
The Pain of Living

He never knew he was this sick... Or is it all just a way to keep him in his doctors care. Or is he even a doctor..?

leelee_16_kit · Fantasy
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27 Chs

Nan Shen

He always has been on time, except the day I asked too many questions. Since then he has been cold. He won't talk to me or even acknowledge me. Why is he so upset? Maybe he thinks I want to leave, or maybe he's tired of my complaints. Or maybe he is at work.Three hours of waiting for the meal, I give up and fall asleep.

"You fell asleep. I'm sorry I'm late but I was busy trying to make sure I have the right to still keep you here." he murmured as he set a tray of skewered meats on my desk.

"Why wouldn't you. Am I better now?" I whispered.

"N-no you are not better." he yelled.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to upset you." why is he so rude recently. As I thought that he began to walk closer to me. Then he leaned over and kissed my forehead.

"I'm sorry for telling. I'm also sorry for forgetting to feed you." he whispered softly. He pulled away and left me alone.