
The Overlord of Necromancer: Children of Kynar Fantasy, Adventure,

The Overlord of Necromancer: Children of Kynar Fantasy, Adventure, trending novels, best graphic novels, best light novel, manga, anime,

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34 Chs

17 The Crazy Red Hair II

Just as he finished speaking, all the Humans beside him had dumbfounded expressions on their faces. While staring at him with a gleam of amazement in their eyes. From their point of view, James looked ordinary. For him to taunt a vile race like the Ogres, some of them felt he had gone mad. Their look of amazement only lasted for a few minutes, before rage gripped their hearts as they stared at James with bloodshot eyes. Since James's words had the potential to infuriate the Ogres, they knew he had made their battle more difficult. Meanwhile, the Ogres flew into a fit of rage. Being creatures who wore their emotions of their sleeves, such a reaction was only natural. Just like the bewildered humans, they wondered what gave James the impetus to mock them. In fact, they did not care. The thought of smashing James to tiny bits was all that preoccupied their minds. Some members of the other races battling in the spacious room also heard James's declaration. Like every other person, they wondered what was wrong with him. But, none of them care about his wellbeing. If he had the mouth to insult the Ogres, then he should use his fists to protect himself.

Enraged by his words, the Ogres made a mad dash towards the section of the room where the humans stood, with their bloodlust radiating from their bulging bodies. The massive fists of the Ogres brutally smashed away the combating races unfortunate to come in between them and the humans, which caused the unfortunate victims to either scream from the agonizing pain or die from the brutal blow. Seeing the Ogres charging towards them, those around James could not contain the rage they felt towards him. Those who were close to James wanted to hack him down first. But to their surprise, a black mist shrouded James's figure and the surrounding 10m. It more or less looked like a smog. Before anyone could even realize what was happening, the black smog quickly covered the human section of the room, while also spreading to the other combating races, which left them surprised to the sudden development.

Although the Ogres saw the eerie-looking smog, they did not stop in their tracks. Because, there was no way they would allow someone like James talk them down and get away with it, especially when their two races hated each other to the marrow. With the room gradually descending into darkness, most of the combating races thought it was the handiwork of the Caretakers, instead of stopping to analyze what was going on, most of them saw it as the perfect camouflage to massacre the opposition. However, as the black smog grew thicker and thicker, a nasty and eerie cry echoed within the room, which was akin to the sound of the undead shouting in unison.

A chill went down the spines of the combating races who heard the sickening screams, a ghoulish voice which reverberated into the room soon followed, "Arise! Army of the Fallen! Kill them all!!"

While the voice echoed, the sound of footsteps within the room intensified. As if an army marched through the fields. Accompanying the erratic marching rhythm were the sounds of hollowing shrieks and groans, which would make the skin of most people crawl in terror. Seconds later, a massive free-for-all taking place within the darkness. Although darkness covered the room, most of the other races could easily adapt with their natural advantages over humans. However, the humans had to result to casting spells to illuminate their immediate surroundings. It was only those who practiced a sorcery with affinity to fire and light that were able see to a certain extent within the darkness. Meanwhile, they left the others to their fates. With the stage set for an epic brawl, what followed next did not disappoint.

The Members of the Army of the Fallen launched themselves like a heating seeking torpedo towards the battling races in a brutal and precise manner. Their manner of approach was exactly the same as what happened in the Tiodon Kingdom, they wanted to cause maximum confusion with the room, which would lead to a more chaotic battle. Even though they were much weaker than all the races within the room, they could still cause significant damage to the unsuspecting combatants, which was their goal. Seconds after the appearance of the black smog, the sounds of explosion with the room and the miserable cries of those being beaten amplified by ten times.

The humans who were searching for James earlier engaged the enraged Ogres which lead to a brutal beat down between the two race. Although humans were weaker than Ogres based on pure physical strength, with their warrior and sorcery training, humans were more than capable of holding their own against them. Meanwhile, in the spot where the Crazy Red Hair fought, corpses of different races littered the ground. She had a somewhat orgasmic smile on her face which made her body tremble in excitement. Even the dashing Dark Elf did not dare to near this beauty, who looked as if she was having an epiphany from murdering her victims. Instead of approaching her direction, he diverted towards the direction of the Beastmen. With the room shrouded in darkness, it was the perfect opportunity for all the perverts to massacre to their heart's contents.

Meanwhile, the young man who tried to rally the humans against the Ogres engaged several of the corpses from the Army of the Fallen. Unlike the soldiers from the Tiodon Kingdom, who outsmarted by the devious corpses, the young man skillfully dodged their crazy attacks. While brutally slaughtering them. He looked like a skilled performer from the manner he danced as he decapitated the corpses. Even though the corpses regenerated at a rapid speed, the young man had a nice time beating them to a pulp. Being a sorcerer of the path of Light, he had a small metal wand on his right hand, which he used to conjure a blue-colored blade he used in dismembering the corpses. From the graceful and precise manner in which he fought, it was easy to tell that he was not a greenhorn to battles, even the loud explosions and miserable screams did not affect him. With over ten corpses attacking him at once, the young man danced in between their midst while efficiently mutilating their already unsightly bodies.

Just like everyone else, it scared him when he first saw the corpses. But after he noticed their weak strength, he could not help but have a merry smile on his face. He believed the corpses and the voice he heard earlier, originated from a caretaker. From his perspective, it was another test from the sadistic people of Kynar. Unknown to this young man, a bigger calamity was approaching from his rear.

The moment he eliminated the last of the ten corpses, who did not regenerate, a monstrous fist which came out of nowhere greeted him. A thunderous booming sound echoed the moment the fist landed on the back of the youth, which caused the muffled sound of breaking bones to follow. Just like an ancient geyser, blood sprayed out from the mouth of the young man while his faces distorted in extreme pain. Before his body could propel through the air, the same fist caught him and launched him into the air while also bring in down swift motion to receive a devastating knee blow to the face. Like his spine earlier, a muffled bone breaking sound echoed. The knee strike shattered the skull of the young man.

Like a ragged doll, someone hurled his bloodied corpse through the air, and a brutish voice followed, "Red baby, where you?! I kill all red baby human people!"

The perpetrator of the brutal sneak attack on the youth, was the Ogre who chose James as his prey. Although what he said barely exceed being gibberish, one could easily tell his intentions, which was to kill all the humans until James revealed himself.

The moment the Ogre finished his statement, he prepared to move on to the next human. But at that moment, an eerie laughter drifted into his ears, followed by a ghoulish, "Hahahaha… Red Baby? Such a simple minded race. Don't disappoint me, I'm yet to have a good bout in this world," James said. At that moment, the darkness in front of the Ogre churned. Seconds later, James's 6ft 5inches skeletal figure emerged from the shadows. He had a nasty grin on his face, as the two deadly flames flickered in his empty eye socket. Clad in his black armor, James was akin to a knight who escaped the confines of hell to wreak havoc on the world above.

The moment the Ogre saw James, there was a look of defiance in his eyes. He did not know that the person he called Red Baby was the one standing in front of him, but he was more than ready to meet the challenge of the aberration that stood in front on him.

Saying nothing in response, the Ogre dashed towards James's position with a menacing look in his eyes. As he ran, the muscles on his body bulged and trembled, too. Almost as if it would explode at any moment. However, James did not shy away from the challenge of the Ogre. He also made a beeline movement to greet the Ogre, with the help of the system, James saw the Level 67 warrior stat floating above its head. Although it would be difficult, James wanted the challenge. Since he got the Title - Grim Reaper, he had yet to test it to the limit. He believed that fighting the Ogre would reveal a few limitations of his Grim Reaper form. Such an information, would help in his future battles, and also increase his battle prowess. Although a strong opponent like Dustan revealed himself in the Tiodon Kingdom, James was not suicidal enough to fight someone of that level.

With his aim to test the limit of his Grim Reaper form, James was not planning on using the Soul purifying flames or the hellfire flames. To avoid any form of interference, a much thicker smog covered their with several corpses from the Army of the Fallen keeping guard around the perimeter. The moment they got with a touching distance of each other, the Ogre launched a powerful blow towards James's gut region, which caused his fist to generate a wheezing sound. With James's increased Agility stat, he easily dodged the blow. Countering with an uppercut which connected sweetly with the chin of the Ogre. Contrary to James's expectations, the massive body of the Ogre did not rise into the air; rather the Ogre tilted his head slightly to the back, before responding with a massive head-butt to James's skull.

A loud booming sound could be head as both skulls contacted each other, which caused the distance between the two to increase to 5 meters. Meanwhile the system notification sounded off in James's mind, telling him he had lost some HP because of damage, which caused James to laugh in a deranged but joyful manner.

With a short distance of 5m separating them, both of them charged towards each other with a nasty look on their faces, while a hidden gleam of excitement burned in their eyes. They both enjoyed staking their lives for the fight. From the expressions on their faces, they looked like junkies lost in the ecstasy of trying each other. Just like before, the duo exchange several blows and kicks, targeting vital spots on their bodies. Since they were both adept at countering, the battle entered a stalemate as the duo created another short distance between themselves.

With his heightened stats, James moved in a ghoul like manner towards the Ogre whose breathing had become a little heavy. However, the Ogre countered by throwing a deadly blow towards James's direction. He waited for James to enter his strike zone before attacking, and his heavy breathing had returned to normal. Unlike before, his target was James's skull rather than his gut, and from the wheezing sound generated by his fist; he used a considerable amount of energy in the attack.

For most people, dodging such a surprise attack was impossible. But, James was not most people. Like an agile monkey, he dodged the punch by tilting to the right while releasing a series of blows towards the exposed face of the Ogre in a quick succession. A muffled sonic boom accompanied each of his punches, which left the face of the Ogre looking uglier than it initially was, while also drawing blood, too. However, before James could withdraw and create a distance between him and the Ogre; like a sledgehammer, the interlocked fists of the Ogre landed on his chest which sent him flying into mid-air.

Just like the young man killed earlier, the Ogre caught James's skeletal body in mid-air, while dragging him down to receiving a brutal knee strike. But at that moment, James used his left fist to launch a devastating blow to the eye of the Ogre which caused the Ogre to scream, but it still delivered the knee strike to James's armored shoulders. If not for James's last attack, he would have received the attack straight to his skull.

The moment the knee of the Ogre and James's armored shoulder made contact, the screams of the Ogre became louder, because it cracked his knee, because of the durability of the Grim Reaper form's armor. Since James was akin to the undead in the Grim Reaper form, he neither felt joy nor pain. Although the Ogre's attack caused his HP to reduce drastically, James felt no form of emotion. He was the perfect killing machine in the Grim Reaper form, with the screams of the Ogre drifting into his ears, he jumped to his feet while also launching himself slightly into midair via the kneeling Ogre's body. The moment the Ogre's face and James's knee were of the same height and perfectly aligned, James grabbed the head of the Ogre while smashing his knee into the unguarded face of the Ogre. Causing the miserable Ogre to have a dazed expression on his face while he poured out mouthful after mouthful of fresh blood, with his eyes slowly turning into a dull lifeless white color.

Instead of James stopping there, he twisted his body in midair, while dropping a destructive kick on the head of the Ogre which caused the muffled sound of breaking bones to echo while blood gushed out like a flowing river from the head of the Ogre. With the Ogre falling face-first, James who was still in midair sped up the process by stamping his feet on the back of the Ogre's head, which sent the bloodied face of the Ogre into the bloodstained floor of the room, and a thumping sound reverberated in that area.

Standing on the fractured skull of the Ogre, James had a nasty smile on his face while he maintained his Grim Reaper form.

"System, save the corpse in my inventory. Hahahaha… Ogres are difficult to deal with, it is a good thing they are slow," James muttered with an eerie grin on his face. The moment he finished his statement, the massive body of the Ogre disappeared from the room into his Inventory. Instead of being saddened that he accumulated damage from the fight, the results of the fight made him excited. Because, the Ogre was the first person to have pushed him so far since he reincarnated in Skyhaven. Although he defeated the Ogre, James did not become haughty. Because, it was among the weakest in the Ogre group, and there were also several races that exceed the strength displayed by the Ogre. The major reason he came out on top against the Ogre, was because of his superior agility, which made the Ogre seem slow. If it were any other person, they would have suffered miserably at the hands of the Ogre. From the damage James accumulated from the fight with the Ogre, one could easily tell that it was not as easy as James claimed it to be.

'If my guess is correct, the others are probably fighting in other rooms. No wonder that old bastard kept blabbing. I'm not even among the top 50 strongest people here. Hehe… This is getting interesting,' James mused as he stared at the various combating races. Since the Ogre fell at his hands, he had his sights set on his next target. All he waited for, was the right time to strike. With the system constantly accumulating Exp via the Death Energy in the room, James felt it would be wrong it he did not contribute his own quota to the killing spree. With this thought in him and an eerie laughter reverberating in the air, James figure disappeared into the darkness.

While James fought with the Ogre, varying colors of blood dyed the floors of the room red. Which caused a pungent and nauseating smell to pervade the air of the room, but still the killing within the room went on in a more brutal manner.

Each race had long met the 10 per race quota, but they all continued to battle with reckless abandon. Even the slimes who had no business in the battle initially, Joined the foray the moment Darkness covered the room. Even though they were slimes, their killing techniques was just as brutal as the other races. Instead of attacking one specific race, they attacked all the races within the room, while paying special attention to the humans. An unsuspecting young human lady was the first victim of the slimes. The manner in which the humanoid blue colored slime killed her was bizarre, but bloody and gruesome. The moment it set its eyes of the young lady, it turned into a gelatinous blob, while forcing itself into the orifices of the young lady which left her gasping for air while her body trembled.

The moment the slime disappeared into her body, hundreds of tiny spike-like projections suddenly burst out from the body of the young lady which caused her body to resemble a perforated tank of water. Blood poured out from every opening in her body, even are organs, too. Before the body of the young lady dropped to the ground, the slime had vacated her perforated body, while looking for the next target. However, some humans also eliminated the slimes. Especially those who practised sorcery with affinity to Fire. With fire being a major weakness to slimes, they did not stand a chance against the sorcerers.

Unlike before when each race had 30 members, which was a total population of 240 beings within the room. Ten minutes after the commencement of the brawl and eight minutes after the appearance of the black smog, there were only 28 people left from the eight races put together. The humans had only 3 members left, the Ogres had 4, the Dark Elves had 5 & the Demons, too. Meanwhile, the slimes had 7 members left, the Beastmen had 2 members left, and the Lizardmen & the Halflings each had one member left.

As fate would have it, none of the standout performers of each race had yet to fall within the battle. But, with the way things were going, it was inevitable they would collide. Since James was killing like true Grim Reaper, no one could detect his presence within the smog, they had even forgotten about him. In fact, no one cared if he was still alive or not.

The standout performer of the humans, was a tall youth who looked only 19 years of age. His kill count in the battle was already up to 10, spread among the various races. Although he was from the path of Light, he was a cold and brutal killing machine who did not hesitate to eliminate members of his own kind. Clad in a blue warrior's armor, he fought against one of the Dark Elves within the room, with the Dark Elf being at a disadvantage.Even though he had no weapons, he used the gauntlet on his hands to pummel the Dark Elf in a manner that rendered it miserable. Wasting no time, the young man grabbed the head of the Dark Elf, as he twisted it without mercy, ending the life of the Dark Elf.

He felt neither joy nor sorrow as he took the life of the Dark Elf, instead his eyes searched for the next target. Just as he was about to make a move, a sweet and gentle voice drifted into his ears, "Hehe… Handsome, will you play with me? You will play with me, right? I'll give you something special if you do… Hehe…"

As the voice echoed, the handsome face of the young man became ugly. Because the person who said those words, was none other than the female demon who had the nickname - the Crazy Red Hair.

Since the humans did not fight off the bat, he watched how she brutally killed over 4 Dark Elves in less than two minutes. From his expression, one could easily tell that he wanted nothing to do with the young demon. Just as the young man wanted to back away, a white glint appeared in the darkness. At that moment, a dagger embedded itself in the youth's skull. Although he was already dead, his corpse had a stunned expression on his face as he fell to the ground.

Meanwhile, the young demon had a displeased expression on her beautiful face. "Who the hell dares to play with my food! Do you…" before she could finish her statement, a ghoulish but cheerful laughter interrupted her. Followed by a ghoulish voice, "Food? Hahaha… What right does a demon have to kill one of my kind? You want to play, right? Don't worry, I'll keep you company. I rarely play with little girls, but I'll make an exception for redheads!"

Hearing these words, spoken in a condescending voice, the face of the young demon had a masochistic smile on it, which made her face looked radiant as she stared at a certain part of the darkness. Seconds later, James's Grim Reaper form emerged from the darkness with a nasty grin on his skeletal face as he stared at the young demon who briefly had a stunned expression on her face after seeing him. Seconds later, she had an orgasmic smile on her face, while her lust inducing voice echoed, "A Grim Reaper? Although you are skinny, I'll enjoy the meal."