
Chapter Two

Alright, so this was a long car ride, like suuuuuper long. Definitely longer than three hours.

"So, how you doin' back there?" He asked.

I had to sit in the very back of his car. He had a custom car, with 5 rows of seats. The last row I was sitting in. It was very dusty, Stinky and filled with stuff.

"Do you need all this stuff?" I shouted over his loud car, and across the whole car.

"I don't know, to be honest. Most of it was gifts from my friends" He responded, also yelling across the car.

"Why were your friends giving you so many gifts?" I asked.

"Well, they were awarding me for my new job. That I got three years ago…"

I had so many questions. First, it had been so long since I saw any of my family, that it had come to a surprise of all the stuff I was hearing. Second, why did he have all this stuff for two years? Third, why was it taking up five and a half rows of his car? At the same time it explained why he had such a unique car. Since he got a new job, probably a high paying one, he was able to afford such luxurious things.

"So uh how much longer?" I asked, very cramped.

"Blane, we just started driving five minutes ago, calm down" he said, obviously annoyed by my constant blabbering.

"You've asked me that two hundred seventy-nine times in the past 3 minutes." Did I really? I thought.

Nothing interesting happened, almost the whole trip, except for one thing…

"Hey George (George was my uncle's name by the way) I'm hungry. Are you?" I looked down at my stomach

"Yeah, I am a little hungry. Wanna stop somewhere?" he asked.

"Of course! Maybe we could go get fast food or something?" I asked, hoping the only answer to that was 'yes'

"Well, there is no fast food anywhere near here, so we might have to stop at a local person's house."

"Oh, no I can wait! I'm fine!" I didn't like social interaction, at all.

"Well I can't. Let's stop at that person's house!" he said pointing to our left. I looked where he was pointing and it was a really shady looking, broken down house. I doubted that anyone was there except for a couple of mice, but he pulled over anyway. As we got closer, I saw someone in really colorful clothing walking through the boards in the windows. He was very tall and muscular.

"Hey, uh did you see that?" I asked nervously.

"Yeah, I did… whatever it is, I don't like it. We're gonna have to be pretty sneaky if we want to make it in there." Thats gonna be pretty hard, considering the fact that your car is bigger than the house I thought in my brain.

"Well, even if we do go in, what are we gonna do just steal their food?"

"Of course. These are the clowns I was telling you about. We have to sabotage them as much as possible."

"I thought you said they would be at the house! Please don't tell me THIS is the house!"

"No, of course this isn't the house. This is just one of their secret bases, that WE will invade". I was pretty tempted to just get out of the car and run, until he said this:

"And don't even think about running away. They are all blind so their hearing is heightened to incredible levels!"

"So, how come they didn't here us drive into the driveway?"

"Well, let's just say I have my methods…". Well I doubt these methods are gonna help us when we aren't in the car but whatever. I slowly opened the door and got out of the car. I noticed George wasn't coming out, so I just assumed he was doing something. Big mistake. He drove away without even yelling something like "SUCKER" at me before he left! How lame. Well now I had one option. To give george the payback he deserved.