
The Painter Of the Straw Hats

In a world where dreams can crumble as easily as paper in a storm, a talented artist finds himself on the precipice of despair. Rejected and ridiculed, his aspirations shattered, he unwittingly steps into the path of an oncoming bus, his life extinguished in an instant. But death is not the end. Awakening in a realm beyond mortal comprehension, he encounters the enigmatic Random Omnipotent Being (R.O.B), who offers him a chance at redemption. Transported to the vibrant world of One Piece, he is granted a new life and a new purpose. As he navigates the treacherous seas alongside the legendary Straw Hat Pirates, he discovers the transformative power of his art. With each stroke of his brush, he brings color to a world ravaged by chaos, his paintings imbued with a magic that defies explanation. Driven by a desire to become the greatest artist in history, he embarks on a journey of self-discovery and adventure. From battling fearsome foes to forging unbreakable bonds of friendship, he learns that true greatness lies not in fame or fortune, but in the passion that fuels his soul. As he paints his way across the vast expanse of the Grand Line, he faces countless trials and tribulations. But with the support of his newfound comrades, he rises to meet every challenge, his spirit unyielding in the face of adversity. The Painter of The Straw Hats is a tale of hope, resilience, and the enduring power of art. Join our hero as he charts a course through the stormy seas of destiny, his brush poised to leave an indelible mark upon the world. -------------------------------------------

The_Legit_Writer · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

Straw Hats Pirates

As the sun shines on the horizon, casting a warm glow on the orange town and this would have been a great scene if not for the deserted streets and the destroyed parts of the town.

Outside the town, a pirate ship disguised as a carousel looked scary, despite its bright colors. Its crew had bad plans. Up on the mast, a lookout pirate was casually looking around the sea until he saw someone in the mouth of a bird heading towards the town.

"Captain!"the lookout shouted, his voice echoing from the ship to the tent where the rest were staying. "Someone's coming!"

Captain Buggy, a fearsome pirate with a mop of red hair and a devilish grin, Still on his large chair, his eyes narrowing as he hears what his subordinates says. "Shoot it down," he ordered, his voice laced with malice as he is still angry about their current predicament.

In Orange Town, a determined girl raced through tight alleyways, breathing hard as she ran from three furious pirates chasing her.

"Hey, come back you thief" one of the man shouts as he tries to grab the girl by the collar almost catching her

Suddenly, a loud explosion shook the ground, sending shock waves through the air. The chase stopped as dust filled the sky, hiding everyone from view both the men and the pirates.

Emerging from the haze, unscathed and undeterred, stood a figure dressed in a straw hat and red vest, his face showing signs of confusion as he looks around the unfamiliar place. Monkey D. Luffy surveyed the scene before him, wondering what had just been fired at him.

Taking advantage of the moment, the young girl named Nami stepped up, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "Boss," she called out, pretending to be respectful. "Take care of these pirates for me."

Before even waiting for a response she quickly ran behind on of the buildings leaving behind an even more baffled Luffy and three angry pirates

"So you're the one who ordered her to steal the map huh" one of the man says as he cracks his neck 

"Tell us where it is and we will spare you" another of the pirates says as looks at Luffy in a condensing look

"Huh.. Me?!" Luffy asks with an incredulous face as he points at himself 

As the menacing pirates closed in, Monkey D. Luffy stood firm, fists clenched. But before he could react, a blow knocked his iconic straw hat askew and sent it tumbling.

Growling low, Luffy adjusted his hat, eyes narrowing at his attacker. Anger fueled him as he stepped forward, ready to fight.

With a loud roar, Luffy unleashed a flurry of punches and kicks, effortlessly taking down the pirates. His strikes were powerful, sending them crashing to the ground.

Tension filled the air as Luffy emerged victorious, chest heaving with effort and eyes blazing. The fight ended quickly, the pirates defeated.

With a satisfied smirk, Luffy retrieved his hat, dusting it off before placing it back on his head triumphantly.

As things calmed down, Nami watched in amazement, her admiration for Luffy's strength growing. 

seeing that she could use him she quickly steps out of the building and approaches the still confused luffy 

And just like that things went exactly how they did in the cannon, Nami at first tries to form a partnership with Luffy, but when she finds out he is a pirate, she switches to the idea to pretending to turn Luffy into Buggy as her former boss. She ties up Luffy and gives him to Buggy, who locks him in a cage. Later, Nami pretends to join Buggy's crew so she can steal his gold. This works well, until Buggy orders her to kill Luffy to prove her loyalty. Nami's conscience gets the best of her, and she is forced to save Luffy instead. Fortunately, Zoro shows up in time to save them both. He fights Buggy, cutting him into pieces and marveling at how easily he was defeated.However, when Zoro turns around, he finds that Buggy's hand has managed to detach itself, stabbing him in his midsection. Buggy reveals he has eaten a Devil Fruit giving him the power to detach his body parts and separate them into sections, rendering him invulnerable against sharp objects such as swords. However, Luffy, Zoro, and Nami manage to escape by firing Buggy's cannon at him and his crew.

"Hey Zoro, you sure you're okay?" Luffy asks Zoro from inside the cage he was trapped in.

"Just shut up already and let me focus," Zoro says as he drags the cage Luffy was in around the empty streets.

"Huh, where's our navigator?" Luffy asks as he searches around for Nami, not seeing her anywhere.

"I don't know, and I don't care."

Those were the last words Zoro said as he drops the cage in exhaustion and lies down on the floor.

"Huh," both Zoro and Luffy say at the same time, noticing the small dog in front of them that just stood there motionlessly.

"Oooh, Doggy!" Luffy exclaims as he shifts his cage closer to the dog to pet it.

Chouchou didn't even give Luffy the chance to touch him as he bites Luffy's hand, causing Luffy to shout and shake his hand wildly trying to shake the dog off.

"Huh, what is happening here?" Nami asks as she arrives where Zoro and Luffy are.

"Huh, Nami, here you are," Luffy says as he finally manages to shake the dog off his hands.

"Here, now we are even," Nami says as she throws the key to the cage in front of Luffy.

"Oh, did you steal this?" Luffy asks with a smile as he reaches to take the key.

Before he could even take the key, the dog swallows it, causing everyone to have incredulous faces. Zoro even fainted (well, maybe because of the bleeding).

"Why you..."

Luffy, not wasting time, shouts with all his might and starts struggling with the dog, yelling at it to drop the key, not until a shout interrupts them and draws everyone's attention.

"Hey, what do you think you're doing?"

They both turn to look at where the voice sounds from, but what they see is an old man wearing hide armor holding a steel pipe.

"Huh, old man, who are you?" Zoro asks from his lying down position.

"Old man, I'm the mayor of this town, Boodle," Boodle says as he glances at the group, only to stop at Zoro's injury.

"Hmmm, seems you had a run-in with the Buggy Pirates," Boodle says as he takes Zoro inside the pet shop.

Here's the corrected version:

After 2 minutes, he finally comes back outside and goes to where Luffy and Nami are, asking what is going on. Luffy tells him exactly what Chouchou did.

"I see. Well, I apologize on behalf of him," Boodle says as he stretches his head sheepishly.

"Why is the dog even staying here?" Nami asks as she pets Chouchou on the head.

Boodle then goes on to tell them the story of Chouchou, about how his owner was his friend and the owner of the pet store, how the owner died, and how the dog took it upon itself to protect the shop until the owner came back.

"But the dog seems smart, so why does it still do it?" Nami asks as she sympathizes for the dog.

"He knows, but he still does it because it is his treasure."

Just as Boodle says that, the ground starts shaking, and the group could start hearing growls.

"Oh no, it's Beast Tamer Mohji," Boodle says as he runs away from the place. Nami, not knowing anything and not wanting to find out, runs along with him.

"Hey, who are you talking about, Beast Tamer who?" Luffy shouts as he watches them run away.

"Beast Tamer Mohji," someone says from behind Luffy, causing him to look behind him.

What he sees is a massive lion as big as a house with a purple mane and a man with white hair on his face resembling a mane of a lion.

"Ehhhh, why do you look so weird?" Luffy exclaims, with his eyeballs almost coming out of his eye sockets.

"Shut up, this is how I was born," Mohji says, with his upper face turning red and steam coming out of his ears.

"Now, thief, where is the pirate hunter Zoro? If you tell me, I might just spare y—"


Before Mohji could even finish his sentence, Luffy answered while picking his nose, seemingly not taking Mohji seriously.

"Then I have no use for you, thief. Die," Mohji says as he commands Richie to attack Luffy.

Just as Richie's claws are about to attack Luffy, it stops 10 cm away from him. Richie tries moving it forward again, but it won't move any further.

"What's wrong, Richie?" Mohji says, noticing the sweat dripping down his pet's face.

"I believe that would be me," a voice says behind them, causing Luffy and Mohji to look back to check who it was.

Boodle, who was watching what was happening from afar, had a happy and guilty face when he saw who it was.

"You!! You're the one who stopped us when we got here," Mohji says as he finally sees the face that stopped him, remembering the beating their captain gave them when they lost to him.

"Oh, you remember me. What an honor. But the name is Snow, and you better tell your captain I'm coming for him," Neve says as a raven lands on his shoulder from above and starts chirping at Neve.

"I see, 30 degrees northeast. Thanks, Muginn," Neve says as he starts spinning Richie's tail, causing both Mohji and Richie to become dizzy.

"Neve, throw!" Neve says as he finally throws them a far distance after spinning them for 20 seconds.

"Awesome!" Luffy shouts with stars in his eyes as he saw what Neve did.

"Hey, you! What's your name?" Luffy shouts as he tries to gain Neve's attention.

Neve was temporarily stunned seeing who was calling him, but he gains composure back and states his name.

"Great, Neve! Join my pirate group!" Luffy says, smiling brightly, showing his rows of white teeth.

"NANI!!" Everyone who was watching says as they wondered who asked people like this.