

"I will get my revenge! I must get my revenge!" Fengge is the Crown Prince of the heavenly realm but he was born with immerse powers that causes panic to arise. Without realizing it, Fengge is betrayed and forced to lose everything. Many years pass and the three realms think Fengge has died causing peace to reign for a short while. But soon he returns with only one goal in mind. That is to take everything from his enemies. He will spare no one including the love of his life, Jiayi who played a major key in his betrayal.

Chillaxzy168 · Fantasy
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165 Chs


Fengge woke up to a dark room. Well, not really dark because their was small light from the candles. The last thing he could remember was that he had carried Tingzhe. Tingzhe! Sitting up, he looked around at the room and saw a man lurking around.

"Ouch!" Fengge groaned as he tried to look further.

His head was hurting. His body too. It felt like he had undergone the most painful type of torture. That's when he remembered. Lord Pain had used his powers on him. How did he even survive it?

"You are awake. That's good. It has all turned into one big mess. You fool. Why did you follow your father's orders to bring Tingzhe here? Don't you know a trap when you see one?" Fengge heard the Ice god say.

Yes. It must have been the ice god. Ever since he was little, the ice god always lingered around him protecting him. He never understood why since he and his father were archenemies. But the ice god was good to him.

"Greetings Ice god. What are you doing here in the dark realm?" Fengge asked.

"What do you mean? Don't you know? I am part demon. I am accepted everywhere. So I can go and come as I please." The ice god said sitting down beside Fengge.

" I have always wondered. How come you are part demon. You and my father are brothers of the same father and mother. How can you be a demon?" Fengge asked.

"Its just like you. Your father and mother are celestials. How come you are half demon? You don't know right? Its the same for me too." The ice god said.

"Forgive me. I spoke out of line." Fengge said feeling awkward.

"Don't be. You better watch your back. Don't be too trustful of people. Most of the celestials don't like you because you are half demon. Remember that" The ice god said standing up to leave.

"Ice god, why do you despise celestials? They are your family." Fengge said making the ice god stop in his tracks. The ice god suddenly remembered what Fengge's mother had asked him. It was the same thing.

"Feng Yu, why do you hate celestials? They are your family. One should never hate his family. Its against the heavenly realm's values" Fengge's mother had asked him.

They were just the same. They reasoned the same way. With pure and naive hearts. During his lifetime, he had never seen anyone who had the same kind nature as the both of them. His answer hadn't changed so he told Fengge the same thing he told his mother.

"Because celestials are the ones born with a dark heart. None of them can be trusted." The ice god said before leaving.

He felt guilty. For this naive son of his, he couldn't do anything to help him. Though Fengge was his son, he couldn't help him nor stand up for him because this will be answering the rumors that had been going around the three realms. And that would mean defaming Fengge's late mother. The late heavenly queen.

The dark king stood from afar watching the drama between father and son. Everyone knew the truth. It was nothing new. Everyone except the naive crown prince of course. Good thing he had woken up. The heavenly king once again played with his nephew's life. Bastard! He didn't even care about Fengge. Looking to his side, he saw Lord Pain regaining consciousness.

"Are you awake?" The dark king asked whispering.

"I am now. You are too loud." Lord Pain said looking around.

"You are really awake. Do you know the trouble you almost caused? You are just too much!" The dark king said.

"What do you mean?" Lord Pain asked looking at his brother blankly.

Suddenly his memories came back. He had almost killed the heavenly crown prince in anger.

"You must have remembered. Don't you know whose son he is? The dark realm owes the ice god too much. We cannot afford to offend him" The dark king said.

"You are afraid of the ice god? He's just a celestial with no real title. And you have the dark core within you. How can you be afraid?" Lord Pain asked.

"Don't be stupid. Do you believe that story the ice god told you about the blood core being missing? All four cores. The crystal core, the dark core, the blood core and the nature core. All these cores were scattered in the three realms. The dark core is made of pure evil and is every dark but the blood core is even more scarier than the dark core. Do you know why?" The dark king asked.

"Because the blood core corrupts our powers" Lord Pain said.

"Not just our powers but even the celestials. Its is very scary when one goes mad because his powers have been corrupted. The ice god is the only surviving descendant of the water tribe meaning he must know where the blood core is. The blood core is just too important for him to lose track of. I don't believe him. My guess is that he must have buried it in his body just like our father did with mine" The dark king said shaking his head.

Or maybe he buried it in his son's body. No. Fengge has shown no signs of being corrupt. The poor boy was kind hearted and naive. Its almost impossible to say the blood core was within him.

Fengge walked around the palace of the dark realm. Everywhere he went, he could feel all the demons eyes on him. Looking down at his dressing, he noticed that he was still dressed in white. No wonder. Entering Tingzhe's room, he closed the door carefully turning around when he saw Lord Pain. Standing frozen on the spot, Fengge could feel his heart in his mouth.

"I didn't know you were here. Please forgive me. I will get going" Fengge said turning back.

"Wait. Tingzhe wants to see you. Go and see him" Lord Pain said.

"Really? Tingzhe is awake? I will go and see him" Fengge said going happily.

When Fengge got to where Tingzhe was resting, he saw Tingzhe drinking something from a bowl.

"Look who it is. Its Fengge" Tingzhe said weakly.

"You really gave us a big scare. Why did you do something as foolish as that? I am already used to the punishments." Fengge said smiling while Tingzhe felt sad.

"They give you those type of punishment? Why? Did you spit on an ancestral tomb or what?" Tingzhe asked.

"Don't worry about me. I am already used to it. Its because I am the crown prince. Of course my punishment will be different from the others" Fengge said.

"Do you believe what you just said? You are a noble person Fengge. I just feel so bad for you." Tingzhe said as his eyes darted to the scar on Fengge's neck.

"Don't say that. Others will hear you and think the worse about the heavenly realm. My father isn't a bad person. He's just too strict and I understand. I will still give my life to fighting for the heavenly realm" Fengge said smiling.

Tingzhe blinked away the tears that came to his eyes. Fengge was just too naive. He doesn't even realize that his own father hates him.

"Aaarrrhh. Looks like I really chose the wrong person to bey sworn brother. Look at what he did. He almost killed me" Tingzhe said trying to lighten up the conversation.

"I didn't ask you to do that. And you say I am the foolish one" Fengge said.

"Didn't we not make a pact to share both fortune and poverty? I may be a demon but we demons honor our pacts." Tingzhe said with pride making Fengge laugh.

"Yes. I can see that." Fengge said and they both laughed.

"Hello. Is there anyone here?" Jiayi said making the two friends freeze.

Looking at Tingzhe, Fengge used his hands to signal Tingzhe that he had to go. Jiayi must not see him.

"She's already here. There is nowhere you can hide." Tingzhe said.

Jiayi entered inside seeing Tingzhe and Fengge together. Rolling her eyes, she put herself into character as she approached them.

"Hello. I didn't know Fengge will be here. Seems like the rumors abut the two of you are true. A demon and a heavenly crown prince." Jiayi said pretending to smile.

"Hello Jiayi. You are here. Come sit." Fengge said happily as he stood up for Jiayi to sit down. Rolling her eyes when he couldn't see, Jiayi sat down beside Tingzhe who was immune to her fake behavior.

"You and I don't get along. What are you doing here? If you say you came to see me, I'm afraid I will cry a bowl" Tingzhe said being sarcastic.

"Even though you and I don't get along, I would never wish to see you dead. I just came to check on you and show my support since I heard what happened so why are you being nasty to me?" Jiayi asked showing tears in her eyes.

"That won't work on me. Get out when you are done pretending. I need to take a bath." Tingzhe said getting up.

"Tingzhe! Jiayi came to see you. You shouldn't be so mean to her." Fengge said.

"When I told you not to believe everything people say, I was meaning Jiayi in particular. She's a snake. And I am not referring to her being a snake demon. I mean she's literally a snake in green grass. Be careful" Tingzhe said and left.

"He's so mean!" Jiayi said hugging Fengge.

"I apologize on his behalf. He just woke up so he's not in a good mood." Fengge said smiling.

"Only you treat me well. Fengge, I hope we stay this way even after we marry. You are still going to marry me aren't you?" Jiayi asked.

"I will. I will. I promised you. I won't break my promise." Fengge said happily.