

Zoey's POV.

Forks Washington, cold, wet, and green. That's the only way I can describe this place of personal hell. I'm Zoey Stevens, I am 18 years old and I was born in Forks, Washington until I was about 5 then was raised in Pheonix, Arizona.

The reason I am moving to Forks is because my best friend, Isabella Swan is going through a bad heartbreak right now and my mom and her dad Charlie thought it would be good for her to have me live with them. They all hope that it can get her out of that depressive state she is currently in.

Back home I was known as the shy, quiet, bookworm who only ever talked to Bella when she was still living there. When Bella moved a year ago to live with her dad, I had no one to talk to so I just always had my nose in a book or was always drawing.

I got bullied a lot in school for being as quiet and shy as I am. Isabella was the one person who stayed by my side and stood up for me, even though she is just as awkward as I am. She was definitely the more outspoken one between the two of us though. I missed my awkward, best friend.


Anyways, since finding out about the move, my mom has tried being very optimistic about things and saying "Darling, this change might be good for you." I always scoff at her failed and fake attempts to make me feel better. I can't stand my mom, we just never saw eye to eye when it came to anything.

The thing is usually around her, I'm not afraid to snap at her as she is my mother and she just doesn't care. Around other people though, I am shy, awkward and quiet.

My dad passed away when I was 9 years old. I was closer to him then my mom because I was never afraid to get dirty in the mud or play soccer with the other boys in school. My dad was serving in the military for two years before he died of a gun shot. When he died, it felt like everything inside me died as well. I was depressed till I was about 11 and got over it by focusing on reading, and school.

My mother on the other hand when my dad passed she mainly focused on getting different boyfriends and making money from her job.

If you are wondering why my mom isn't coming, it's because she would rather be living with her current asshole of a boyfriend, than move in with her daughter to a new place.

It's like she has bipolar because one time she will be all loving and give me advice like when I first found out I was moving back to Forks. Other times, she will yell at me when her boyfriend is around and call me a disgrace of a daughter, and emotionally abuse me.

I don't know what side of my mom is real or not. I just know that the only reason I'm happy to be moving is to be away from her, besides that I have a feeling moving back will be hell but boy I hope I'm wrong.


Third person POV.

Welcome to the "Hellish" life of Zoey Stevens. What Zoey doesn't know though is that her mother was right. A change will happen when she moves to Forks... whether it's a good change or not, well that's up for you to decide...