

"I will get my revenge! I must get my revenge!" Fengge is the Crown Prince of the heavenly realm but he was born with immerse powers that causes panic to arise. Without realizing it, Fengge is betrayed and forced to lose everything. Many years pass and the three realms think Fengge has died causing peace to reign for a short while. But soon he returns with only one goal in mind. That is to take everything from his enemies. He will spare no one including the love of his life, Jiayi who played a major key in his betrayal.

Chillaxzy168 · Fantasy
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165 Chs


Jiu Bao froze on the spot not knowing what to do as Tingzhe kissed her. He had really caught her off guard. After staying still for some seconds, a little devil whispered in her mind tempting her to give in to the pleasure that was before her. Ignoring that voice, she pushed him away watching the look of surprise on his face as she pushed him away. Tingzhe didn't say anything but she could obviously see that he was hurt.

The look on his face couldn't be hidden. Never did he imagine that she would be this mad at him for something that happened so long ago. Just as he was about to speak, his eyes spotted a dark raven parading the skies. Dragging Jiu Bao's hand, he pulled the two of them to hide in the closet that was in the room.

"What are you doing?" Jiu Bao asked whispering since she guessed something was wrong.