
CHAPTER 2 - The First day in college

It had been two months since Mark graduated from high school, and his first day at Starlight University had finally arrived.

Mark woke up early and couldn't contain his excitement for his first day at SU. He got dressed in his school uniform, grabbed his backpack, and said goodbye to his mother Ellyna with a kiss on her cheek.

"Good luck on your first day,!" Ellyna said with a smile.

As he pedaled down the road, Mark sang his favorite song,

đŸŽ¶"This is my first day in school to become a doctor," feeling confident and ready for his new journey.

However, his excitement was short-lived as he approached the park near the university and failed to notice a girl taking a photo.

"Whoa!" Mark exclaimed as he swerved to avoid hitting her but still ended up crashing into the garden.

The girl screamed in shock as she fell, her camera hitting the ground and breaking. Mark felt terrible as he saw the damage he had caused.

"Are you okay?" Mark asked, feeling guilty.

The girl was angry and frustrated. "Watch where you're going!" she shouted, struggling to stand up due to her ankle.

"I'm sorry," Mark apologized, wanting to help her up.

But the girl didn't want Mark's help. Her expression softened slightly, but she remained aloof. Mark was upset that he had caused the accident, and his disappointment was evident. As the girl picked herself up and walked away without another word, He couldn't help but feel guilty and regretful.

Mark arrived at the University feeling down and upset. He couldn't shake the feeling that he had started his first day off on the wrong foot. As he walked through the halls of the university, he tried to shake off the bad energy and focus on the day ahead.

[[[[(Starlight University, or SU for short, is a magnificent campus that spans a vast area. Its impressive architecture boasts various buildings, each one a testament to the school's commitment to academic excellence. In the heart of the campus stands a towering monument of the university's founder, surrounded by lush greenery and modern facilities.

The university comprises several faculties and schools, including the School of Medicine, the School of Business, the School of Law, the School of Engineering, the School of Arts and Sciences, and many more. Each school is equipped with state-of-the-art facilities and staffed by Highly qualified professors.

As students walk through the campus, they are treated to the sight of the stunning Midlight Tower, standing tall behind the school. With its impressive height and sleek design, it serves as a beacon of knowledge and progress for the entire university community.)]]]

Students were rushing past him, some carrying books and others chatting with friends.

Mark felt overwhelmed by the number of people on campus, but he was determined to make a good impression on his first day. After checking his schedule, he realized that his first class was in the science building, but he wasn't sure where it was located.

As he took in the sights and sounds of the bustling campus, he approached a passing student and asked, "Excuse me, do you know where the science building is?"

The student looked at him quizzically before pointing in the direction of a large building at the end of the quad. "Uh, yeah, it's right over there," he said.

Mark thanked the student and made his way toward the science building, feeling grateful for the help. As he walked, he couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation for the classes and experiences that awaited him at SU.

Mark walked briskly towards the science building, his heart pounding with anticipation. He had been dreaming of this moment for years - the first day of his journey toward becoming a doctor. He couldn't wait to dive into the world of science and medicine.

As he stepped inside the building, he was hit with the familiar scent of antiseptic and chemicals. The walls were adorned with posters and charts, each one showcasing a different aspect of the human body. Mark felt like a kid in a candy store, eager to explore and learn.

When he found his classroom, Mark took a seat at the back and looked around the room. He felt a sense of camaraderie with his fellow students - they were all there for the same reason, to pursue their dreams and passions.

Hey, you must be new here," one of the students said, noticing Mark's nervous expression. "I'm Sarah, and this is Matthew and Lyrisa."

Mark introduced himself, and the group welcomed him warmly. They chatted for a few minutes, and Mark felt himself starting to relax.

"So, what classes are you taking?" Matthew asked.

"I'm taking biology, chemistry, and physics," Mark replied.

The group nodded approvingly. "Those are some tough classes," Sarah said. "But you'll do great."

The door at the front of the room swung open, and the students sat up straighter in their chairs as a tall, imposing figure strode in. Dr. Reyes commanded attention with their stern expression and penetrating gaze as they made their way to the front of the room.

"Good morning," the professor said in a no-nonsense tone. "I am Dr. Reyes, and I will be your science professor this semester."

[[[Dr. Reyes is a middle-aged man with a serious and scholarly demeanor. At 50 years old, he exudes a quiet confidence that is evident in his every movement. He has short, white hair that is neatly trimmed, and he wears a pair of eyeglasses that lend him an air of intellectual authority.

Despite his diminutive stature - standing at only 5"0 - Dr. Reyes has a commanding presence that demands attention and respect. His face is often set in a serious expression, reflecting his deep focus and concentration on the task at hand.]]]

Dr. Reyes paused and took a moment to survey the room, their gaze lingering on each student with a critical eye. The silence was palpable, and the tension in the air was thick enough to cut with a knife.

"Before we get started," Dr. Reyes continued, their voice low and ominous, "let me make one thing very clear. This class will be the most challenging class you have ever taken. I have high expectations, and I will not tolerate anything less than your absolute best effort. If you're not willing to put in the work, then you might as well leave now."

The students sat frozen, unsure of how to respond to Dr. Reyes's intimidating presence. They could feel the weight of their professor's gaze on them, and the atmosphere in the room was suffocating.

"But," Dr. Reyes added after a moment of silence, their expression softening slightly, "if you are willing to put in the work, I promise you that you will come out of this class with a deeper understanding of the world around us. And for those who are serious about pursuing a career in science, this class will be the first step towards achieving that goal."

The students let out a collective breath, relieved that the tension in the room had lifted somewhat. But they knew that they were in for a challenging semester with Dr. Reyes as their professor, and they braced themselves for what was to come.

After class, Mark made his way to his next lecture, his mind buzzing with newfound knowledge. The day passed in a blur of classes and meetings with professors, each one leaving Mark feeling more energized and inspired than the last.

As he sat down to dinner with his family, Mark couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude for the opportunities that lay ahead. He was finally taking the first steps toward his dream, and he knew that with hard work and determination, anything was possible.

"I can't wait to see what the future holds," Mark said, beaming with pride.

"We're so proud of you," his mother replied, her eyes filled with tears. "You're going to do great things."

"On the last day of the month, after school, I have a surprise for you," Mark's Mother said with an excited grin. "We're going to the Midlight Tower, the tallest tower in the world!" she added

Mark's eyes widened with excitement and wonder. "Mom!, that's gonna be Fun!" he exclaimed, his heart racing with anticipation. Woo hoo!! Mark felt a burst of laughter,

"I've never been to the Midlight Tower before"

"I know, that's why I thought it would be a great surprise for you. You're going to love the view up there!"

The power of dreaming lies not only in the pursuit of our aspirations, but in the hope and resilience it brings.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Khian_Knightcreators' thoughts
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