice but to follow their orders," Captain Bron confirmed.

"Let's end this conversation and return to the training facility," he added.

"Please, Captain, let me see Spectre," Mark requested.

In the midst of unknown battles, the heavens grant us moments of stillness. Please use your votes! Thanks!

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