
The Overlord of Necromancer: Children of Kynar Fantasy, Adventure,

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25 The Capital's Response

The Capital's Response

Seven days had gone by since Arilya and Vadis had their discussion in the wooden cabin. After reaching a mutual understanding, they informed the capital about everything they knew without leaving out any information. They did not want a case where their error in judgement would cause potential disaster. Hence, they used the only swift-pigeon in the settlement to send their message.

In Mathras, the swift-pigeon was the preferred means of sending urgent messages by all arms of the military. Although the bird looked just like a regular pigeon, its speed could not be underestimated. With its small frame and frightening speed, it could easily outmaneuver predators.

Meanwhile, Deython and the others returned five days after their departure. Although he did not doubt Arilya's words, Vadis became at ease when her words matched what is deputies saw in Lumvug's settlement. With Vadis command, Feynron dispatched several Forest-Elves in the settlement to Elhorn and Lumvug's settlement.

However, Elhorn and Lumvug remained in Fyhir. Arilya did not, and could not set them free yet, because she didn't know if the High-Elves from the Capital would like to question them.

Unfortunately, the swift-pigeon had not returned. So, they could only wait in Fyhir. Being High-Elves, Vadis made sure Arilya and her deputies stayed in the best rooms in the settlement. He also dispatched several Forest-Elves to fulfill their need. Meanwhile, Elhorn and Lumvug shared a decent room, and they had to settle their needs by themselves.

To prevent an unfortunate incident, Vadis assigned several Forest-Elves to watch over them. He did not want a scenario where they would runaway from the settlement. Vadis also instructed the guards of the settlement to prevent the duo from leaving, no matter the reason.

The next day.

The sun had yet to raise in the early morning sky, but the Forest-Elves in Fyhir moved about in several small groups. As the sounds of birds chirping, and the faint whistle on the morning breeze echoed through the air, a group of Forest-Elves cleaned the fallen leaves around the settlement while another carried larger vases of water on their shoulders. Another group marched through the settlement while others hurried to their assigned posts.

Those in charge of cooking woke up earlier than the others and was done cooking for the entire population of Fyhir. Those in charge of cooking we're group in two categories; those who cooked for the High-Elves and those who cooked for the others. Naturally, the cooks for the High-Elves were the best in Fyhir, and they paid special attention to the food and water prepared for the High-Elves.

Meanwhile, in the tallest building in Fyhir, Vadis paced around his spacious office with a faint frown on his face. His office looked ordinary and plain for someone of his status. Apart from a large table, two chairs and a bookshelf, nothing else decorated the room. Even the third floor which Addor and Feynron stayed, looked better than Vadis's.

"Did something happen to the swift-pigeon? This is the eight day, yet it has not returned. If it does not return today, we will have to make a trip to the nearest settlement… That will be troublesome," Vadis muttered as he paced around the room.

Just as he finished his statement, someone knocked on the mahogany door leading to his office. Before he could react, a familiar voice drifted into his ears, "Apologies, Captain, but I've urgent news. The Forest-Elves in the pen, mentioned the swift-pigeon has returned. It has started the other birds again, and it won't respond to anyone but you," Addor said.

Vadis's countenance brightened after hearing Addor's report, however, he said nothing in response.

"Captain? Are you…" before Addor could finish his statement, Vadis interrupted him. "I'll be there in a minute. Tell Captain Arilya and her deputies to meet me in the Dining Hall. You and Feynron should come, too," Vadis said.

"Okay, Captain," Addor instantly responded.

Wasting no time, he left to enact Vadis order. Meanwhile, Vadis used another exit to leave his office.

A few minutes later.

Arilya and her deputies, and Addor and Feynron sat in a spacious dining area which had several beautiful flower pots placed at strategic positions. Within the well illuminated dinning room, the smell of the delicacies placed on the table pervaded the air. However, none of the High-Elves ate, or looked as if the food enticed them. Instead, they each glanced at the door leading into the dinning area with an expectant look on their face.

Over the last couple of days, Arilya briefed her deputies on what she and Vadis discussed, and the implications of the response from the Capital. When Addor told them about the return of the swift-pigeon, it naturally made them anxious. The same could be said for Addor and Feynron, none of them knew what to expect, and Vadis's delay only made them more anxious.

"Why has Captain Vadis not returned yet? Does it take this long to subdue your swift-pigeon?" Arilya said as she stared at Addor.

"I'm sorry, Captain. Our swift-pigeon is quite the deviant. It usually stays in Captain Vadis's office, but once it gets free, it terrorizes the birds in the pen. Only Captain Vadis can subdue it when it misbehaves," Addor said with an apologetic expression on his face.

Meanwhile, Deython could not stop himself from chucking when he heard Addor's words.

"What a funny little guy… some birds die for food, but yours is more interested in having fun," Deython whispered to Feynron who sat next to him.

At that moment, the duo laughed softly while staring at each other with a sly grin on their faces.

Although Deython whispered, the other High-Elves also heard his words. Which caused Orevera and Valolora to laugh, too. Only Arilya and Addor did not react to Deython's words; instead, they had a slight frown on their faces as they stared at their respective members.

Just as Arilya was about to rebuke Deython, the doors of the dinning creaked open–drawing the attention of all the High-Elves.

"I'm sorry for the delay, Captain Arilya," Vadis said with a slight frown on his face. A small white pigeon-like bird chirped on his left shoulder as he entered the room.

Noticing the frown on Vadis's face, Arilya exhaled deeply, while saying, "Captain Vadis, there is no need to apologize. What is the response from the Capital?"

Without saying a word, Vadis took light steps as he approached the dinning table. The moment he reached the table, he placed the chirping swift-pigeon on it while sitting on the only vacant seat. Although he had not answered Arilya's question yet, no one said anything.

Seconds after taking his seat, Vadis retrieved a plain white scroll from his blue uniform and placed it on the dining table, while lifting the swift-pigeon with his other hand. Before dropping the bird on the unrolled scroll. At that moment, a fascinating scene occurred, as the swift-pigeon danced on the scroll with its little feet.

Meanwhile, the High-Elves watched with different expressions on their faces, but none of them looked amazed by the dancing bird. A few seconds later, Vadis lifted the swift-pigeon for the second time. This time, he placed it back on his shoulder. However, the former plain scroll had words written on it like an encrypted code.

"Captain Arilya, look and see for yourself," Vadis said as he passed the scroll to Arilya. The moment Arilya received the scroll, she hurriedly glanced through it while her deputies stared at her.

A few seconds after she read the scroll, they had an odd expression on their faces as they saw Arilya's countenance distort with a frown which got deeper the more she read.

"Captain, what does it say?" Valolora asked in a soft voice. However, Arilya did not respond; instead, she stared at Vadis with a questioning gaze.

"I'm just as confused as you are, I don't know why the capital gave such orders. But, we must follow the rules," Vadis said while shrugging.

Exhaling deeply, Arilya stared at her deputies, as she said, "The Capital has given us three orders. One, we are to arrest Elhorn. Two, we must confiscate the journals of Hariel's parents. Three, our unit and Captain Vadis unit will escort the prisoner and the journals to Nahjor. Colonel Zylphine is heading to Nahjor, too."

"What?! Nahjor? Captain, ittake us several months to get to Nahjor," Oravera said with her eyes bulging in disbelief.

"Captain. If Colonel Zylphine is involved, doesn't that mean…" Feynron couldn't finish his statement as his lips trembled. Just like him, Addor had a panicked stricken expression on his face as he stared at Vadis. Arilya's deputies, on the other hand, became puzzled by Feynron's words and Addor's reaction. Apparently, they had never heard of–Colonel Zylphine.

Meanwhile, Arilya and Vadis had stern expressions on their faces because they knew the implications of the Capital's orders. With their respective Captains saying nothing, the deputies went silent.

"Captain Arilya, from your reaction, I'm sure you have heard of Colonel Zylphine," Vadis said while staring at Arilya. However, Arilya said nothing. Only nodding her head in affirmation.

"Good. We cannot afford to waste time, and must do as the Capital says. If not… I don't want to imagine what will happen in that scenario. I'll leave you to brief you deputies. When you're done, we must conclude on a date for the journey," Vadis said while standing on his feet. With a slight nod, Addor and Feynron followed him out of the dinning area.

"Captain, who is Colonel Zylphine? Why are they so scared of him?" Deython asked immediately after Vadis and his deputies stepped out of the room.

"The capital only dispatches him on two occasions. One, to squash heretical movements before they become a threat. Two, to judge High-Elves who have committed a heinous crime. Among the upper echelon, he is also known as the Heretical Cleaver," Arilya said.

However, her deputies did not understand why Addor and Feynron reacted like they did. From what Arilya said, they did not see why Addor and Feynron should react like that.

"It seems you don't understand our current predicament. Without mincing words, Elhorn and his brother–a suspected member of Blight, are in big trouble. But, so are we. Why? Because we witnessed not one, but two events we shouldn't have. If my guess is right, Elhorn will not be the only prisoner when we reach Nahjor," Arilya said.