
The Pain of Living

He never knew he was this sick... Or is it all just a way to keep him in his doctors care. Or is he even a doctor..?

leelee_16_kit · Fantasy
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27 Chs

A Day Out

In the car I began to get dizzy from the constant rocking motion. Nan Shen glanced at me several times and it seemed to me that he didn't want me to get sick. I felt as if I would, but I didn't. Soon he stopped behind an old building and turned toward me.

"Alright, you don't have to suffer anymore, ok. I'll stop using you for your blood." he yelled.

"What?" I asked, disgusted with what he said.

"Your doctor sold you to me because I was blackmailing him. If he didn't I would have killed him. You were always weak, but there is nothing wrong with you, besides a loss of blood." he grated the last words out of his mouth slowly.

"Why are you taking my blood?" I asked surprised.

"I survive on it. You would call me a vampire, but I prefer night-walker." he answered looking out the window.

"So... You don't like me." I stuttered as a year rolled down the side of my face. He looked at me in shock and then pulled me toward him.

"Of course I do, baby.' he answered with a kiss.