
The Pain of Living

He never knew he was this sick... Or is it all just a way to keep him in his doctors care. Or is he even a doctor..?

leelee_16_kit · Fantasy
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27 Chs

Awakening part 2

I looked up at him for a while, and then replied.

"Y-yes, I do. No matter what you do I will still stay with you."

"Your perfect." he whispered. "Do you want to be like me, so you won't be weak anymore?"

"I would, but does it hurt a lot?" I responded immediately.

"Not if I get some chloroform. It shouldn't hurt much then."

"Ok." then I leaned up and planted a kiss on his forehead. Before I knew it, my pants were off and my shirt in the backseat. His hand was inside my underwear, groping me while the other one was holding my hands together.

"You are mine whenever, wherever I want you, do you understand?"

"Y-yes, I understand Nan Shen." I answered.

"Good, because I own you." he said possessively.

Then his pants were off and he had turned me around roughly pinning me against the seat. I felt his cock plunge into me as I moaned loudly. His thrusts were deep and hard, almost hard enough to make me crumble if he hadn't been supporting me. He reached around and started to rub my cock as fast as he was fucking me.

"St-stop, im..." but it was to late because I had already came in his hand.

"Now it's my turn." he smiled. Then he pulled me in front of him and forced my head down. I began to take him in my mouth, then decided to tease him. I licked his sensitive spot over and over. He started to pull away, but I bit down and was rewarded with a loud groan.