

"I will get my revenge! I must get my revenge!" Fengge is the Crown Prince of the heavenly realm but he was born with immerse powers that causes panic to arise. Without realizing it, Fengge is betrayed and forced to lose everything. Many years pass and the three realms think Fengge has died causing peace to reign for a short while. But soon he returns with only one goal in mind. That is to take everything from his enemies. He will spare no one including the love of his life, Jiayi who played a major key in his betrayal.

Chillaxzy168 · Fantasy
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165 Chs


The universe was spilt into three realms and three high kings were put to ensure peace. The nature realm served as balance to this three realms. The heavenly realm had been chosen by the nature realm to balance the demon realm. The mortal realm had been the least powerful but was protected by the nature realm.

This was because the demon realm paid no attention to the rules. Demons ran rampage in the mortal realm doing as they pleased. The Dark king had gone mad with power, encouraging evil throughout the three realm. He was known to be cruel and heartless. A man without a conscience. The nature realm knew according to the laws of nature, they couldn't punish the demon realm so they had given power to the heavenly realm to balance the demon realm. The demon realm had been permitted to do evil but they were not to cross the line of humanity. They would be severely punished if they harmed the elderly and the little children. This was one of the rules the demon realm wasn't supposed to break. But still the Dark king did as he pleased. He had just attained the eighth high rank which made him one level below the Heavenly king.

And so the Nature Guardian, leader of the nature realm had no choice but to visit the Heavenly king. Giving him the right to punish evil and maintain peace. The nature realm had been in charge of keeping the three realms. They never interfered in the personal disputes between the Heavenly king and the Dark king.

"Greetings Nature Guardian." The heavenly king said. He was a middle aged man who had just ascended the throne. Amongst all the gods in the heavenly realm, he had been the only one to show great progress and attained the ninth high rank making him the most powerful in the three realms.

"Heavenly king, please sit." The nature guardian said.

The heavenly king showed respect by allowing her to sit on the heavenly seat. The heavenly king had always tried to curry favor from the nature realm. Not only because they were in charge of keeping the balance but because, the nature guardian was a beautiful woman. Even though the heavenly king had tried for thousands of years to win her heart, she paid him no attention and this angered him. 

"Heavenly king, the dark king has refused to obey the rules. But unfortunately, I am not able to stop him. The rules of the nature state; Where there is light, there is darkness. Good and evil balance each other so I have to find another way to deal with the dark king." She said.

"The nature realm is supposed to be neutral. If you side with one realm, it could affect the balance." The heavenly king said.

"Am I supposed to sit down, fold my arms and allow the dark king to destroy the three realms? My duty is to keep the balance and ensure the peace within the three realms. I am willing to take any punishment." She said

"No. The punishment given for disobeying the rules of nature is harsh. You wouldn't be able to bear it. I will take the punishment." The heavenly king said standing up.

"No. Your wife is pregnant and anytime soon, she will give birth. Don't worry. Maybe, I will just need to go into seclusion. I better get going" She said

Few days after the nature guardian had received her punishment, the heavenly queen entered labour. The heavenly king as well as other gods had gathered anxiously waiting for the arrival of the new baby. Just as the heavenly king's heart was about to burst out of anxiety, the cry of the baby was heard.

"Its a boy! Its a boy!" The king heard the midwife shout. He still could not believe his ears. A crown prince.

"Congratulations Your Highness" They said.

Suddenly the sky in the heavenly palace changed. The whole palace had been covered with darkness. All the gods present rose up with curiously. Then suddenly, a huge star came crashing down. This star had been moving with great speed and the heavenly king recognized it immediately.

"The Dragon star." He said so calmly yet astonished.

This was a bad omen. The dragon star had fallen down on the day the heavenly crown prince was born. The other gods felt the same way as they all looked at the heavenly king, waiting for a decision. The heavenly king didn't want to believe it. It had never happened before.

"Your Highness! The queen..." A servant said rushing out from the room. He had forgotten about the queen.

"What happened to the queen?" He asked barely recognizing his own voice. His arms almost gave out but he had no choice but to remain strong since he was carrying the prince. None of his concubines had been able to give him a child after so many years and he was not ready to lose this child.

"The heavenly queen..... She is dead." The servant said kneeling down.

The heavenly king's arms finally gave in and he forgot he was carrying the little prince. Just as the crown prince was about to fall, he landed on a dragon shield. All the gods rushed forward trying to catch the crown prince. Immediately the heavenly king saw the child had landed on a shield, he breathed a sigh of relief.

The god of thunder looked closely and immediately saw the shield was no ordinary one. Dragon shield. The dragon insignia was meant to be used only by the heavenly king. But the little prince had already been able to summon the shield at a young age. The god of thunder moved closer unable to believe his eyes. There was no mistake. It was the dragon shield. Just as he was about to touch it, he was blasted. Bright flames enveloped the baby. All the gods had to cover their eyes because of the brightness of the flames.

When the heavenly king looked again at the baby, he was fine. Giggling and laughing. Almost as if he was mocking them for being too afraid of the flames. The god of thunder knew exactly what this meant. First, the dragon star had fallen and now, he was wielding the dragon shield.

The heavenly king dismissed everybody but stayed with the god of thunder, fire and fate. Guards had been put to guard the doors. No one was to hear what they were discussing about.

"Do you think he yields some sort of demonic powers?" The heavenly king asked looking worriedly at the child.

Unfortunately, the child was oblivious to what was happening around him.

"Your Highness, we must be careful. The nature guardian has gone into seclusion. Although we have been tasked with safe guarding the three realms, if the crown prince has some sort of demonic powers, it could crumble all our hard work" The god of fire said.

The heavenly king moved towards the energetic crown prince. He didn't know if this would be a blessing or a curse towards the heavenly realm.

The god of fate could already see everything. This little energetic crown prince would bring doom to the heavenly realm. He had to conceal the truth. The heavenly king, though he looked dignified and bold, was afraid of only thing. Losing his throne. Fate could be changed. The little child didn't have to suffer for a future that could be changed.

"Your Highness, please don't worry. The crown prince's great power will be used as a blessing to our heavenly realm." The god of fate said

The heavenly king was immediately happy that the crown prince wouldn't have to suffer any mishap.

"Do you mean it? God of fate, have you seen it already?" The heavenly king asked

"Yes Your Highness. The crown prince will a capable and exceptional man. He will lead our realm to admonish evils and maintain peace. Just like the nature guardian wanted." The god of fate said lying but the god of thunder wasn't buying any of it.

All the gods in the heavenly realm gathered to celebrate the birth of the heavenly prince. Heaven was filled with a lot of people. Minor gods and fairies also attended. A great feast was thrown and dancers attended. Heaven was a lively place.

"Do you think the god of war will attend?" A minor god asked.

"He is one of the major gods here in heaven. Even god of fire is here." The second one said

"Be careful. He has a foul temper. You don't want his trouble. One has a foul temper, the other is as cold as ice" Another one said referring to the god of water.

The god of water and the god of fire were direct opposites. The god of fire's temper was legendary. He got angry at every little thing. He was wearing a red fur coat at the gathering. Looking handsome with red hair and fiery eyes. His ears were decorated with a phoenix symbol. Any other insignia could be used but not the dragon symbol and anyone who dared to instigate the heavenly king against him, died in the spot.

Few minutes later, a man wearing light blue fur with light blue eyes appeared. He had a very scary aura around him. As he walked the grounds of the heavenly palace, ice symbols appeared. His white hair that was perfectly arranged glowed in the sun. But his face was extremely pale. He looked so white, you would think he would die at any minute.

"Greetings god of water" the minor gods said.

He ignored them and walked away. Most gods were already used to his cold character.

"The heavenly king arrives!"

All the gods gathered together and greeted the king as he took his seat. Too bad the queen had just died. Just as the feast was about to begin, a dark cloud appeared again. The heavenly king was starting to get worried. Suddenly, a man wearing dark fur came down flying down from the cloud.

"Dark king" The heavenly king said.

The dark king and his demons landed on the heavenly grounds. All the gods drew back as he walked. They were all afraid of him. His eyes were extremely black. Too black that he almost didn't look like a demon.

"Heavenly king" The dark king said

"Dark king. Please have a seat" The heavenly king said.

When the dark king had taken his seat, his eyes couldn't help but wander. The earth king was missing. How dare he? He was no where their match. How dare him allow me arrive before him?

"Heavenly king, the earth king isn't here yet." He said.

"Be patient. The mortal realm is quite far from here" The heavenly king said

Just then, the earth king arrived. The dark king didn't make any movement. When the earth king took his seat, the dark king made eye contact with the heavenly king.

"Bring the baby." The heavenly king said

The little prince was brought by a servant. The heavenly king smiled at the baby. The pride of the heavenly palace. The dark king stood up and came to also see the baby. Then he noticed something. A dragon shaped birthmark on the baby's left shoulder. The earth king also noticed it. The other gods were busy entertained by the dancer.

"Senior brother, a dragon shaped birthmark." The earth king said to the heavenly king.

"Heavenly king, it seems nature has decided your fated calamity. Your own son" The dark king said smiling