
The Pain of Living

He never knew he was this sick... Or is it all just a way to keep him in his doctors care. Or is he even a doctor..?

leelee_16_kit · Fantasy
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27 Chs

The Stranger

I sat in silence staring at the ceiling, and then the man spoke to me. He was still wearing a stern expression, but his voice softened.

"You'll be released if your test comes back negative. We have only reported one out of a thousand positive, so I'm sure you'll be able to leave soon."

"What are you testing me for? What do you think I have?" I pleaded weakly.

"That's confidential information. I cannot tell you unless you are positive." he replied shaking his head.

"If I'm in here a long time I'll tell you my name if you'd rather call me by it instead of 'kid'." I offered trying to break the awkward silence.

"Fine, I'll call you Zheng Tai, it means you look like a young teenager." he smiled.

"Okay, what do you want me to call you?"I replied anxiously.

"You can call me Nan Shen, but only when we are alone like this." he answered.

"What does it mean?" I asked.

"It means you compare me to a god." this time his smile broadened into a laugh.

Just then someone came in and motioned for him to follow him. He left with the other man, and I fell back to sleep.