
The Overlord of Necromancer: Children of Kynar Fantasy, Adventure,

The Overlord of Necromancer: Children of Kynar Fantasy, Adventure, trending novels, best graphic novels, best light novel, manga, anime,

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34 Chs

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"What's taking him so long?" Deython said with his brows furrowed. Over ten minutes had gone by since they entered the settlement, yet nobody had attended to him. Meanwhile, as Deython complain, Arilya remained silent. She only sat on her seat while having a pensive look on her face.

Nothing stood out within the small wooden cabin they stay. Even the furniture looked worn out and showed signs of decay. However, its condition was still better than most of the homes in Elhorn and Lumvug's settlement. Just like Arilya, the duo also said nothing in response to Deython's words of complaint. Not that they did not have their own opinions on the matter, they just did not have the right or authority to air their views.

Within the small wooden cabin which had a faint murky smell, only the sounds of Deython's footsteps echoed within the room. Occasionally, he would curse or complain, too.

A few seconds later, Arilya snapped out from her pensive state as she stared at the Forest-Elves with a strange gleam in her eyes. Which caused the duo to shudder involuntarily.

"Since this is not my station, I don't have the authority to overrule the decision of the High-Elf stationed here. Unless, my rank is higher than theirs," Arilya said with a relaxed expression on her face. Meanwhile, Elhorn and Lumvug did not know why she told them that information. However, they listened to her words intently. Even Deython who had been growing irritated, paused his aimless pacing, while focusing his attention on Arilya.

"Depending on the person in charge, it might become very difficult for you two to stay here. I don't think I need to remind you of the hierarchy among our race, right?" Arilya asked with a somewhat stern expression of her face. Involuntarily, both Forest-Elves nodded their heads in approval.

"Good. When the Captain arrives, say nothing unless I give you permission to speak. Also, if there is a need, you must share the same story you told us about your brother, Hariel," Arilya said as she focused on Elhorn's reaction.

Surprised by her words, Elhorn's face twitched as he heard Hariel's name. However, Lumvug had a faint smile on his face. Over the last couple of weeks, the duo relayed every bit of information they had on Hariel. Although Elhorn was reluctant to give out information on his younger brother, he did not have a choice. Even if he said nothing, Lumvug would have gladly given out the information.

"Captain, is that necessary? Although he is an extremist, that Hariel is just a small character, is there any point in mentioning his name?" Deython asked.

"Deython, if he is a small character, how did he–a mere Forest-Elf, escape out formation? Do you think he was just lucky? Or, you feel that we are weaker than a mere small character?" Arilya said. She stared at Deython with her left brow raised while awaiting his response. However, Deython remained silent. Because, he too could not explain how Hariel escaped that day.

With Deython growing silent, Arilya continued her statement, "Elhorn, you can do that, right?"

"Yes, High-Arilya," Elhorn said with his head lowered. Because, he did not want to look at Arilya's probing gaze.

"Good. Lumvug, if Elhorn becomes overwhelmed, then you cover for him. Okay?" Arilya added.

"Yes, High-One. I'll do whatever I can to aid you," Lumvug said. Unlike Elhorn, he had a smile on his face as he stared at Arilya.

"All right. Once you give your testimony in the capital, we will escort you back to your village," Arilya said while fiddling with the surface of the table that separated her from the duo.

"Thank you, High-One. It's my pleasure to aid you in capturing…" before Lumvug could finish his statement, Arilya interrupted him. "They are here. Deython, prepare to leave at once," Arilya said. Then, she faced Elhorn and Lumvug, "Remember what I told you," she added.

Just as she finished her statement, a gentle voice echoed with the room. "Pardon the intrusion!"

While the voice echoed, the creaking door of the cabin opened, and three High-Elves in a blue uniform made their way into the cabin. Which prompted Arilya and the Forest-Elves to rise to their feet.

Meanwhile, Vadis probed the four-man party with his deep blue eyes which resembled a beautiful sea. While sporting an amicable smile which could melt the frostiest of hearts.

"Welcome to Fyhir, my brethren. My name is Vadis, and I'm the Captain of this Settlement," Vadis said with a gentle smile on his face. these are my deputies, Addor and Feynron. May I ask who am speaking with, and why you have requested to see me?" Vadis added.

From the way he talked and gestured, one could easily tell he was a courteous man. He even bowed a little after introducing himself and his deputies.

"Forgive us for intruding in your territory Captain Vadis. My name is Arilya, Captain under the roaming force, and this is my deputy, Deython," Arilya said while bowing a little. She also had a rare, but a faint smile on her face as she spoke.

Just like Addor and Feynron, Deython did not bow in greetings. Because, Arilya represented him. Just as Vadis represented Addor and Feynron.

Meanwhile, the corner of Addor and Feynron's eyes twitched as they heard Arilya's words. With their mouths almost opening in surprise. However, Vadis was like a serene lake. There was no change to facial expression after hearing Arilya's words.

'Hmmm… this guy is not even fazed by a member of the Roaming Force. He must be someone deployed from the Capital,' Deython thought within his mind. Arilya also had the same thought in mind as she stared at Vadis. Mentioning the force she belonged was her probe to determine if she ranked above Vadis in their complex military hierarchy.

"Wow! It's rare for a Captain from the Roaming Force to arrive here. Forgive me for not recognizing you. So... Captain Arilya, what brings you to Fyhir?" Vadis asked.

"Captain Vadis, it's a fairly long story. Pardon me for skipping for minor details," Arilya said while gesturing for Vadis to take a seat. When both of them had their seat, she continued her statement, "Three weeks ago, while patrolling the periphery of our kingdom. I and my deputies came across a young messenger Forest-Elf from a nearby settlement. Through her, we learned a group of creatures from the Black Lands had invaded our territory. Unfortunately, when we arrived at the location of the battle, several of the Parfs from the tribe had fallen at the hands of the invaders–the Ogres. Most of the Forest-Elves died because of Soul Corroding Powder," Arilya paused at this point. Because, Vadis facial expression changed for the first time.

"Captain Arilya, please don't be offended, but are you confident it's Soul Corroding Powder the Ogres used, and not a variant of it?" Vadis asked.

Although his question seemed harmless, Deython's face distorted in anger. From his point of view, Vadis line of question doubted Arilya's abilities.

Seeing Deython's reaction to his question, Vadis had an apologetic smile on his face, but did not apologize for asking the question. However, Arilya maintained the same facial expression, and did not take offence at Vadis words.

"Captain Vadis, if you doubt my words, you can send one of your deputies to verify my claims. The settlement is only five days away using a Manjar Horse," Arilya said.

"No… no, no. That's not what I meant Captain Arilya. How can I question the judgement of a Captain from the Roaming Force? Please continue," Vadis said with an apologetic smile on his face.

"All right. Since the Forest-Elves do not have the blessings of our ancestors, they couldn't protect themselves from the effects of the Soul Corroding Powder. Fortunately, my unit arrived on time to subdue the invaders. But, another foe emerged from the shadows. The Taskmasters of The Order…" before Arilya could finish her statement, Vadis interrupted her. "What?! The same Order from the Black Lands?" Vadis said. Unlike before, he had lost his calm demeanor. Meanwhile, Arilya gently nodded her head. On the other hand, Vadis reaction stunned Addor and Feynron. From their facial expressions, they did not know about the organization called The Order.

"How is this possible? Why is The Order supporting the Ogres? What is their aim? Have you reported this to the capital?" Vadis asked.

"From the information we got from one of the captured Ogres, he said The Order executed the kidnapping of many youths from the Great Kingdoms, Allied Kingdoms, Small Kingdoms, and the Black Lands. Unfortunately, we don't know the reason behind this strange order. We have not reported the case to the capital yet, because we lost our mounts during the battle with the Taskmasters. That is the reason we traveled here. I hope you can spare some of your resources to enable us report this case. I also hope you can dispatch some of your men to protect the small settlement. Two of my deputies are protecting them as we speak. Deython can show your men the way. What do you say, Captain Vadis?" Arilya asked.

However, Vadis remained silent as he tried to process all the information he received. Although he assumed a pensive demeanor, he would occasionally stare at Lumvug and Elhorn.

Since Vadis had not responded, Arilya said nothing further. While she and Deython awaited his response.

A few minutes later, Vadis broke the silence in the room, as he said, "Addor and Feynron will escort your deputy to retrieve the others. I have a swift-pigeon in my office, you can use it to deliver your message to the capital. I can't blame you for the misfortune that happened to your mounts, but you can't delay this report anymore. However, why have you brought these two here?" Vadis said as he pointed at Lumvug and Elhorn.

Before Arilya could respond, Addor, Feynron, and Deython made their way out of the cabin in hurried steps. Just as they shut the creaking door behind them, Arilya responded. "Thank you, Captain Vadis. I will remember this favor."

However, Vadis waved his hand casually, as if telling Arilya not to bother with formalities.

"Apart from the Ogres and Taskmasters, another person appeared that day. A banished tribesman from their settlement," Arilya paused at this point as she placed a blue scarf on the table. Which caused Vadis to have a curious expression on his face. "Captain Arilya, this is…?" Vadis asked as he stared at the scarf.

"Captain Vadis, have you heard of heretical movements among lower Elves?" Arilya asked.

"Of course. I don't know what the lower Elves are trying to accomplish, but those heretics are only wasting their lives. They can't change the hierarchy created by our ancestors. Wait… does this scarf have something to do with them?" Vadis asked with a keen expression on his face. However, Arilya took her time as she responded.

"Captain Vadis, I also believe those heretics are wasting their time. But, one of those groups has risen to prominence in the last couple of years. Captain, have you heard of the organization called Blight?" Arilya asked.

Meanwhile, Vadis eyes bulged as his breathing became somewhat heavy. He had a look of disbelief as he stared at the scarf while muttering, "Captain Arilya, you mean… this scarf belongs to a member of Blight?"

"I'm not one hundred percent sure, but I believe he has some connections with them," Arilya said. However, Vadis reaction caught her off guard, and piqued her curiosity.

Titling his head slightly, Vadis stared at Lumvug and Elhorn who felt terror from staring at Vadis deep blue eyes.

"You two, tell me all you know about the banished member of your tribe, and don't leave out anything," Vadis said.