
The Overlord of Necromancer: Children of Kynar Fantasy, Adventure,

The Overlord of Necromancer: Children of Kynar Fantasy, Adventure, trending novels, best graphic novels, best light novel, manga, anime,

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34 Chs

27 Foreign Mana Attribute

"Me.. me? What I do to you? You think I fear you?" The Ogre said while subtly increasing the distance between him and the young Demon. His words would have been believable any other day, but his wobbling legs and his frightened demeanor showed how terrified he was. However, one one could blame him. James had a brilliant smile on his face as he watched the ridiculous scene.

'What an idiot. Everyone can see your afraid… well, it's not by business. Time to mingle with the others, I can't let this crazy bitch notice me,' James mused while subtly increasing the distance between him and the young demon.

"Oh? You don't want to go? Hahaha…" The crazy redhead said as she flashed a brilliant smile at the frightened Ogre. Just as she finished her statement, she took lazy steps as she approached the Ogre.

"Demon can't fight us alone. Together we defend against demon!" The Ogre roared in an attempt to rally the other survivors to fight against the young demon. However, the moment the Demon made her move, the other survivors in that area hurriedly fled for their lives. None of them cared about the Ogres valiant cry, none of them wanted to be a sacrificial lamb and die a useless death. Even members of his own race who had a deep sense of tribal bonds, did not look towards his direction. The small but mighty Demon also made them terrified.

Abandoned, the ugly face of the frightened Ogre distorted in terror, making his face far uglier. In fact, those watching from the side could see tears gathered at the sides of his blood-red eyes. The moment Demon reduced the distance to less than six meters, the voice of the Ogre echoed, "Me do it. Me do it! I open door!"

After his declaration, the crazy redhead halted in her tracks while clapping her fragile looking hands.

"Hurry now. I told you I'm hungry… if I don't eat soon, I might just turn my attention to…" the crazy redhead stopped at his point as she glanced at the Ogre and the surrounding youths. Naturally, they all knew what she meant. The pitiful Ogre and several others could not stop their bodies from trembling while others swallowed hard.

Saying nothing in response and with his legs wobbling, the Ogre approached the majestic door. Since it had no knobs or handles, he wondered how he would open it. However, he did not air his complaint. Because, he did not know if the Demon would give him a second chance.

Watching from the side, James stared intently at the Ogre as he approached the door. Just like him, the others also watched the frightened Ogre while using the corners of their eyes to stare at the crazy redhead. None of them could afford to be complacent around such a psycho.

"System, can you determine if something negative will happen while opening the door?" James said within his mind.

<Ding! >


Scanning Completed!

There is a 50% probability the user will get a beneficial Mana from opening the door!

However, there is a 50% probability the user will experience a severe form of Mana deviation!

<Ding! >

"System, what kind of benefit and will the Mana Deviation end my life or only reduce my current level? Quick, tell me!" James anxiously asked.

<Ding! >

I have detected unknown Mana attribute, but it shares similarities with an ancient beast!

I cannot determine the severity of the potential Mana deviation!

System Recommendation; the user should seize this opportunity!

<Ding! >

'What kind of shitty recommendation is this? What if I end up dying? With my current streak, that's a real possibility,' James thought after reading the system's response. With this thought in mind, he stared at the magnificent Dragon carving again. At that moment, the system's message appeared in his mind again.

'Wait… wait. No… no, it's not possible. Nah, there is no way. I'm surely overthinking this, or am I?' James mused while tapping his forehead with his index finger. Unlike others, he assumed a contemplative mien as he gathered his thoughts.

While James mused, the frightened Ogre was already in front of the humongous door. Earlier, he dawdled as he approached the door, hoping that someone or something will save him from his sacrificial lamb position. After what he had experienced, the thought of opening the door terrified him. But he could not go against the order of the small psycho.

Exhaling deeply while placing his left hand on his thumbing chest, the Ogre took one last look at the person who sent him to his potential death. However, his eyes did not have the savage gleam known for members of his race or the vengeful glint of a dying man. Instead, he looked piteous. His expression showed he still harbored hope the Demon would have mercy on him. However, she dashed his expectations with a sentence and gesture, "Hurry. I won't remind you again." she said while licking her lips.

At that moment, the Ogre abandoned all hope and his heart sank into the abyss of despair. Left with no choice, he raised his muscular arms while sighing dejectedly. Just as his hands were about to touch the door, he heard a loud shout, "Wait! Let me do it. I'm tired of this place. I've lost everything, I might as well end it! Please don't deny me this."

Stunned, everyone turned their heads towards a young boy with a bloodied left arm which complemented his fiery red hair. As they stared at him from head to toe, they could not deny that his listless countenance matched his suicidal words. When they remembered his antecedents, it lessened their initial surprise. Because, this was the same idiot who was actively seeking for friends earlier.

The Ogre who felt he had escaped the sweet and cold embrace of death could not help but sob quietly while staring at the young Demon. Although James had willingly volunteered, he did not dare to leave on his own free will. Meanwhile, the crazy redhead had her brows furrowed with her succulent lip curved into a frown, as she stared at James. However, she said nothing, as she observed James's trembling body while he grunted in pain.

"Small red human, come open door. I let you have honor," the Ogre anxiously said as he glanced at the silent Demon. Since she said nothing, he had to take his life into his own hands.

Saying nothing in response, James limped timidly as he approached the door. As he saw James approach, the Ogre's tears streaked down his face. Because, he felt grateful to the human bastard taking his place. Since the Demon had yet to say anything, he took it as a silent approval. However, just as the Ogre wanted to leave his position, he heard the familiar voice which he dreaded so much, "Hmmm… Any other day, I would have disciplined you for such disrespect. But since I'm hungry, I'll let it slide," the crazy redhead said as she stared at James.

Turning her head to the Ogre, she continued her statement, "Why are your crying? Don't worry, you'll still have a chance. Look at his hand, I doubt he'll be able to open such a huge door. If he fails, take over. Okay?"

Neither James nor the Ogre responded, instead they both shared the same collective looks of misery. But unlike James who looked as if he wanted the sweet release death brought, the Ogre had a faint visage of hope that James would succeed.

Stepping aside, the Ogre made way for James. This small human was his only hope to avoid a potential calamity, and this thought made his bloodshot eyes shine with a hopeful gleam.

Like a dejected man at the end of his life, James sighed as he stared at the humongous door. Without saying a word, he used his right hand to caress the intricate Dragon carvings like groom stroking the body of his beautiful wife.

"Hey… red human, you waste time. Hurry or me next. Me don't want to steal human honor," the Ogre anxiously said. His words expressed how agitated he was. With the Ogre's reminder, James sighed one more time while contracting his right arm which made his tiny muscles bulged. If it was any other day, the Ogre would have laughed his ass off, but his life depended on such a pathetic bulge. Just like the Ogre, the others also expected James to fail, and a miserable failure at that.

With all his strength mustered, James shouted in a low voice while violently pushing the door with a punch. However, apart from his heavy panting and his grunts of pain, nothing happened.

"Hahaha… You have had your chance, but I'm not in the mood for nonsense anymore. It's now…" before the crazy redhead could finish her statement, a mysterious change suddenly happened to the Dragon carving on the door. Starting from its tail, a faint brilliant orange glow slowly covered the craving of the Dragon. While this change occurred, the youths had a stern expression on their faces as they slowly backed away. Because, they realized that James could not withdraw his hand from the door and the carving emanated a terrifying heat which was slowly rising. At that moment, they all hurriedly distanced themselves from the door whose radiance was blinding. All they could see was the faint silhouette of the idiotic human wriggling in agony, while his disturbing screams of pain echoed through the air. To most of these youths, it made their skins crawl while terror gripped their hearts. However, for a select few, Jame's cries brought a delightful smile to their face.

A few seconds later, the blinding light lessened in it its radiance and James's screams also disappeared. However, the youths could no longer see the outline of James figure. In fact, most of them assumed the hellish heatwave had turned him to dust. While this thought lingered in their minds, they all heard a loud creaking sound which them started. Looking closely, they noticed the enormous door was opening, and they saw a piercing light through the cracks while a cacophony of noise echoed from the other side.

"Opening just a fucking door required a sacrifice, what kind of place is this? How many of us do they want dead before it satisfies their bloodlust?!" A young girl said while clenching her teeth and tightening her fists. Although they all agreed with her, none of the youths responded. They all knew it was useless to complain. You could either give up like James did, or continue to survive, no in between existed in such a place.

Deliberating over whether they should go in, they suddenly heard a similar sonorous voice, "Children, the others have been waiting for you. Your representative has already entered. C'mon, don't make the others wait any longer, we need to start the feast. But you can decide not to join us. You have 30 seconds to make your decision, after which the doors will shut permanently."

Even while Piri's voice echoed, the youths frantically raced to the gap between the door. Who in their right mind would ignore the voice that made them mass murders?

As they passed through the gap, they squinted their eyes because of the blinding light. But they did not drop their guards, in case someone or something would ambush them. They all had apprehensive thoughts on what awaited them, however, they soldier on.

The moment they emerged on the other side, they all had a stunned expression on their faces while they opened their mouths in disbelief. Their gazes fell on a young boy with disheveled red hair, with a soot-like substance covering his skin and tattered robes. With mere inches separating them, they could sense the faint stomach-churning smell of burned flesh and charred clothes.

"Red human survive?" an Ogre blurted out.

With the same dejected look from earlier, James stared at the Ogre for a moment but said nothing in response. Before the youths could recover from their shock of seeing James alive, they noticed that he was not the only one staring at them.

Maybe it was because their eyes were still adjusting to the bright light in the room, but did not notice they entered a massive room with hundreds of youths like themselves. Apart from these youths, they also saw caretakers who had eerie smiles on their faces and some masked people who wore black robes. However, what piqued their interest was the sheer size of the room which looked whitewashed, while tapestries, shields, and banners flaunting a coat of arm of majestic Dragon decorated the walls. And on the ceiling several chandeliers with dozens of candles served as the main source of illumination for the room. The other children all sat on wooden chairs in front of a long trestle table decorated with a colorful linen cloth. On top of these tables were dishes which looked as if someone prepared them for royalties of the Great Kingdoms. As the youths stared in disbelief, a spicy, savory aroma wafted in all directions which caused the stomachs of most of these youths to growl in anticipation. Those who lost themselves in the enticing setting, did not know when a slight trace of drool fell from the corner of their mouths.

"Is this real, or this is another test?" A Lizardman asked as drool fell from the corner of his mouth. Before the others could respond, the same voice from earlier echoed again, "Children, welcome. You have done well. Please take a seat."

No matter what they did, they could not resist the calming and persuasive effects of the voice. Raising their heads, they finally realized who own the melodic voice. Seating in the dais in the room, the youths laid eyes on a beautiful lady who looked like an eternal beauty. Although she was human, most of them could not take her eyes of her. Especially when she smiled. As if they were under a spell, most of the youths walked towards the vacant seats on the trestle-tables. At that same moment, they heard a creaking sound which woke them from their stupor. Before they could react, the beautiful lady magically appeared in front of them.

"Children, please sit," she said with her bewitching voice. Saying nothing in response, the youths trudged toward the vacant seats. However, the beautiful lady blocked James's path. "Did you receive anything when you opened the door? Don't worry, you can tell me," she whispered while staring into James's eyes with her jewel-like blue eyes.

Like a love-struck idiot, James had a beautiful smile on his face as he said, "I don't understand. I thought I would die while opening the door, and I felt my Mana leaving my body."

After James finished his statement, a look of disappointment flashed across the face of the lady for a moment.

"Another failure," she faintly whispered.

"You have done well, Child. Go have a seat," she said as she poked James's nose. Nodding his head like a shy boy, James hurried to an empty seat. The moment he took his seat, the beautiful lady magically appeared at the dais. With a small ceremonial cup in her hand, her voice echoed in the room, "Children, my name is Piri, and I am the Headmaster of Kynar. You have all suffered to get to this point, so I won't bore you with a long speech. I'll save that for later. Now, enjoy yourselves with the finest dishes Kynar offers. On behalf of everyone, I welcome you to Kynar. I officially declare the feast open."

The moment she finished her declaration, a sonorous music echoed in the room. Like the high hymns of mountain Celtics and pulsating drums of an old war Norse ship.

Accompanying this masterpiece were the lyrics, "The Frost Gaints of Kynomo, journeyed through the Hoog. Men and Beasts of river Naier swallowed by Mathras's bow, then the light of Patele set bringing the dawn of gods. But Roan withheld it's foe birthing the beasts of fire and despair. Out of the ashes they rose, four not one. After a thousand years, Kynar still stands on high. From Nether he comes, the chosen one of Aghoul!"

Meanwhile, the hypnotized and famished youths greedily devoured the food.

"System, how is it?" James said within his mind.

<Ding! >

Scanning completed!

I have detected no harmful substance in the food and drink.

Will the user like to restore the hearing function?

Will the user like to deactivate the Skill-Mana Manipulation?

Foreign Mana Absorption Process ongoing!

Estimated time until completion: 5 months!

Name:??? (The user's level is too low to access this information)

Rank:??? (The user's level is too low to access this information)

Path:??? (The user's level is too low to access this information)

Attribute:??? (The user's level is too low to access this information)

Absorption Status: 0.1%

Warning! Warning! Warning!

If the user deactivates the Skill-Mana Manipulation, several targets will detect the foreign Mana.

If the user deactivates the Skill-Mana Manipulation, it will revert the user's burn injuries, smell, and modifications to the user's clothes.

If the user deactivates the Skill-Mana Manipulation, it will undo the projection of the targets words to letters.

<Ding! >