
The Overlord of Necromancer: Children of Kynar Fantasy, Adventure,

The Overlord of Necromancer: Children of Kynar Fantasy, Adventure, trending novels, best graphic novels, best light novel, manga, anime,

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34 Chs

13 Unknown Origins

While Ryan and the military personnel were discussing in the war room, the Great Sage who discussed with Dustan earlier, walked through a beautiful flower field. Which stretched as far as the eye could see. In the background, several mountains towered into the crystal clear skies. Meanwhile, a light fog covered the flower field, too. But, it did not impede the movement of the Great Sage. As the strolled through the field, a gentle wind carried the fragrance of the divergent flowers towards his nose. Which made him have a gentle smile as he hummed a light tune, and his robes flapped in the gentle wind.

About five hundred meters east in the direction he walked; stood a small wooden cabin which looked as if they had forgotten it in the annals of time. A total contrast to the beautiful buildings found in Haveme. The wood used its construction had a deep gray color, just like ash. Although the surrounding air was humid, the wood looked dry and somewhat on the verge of decaying. From the perspective of most people who weren't native to Hoogport, nothing stood out about the cabin. But, one could not say the same for the citizens of Hoogport. Because, the wood used in creating the cabin was the national treasure of the kingdom. One that only the Royal Family and the upper echelon of the Military and Hall of Wisdom had access to.

While the Great Sage was leisurely approaching the cabin, two individuals sat on the porch of the cabin with relaxed expressions on their faces. As they discussed with each other, their occasional laughter reverberated into the air. Looking at the duo, one had the physique of an adult while the other had that of a slender child. They were the grandfather and granddaughter duo who suffered immensely via James curse, Daisy and her grandfather. Unlike when Dustan rescued them at the Iroko walkway, they looked healthier and happier. This was especially so for Daisy, although she lost her chubby physique, and was thinner than an average little girl her age, she still looked far better than when she suffered from the effects of the curses.

"Grandpa, when will the funny-looking Grandpa come back? Do you think he ran away?" Daisy asked as she hummed a little tune. She had an innocent look in her eyes as she stared at her grandfather, waiting for his answer.

Meanwhile, her grandfather chuckled while grin from ear to ear, after the watching his only family suffer for so long, he could not be any happier as he saw Daisy acting her age.

"Daisy, why do you think our benefactor will run away from his home? Don't call him - funny looking, okay? It is not a polite thing to say, do you understand?" He said.

"I'm sorry Grandpa, I won't call the funny-looking Grandpa, funny looking anymore. Grandpa, it is freezing and lonely out here, maybe that's why the funny… the other Grandpa ran away. Grandpa, why is there some strange mist coming from the cabin. I don't feel the cold because of the mist," Daisy said while grinning.

Daisy's grandfather had a wryly smile on his face as he heard her words, just like how he could not see - the purple and red things, he could not see the mist, too. But, he knew that the wood used in constructing the cabin was not ordinary. Because, he felt Mana rushing into his body since he regained consciousness some weeks back. Unlike Daisy who only woke up a few days ago, he could not find out about the special properties of the wood. Apart from the wood, the surrounding flowers also piqued his interest. Although they looked ordinary just like the cabin, he recognized some of them were rear medicinal herbs used by various healers. Although he could only identify less than 1% of the flowers, the discovery shocked him. Which made him to speculate about the status of the Great Sage. Someone ordinary could never own such rare commodities, he speculated. With her grandfather consumed by his thoughts, Daisy continued to ask different questions on everything she was clueless about.

A few minutes later, they could see the Great Sage's silhouette in the distance, which caused Daisy to yelp in surprise. The reason for this, was because she noticed he was floating a few inches above the ground. While the fog in the field looked as if it was avoiding him, it was a very mysterious and fascinating sight for the curious young lady.

"Funny-looking Grandpa, you're back! I thought you ran away!" Daisy shouted while waving her little hands.

While her shout echoed, her grandfather to snap open his shut eyes. He was pretending to be asleep to avoid Daisy's barrage of questions. Because of this, he could not caution Daisy in time.

"Daisy… What did I say? Don't call our benefactor funny-looking," her grandfather whispered. Although he did not have a stern expression on his face, Daisy lowered in apology while muttering, "Grandpa, I'm sorry… I won't call the other grandpa funny looking anymore."

Meanwhile, the Great Sage had a cheerful smile on his face as he heard Daisy's shout. Seconds later, he disappeared and reappear at the porch of the cabin, much to daisy's surprise and delight.

"Daisy, which part of my face is funny looking? Don't I look very handsome for age?" The Great sage asked while he stood in a heroic pose in front of Daisy. His eyebrows were shuffling up and down while he flashed a grin at Daisy. He also raised his arms while trying to stress his non-existent muscles. With his current demeanor, Daisy lost her calm as she laughed while mimicking the Great Sage's pose. Tears flowed down her eyes as she laughed, too.

"Grandpa, come join us…" Daisy said as tears rolled down her eyes as he held her tummy. Her laughter was out of control.

Watching the comical scene, her grandfather had a wry smile on his face.

'Our benefactor is so carefree, one wound underestimate him… I did not even notice when he arrived… It's good he has a good relationship with Daisy…' He mused.

"Benefactor, welcome," He said in a low voice.

"Daisy, here is a treat for you," the Great Sage said as he handed a blue colored orb to the surprised Daisy. And, he continued his statement, "Play with it. If you're lucky, it will give you some candy."

Although she wanted to grab the orb at once, Daisy did not because of her upbringing. She looked at her grandfather, asking for permission through her eyes.

"Daisy, why aren't you thanking our benefactor for the gift? C'mon take it and tell him thank you," he said.

"Thank you, funny looking Grandpa," Daisy said. Before her grandfather could complain, like an agile cat, she grabbed the orb and ran into the cabin.

Meanwhile, her reaction caused the Great Sage to burst into a bout of laughter. "Youngsters of nowadays," he said while shaking his head.

"Benefactor, I'm sorry for…" while Daisy's grandfather tried to apologize, the Great Interjected. "It's all right. Abel, please have a seat," The Great Sage said as he gestured towards an empty seat. Wasting no time, Daisy's grandfather - Abel, sat on a wooden chair while the Great Sage on the one opposite to his.

With the duo seating opposite each other, Abel heard the Great Sage's voice again, "Abel, have you made your decision? Do you plan on telling Daisy you're not are Grandfather?"

Abel had a pained look on his face. The initial smile he had on his face disappeared into oblivion.

'I guess I can runaway from this question forever… But, why does reality have to be so cruel?' Abel mused as he lowered his head.


A few weeks ago, the soldiers from Dustan's party carried Abel and Daisy to the Great Sage's residence. As if he already knew about their imminent arrival, the Great Sage wasted no time in healing the duo. He did not even question the soldiers, he only told them to drop the sick duo and return to Dustan.

Although Abel suffered immensely from James's curse, because of the Great Sage he recovered in two weeks. A testament to the unique healing capabilities of the Great Sage. On the eighteenth day after his arrival, Abel regained consciousness. While sporting a stupefied expression on his face as he observed the unfamiliar room of a cabin. That he wasn't a dead man was a great surprise to him. When he discovered he had made a remarkable recovery, it left him speechless.

"How are you feeling? Do you feel any pain?" These were the first words, Abel heard as he regained consciousness. Since he did not know where he was, he became frightened.

Just as he was about to activate his Mana, he heard the same voice again, "I mean you no harm. You are not in the best condition to use your Mana, please don't stress your body. You still need to rest."

While the Great Sage's voice drifted into Abel's ears, it had a calming effect on his tensed body which caused him to fall into a slumber-like state. He did not even utter a word in the short period he was awake.

A few days later, he regained consciousness for a second time. But unlike before, he did not act rashly this time around.

"Benefactor, thank you for saving me. I'm also grateful for your help in saving my granddaughter," Abel said in a humble, but an uncertain voice.

He had to know if Daisy was also in the cabin, he prayed the Great Sage also rescued and healed her, too.

"It's a good thing you're awake. Don't worry about your granddaughter. She needs time, but everything is okay. Friend, pardon my intrusion, but I'll like you to answer a few questions," the Great Sage said.

The Great Sage asked Abel about the events that took place from when they left the Black Lands to the Tiodon Kingdom and when they were making their way back. Abel did not leave out any information as he was being questioned. First, he was grateful that the Great Sage healed him and Daisy. Second, he felt that the Great Sage was an unfathomable existence he could not lie to. hence, he thoroughly cooperated in the questioning.

"Benefactor, that is all I can remember. Pardon my poor memory capabilities," Abel said after narrating his whole ordeal.

"Friend, you have said enough. You and the young lass have had it rough," The Great Sage paused as he sighed. From the look on his face, a subject weighed on his mind.

"But, why did you call that young lass your granddaughter? You neither share the same bloodline nor do you share an ancestral Mana pool," the Great Sage added.

A chill went through Abel's spine as he heard these words. It tugged his heartstrings. He was certain that the Great Sage was not an ordinary person at this point. To check a sorcerer's ancestral Mana pool - which is the connection all sorcerers of a particular lineage share in common, one must have attained a rank of at least Magus. A stunning five ranks above his rank of Apprentice.

"Friend, the reason I asked that question, was because of the curse placed on the young lass. If the two of you shared the same blood, the curse would have affected you, too. The person who placed the major curse wanted her to afflict her entire family. Please tell me all you know about the young lass, it will help me in saving her life," the Great Sage said after noticing the struggling look on Abel's face.

Meanwhile, Abel's facial expression distorted as he heard these words.

"Benefactor, please save Daisy. We may not share the same blood, but I have always thought of her as my family. Please save her!" Abel begged while tears streaked down his cheeks.

"Please save her. I'll tell you anything you want to hear," Abel struggled to go on his knees as he said these words. But, a restrictive spell which originated from the Great Sage stopped him.

"Friend, I can sense you truly care for the young lass. Don't worry, I'll do everything to make sure she recovers. Please go ahead," The Great Sage said. He had not revealed his face to Abel since he entered the cabin.

"Ten years ago, I found Daisy floating in an abandoned canoe of the coast of the green river in the Black Lands. I was just a fisherman then. I and my companions were shell-shocked when we heard her cries coming from the canoe. Being old men at the later parts of our life, none of us knew what do in such a situation. In fact, we all hardened our hearts and pretended we never heard or saw her. It was cruel, but it's the way of the Black Lands. We could not guarantee our own safety, how were we going to guarantee the safety of an innocent child? We consoled ourselves, by saying it was better she died than live to see the ugliness of the world," Abel paused at this point with tears dripping down the side of his cheeks while his eyes had turned red.

"After four days, we couldn't hear her cries anymore. We thought she was dead. There were vultures and crows circling over the small canoe, too. But, we wondered why they haven't torn her to pieces. None of us bothered to give her a burial, on the excuse she might have a contagious disease. I don't know what happened, but I couldn't take it anymore. If I could watch a young child die like that, how am I different from those sorcerers who kill the innocent? Although my friends discouraged me, I had to save her," The tears poured out from Abel's eyes uncontrollably at this point.

"Luckily, she was still alive when I got to her. She was weak and sickly, but she was alive. Just looking at her innocent eyes, I did not care if she was suffering from a plague. I had to rescue her. No… she rescued me! I've never regretted the decision I made that day. The only regret I've, was I did not rescue Daisy sooner. It thought it was because of our delay she developed such a nasty illness. I'm sorry, I'm sorry... I was a coward, a foolish old coward. I'm sorry Daisy, I'm sorry..." Abel's voice was incoherent as he bawled.

A few minutes later, the voice of the Great Sage drifted into his ears, "Friend, don't let the errors of the past define your present. You were neither a coward nor were you foolish. Hardly would anyone from the Black Lands show such compassion for an innocent life. Do not hold yourself responsible for her illness. It was not your fault."

"Friend, I'm sorry for asking. But, did you find anything in the canoe or anything on the young lass that could trace her origins?" The Great Sage asked.

"Benefactor, I'm sorry. The canoe was empty, and I found her naked. I know nothing about her parents or where the boat came from. It is even impossible to determine the travel path of the canoe because the green river empties into five different seas. The Odon sea, the Kode sea, Bythehim sea, the sea of the Fallen and the Barto Sea. I don't know how a small canoe could have survived any of those auspicious seas," Abel said.

"That's okay. Rest easy, Friend. It might not be my place to say this, but consider telling the young lass about the special history she shares with you. Even though you might not be her blood relation, you have done more than enough to be qualified as one. Excuse me, we'll talk later," he Great Sage said.

"Thank you," Abel replied. But, there was no response. He still had tears pouring out of his eyes, but unlike before when he had a dejected look in his eyes, he had a determined expression in it.

The reason for this, was because he lied to the Great Sage not too long ago. Unlike what he said, he actually found something on the small canoe that day. But, even if someone threatened to kill him, he would never reveal it. To him, this was the only way to protect Daisy.


"Benefactor, I'm ashamed to say I'm not man enough to tell Daisy the truth right now. I don't want her to resent me for hiding the truth from her," Abel said. His eyes had a deep expression in them.

The Great Sage could only sigh as he heard Abel's reply. He did not plan on meddling with the duo's relationship.

"What do you plan on doing now? Do you still want to return to the Black lands?" The Great Sage asked.

There was a contemplating look on Abel's face as he heard the question. He did not know what the best course of action would be, he also did not want to risk Daisy falling into another dicey situation because of his nomadic lifestyle. With a determined expression on his face, Abel plummeted to his knees. Which startled the Great Sage, making him have a perplexed expression on his face.

"Benefactor, please help Daisy. Please take her under your wing. I don't want her to return to a foul place like the Black Lands, please pardon my selfish request. I don't have the power to protect her," Abel said while bowing his head.

"Friend, please sit down," the Great Sage pleaded.

"Benefactor, I can't do that. Please accept my selfish request, I don't mind being your slave for the rest of my life...", before he could finish his statement, the Great Sage's voice interjected. "Please don't say that. No man should serve as another man's slave. Not that I'm not willing to take her as a student, the problem is if she will take me as a Master," the Great Sage said.

"She will. Even if she doesn't, I will decide for her since I'm her guardian. Benefactor, I will persuade her to accept you as a Master," Abel said in a confident voice.

Just as he was about to dash into the cabin, the voice of the Great Sage drifted into his ears, "Even if you convince her, it will all be for naught if you leave soon. You don't expect her to stay with a stranger while her grandfather travels through the chaotic Black Lands, do you?"

Abel stopped in his tracks as he heard this question. He did not know how he would reply.

"Don't rush things, Abel. Relax, spend time with your granddaughter. Life in Hoogport might not be as interesting as the Black Lands, but it also has its own strengths. I have business that needs my attention, I'll see you later," The moment he finished speaking, the Great Sage disappeared into a puff of smoke.

Left alone had, Abel had a deep look on his face. Which he only awoke from after hearing Daisy's excited shouts from the cabin.

'Gods in the skies and the devils in hell, please let this child have a peaceful life from now on. Take my life or my soul as a tribute. Please, just let the happy days last forever,' Abel made a desperate prayer as he stepped into the cabin.