

"I will get my revenge! I must get my revenge!" Fengge is the Crown Prince of the heavenly realm but he was born with immerse powers that causes panic to arise. Without realizing it, Fengge is betrayed and forced to lose everything. Many years pass and the three realms think Fengge has died causing peace to reign for a short while. But soon he returns with only one goal in mind. That is to take everything from his enemies. He will spare no one including the love of his life, Jiayi who played a major key in his betrayal.

Chillaxzy168 · Fantasy
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165 Chs


Fengge sat up observing the shadow of the person who was walking soundly to their door. At first he closed his eyes thinking the person might come in. Instead the sound of tray made him stand up. After the person left, he bent reaching out to check when someone stopped him.

"Don't! Its Yingtai" Tingzhe said removing his hand.

"Yingtai? Why?" Fengge asked looking at the tray of desserts.

"For a demon, you are really clueless." Tingzhe said making Fengge blush.

Shaking his head, Tingzhe picked up the tray. They were all his favorite desserts yet he didn't have appetite for them. Using his dark powers, he created a big ball of fire ready to destroy the tray.

"Stop! What are you doing?" Fengge asked

"I'm going to destroy it. Why?" Tingzhe asked

"You can't just destroy it. Yingtai prepared them for you. It must have taken a lot of effort. One should always be considerate" Fengge said

Shocked, Tingzhe looked up and down at the tray of desserts and Fengge. He knew Fengge was right. Sighing, he took a bite from the desserts. It wasn't bad. She had actually tried. Remembering Fengge, his eyes darted to him. Seeing Fengge holding his stomach, he got up handing over the tray to him.

"Thank you" Fengge said quietly.

Laying on his bed, Tingzhe couldn't help but think of one girl who made the best desserts he had ever eaten.

Jiu Bao sat up looking at her window. It was already night. All her fellow disciples must have also been asleep because the sect was deadly silent. The round moon reminded her of a boy she should have forgotten. They were on different paths. Although she wasn't an immortal yet, she was going to become one sooner or later while he was a full fledged demon.

The last time they met, it was as if they were looking at different strangers. He had grown so much. Even his aura. He wasn't the little demon she had met once. He was now the first disciple of the Raven sect and young master. Tingzhe.

Meanwhile the next day, Fengge stood still as junior demons entered the room. Apparently they were servant demons. He wasn't used to having girls dress him but he was staying with Tingzhe. Any suspicious behavior could expose him.

Holding his breathe, he counted from one to hundred as the servant demon's hands roamed around on his body. He shouldn't blame her. He's sure she wasn't also pleased to be doing this kind of work. Looking down at her face, he saw she had dark red eyes. She was obviously trying to hide her face.

"What type of demon are you?" Fengge asked noticing the scar on the left side of her face. No wonder she had been hiding her face earlier.

"Replying to young master, I'm a peacock demon" She said looking down.

Peacock demon? Peacocks were normally very beautiful and proud. With that scar on her face, he was surprised she didn't commit suicide.

Blinking his eyes, he watched as she left looking embarrassed. Looking at Tingzhe, he watched as all the maids left the room.

"Why didn't you help heal her face?" Fengge asked as Tingzhe stepped down to meet him.

"What do you mean?" Tingzhe asked adjusting his sleeve. When Fengge didn't answer on time, Tingzhe raised his head.

"What?" Tingzhe asked

"The peacock demon. Why didn't you help her?" Fengge asked making Tingzhe sigh.

He remembered the beautiful girl who had entered the room. The scar on her face looks like it had been caused by a wonderful knife made by the heavenly realm. The heavenly realm captured low ranking poisonous demons and used them to make powerful weapons. If she knew the real identity of this naive crown prince, he would surely be in trouble.

"I can't help her. That scar was caused by a weapon from the heavenly realm" Tingzhe said

"From the heavenly realm?" Fengge asked in shock.

"Yes. It was done by a high ranking god. Come. Let's go" Tingzhe asked leaving Fengge thinking.

All of the disciples gathered near the city. Today was their free day. Demons like to enjoy life to the fullest. As per traditions, they were going to shop for the party they were going to throw.

Fengge looked as they passed by a stall. The stall owner was busy calling a lot of people.

"Come! Come! Come and have a look at the legendary book of legends!" The stall owner shouted as many people gathered to see.

"Look! They are selling the legendary book of legends. I heard that the book of legends has a lot of information. You can find about almost anything concerning the three realms" A fellow female disciple said

"Really? Do you think it may have information about the Orane flower?" A male disciple asked

"Okay, let's go and buy one to check it out" Yingtai said walking forward as Fengge blocked her.

"What?" Yingtai asked

If they looked through the book of legends, his identity would surely be exposed. He had to think of a way to stop her.

"The book of legends isn't as easy as it seems. You need your spiritual power to unlock each stage of the book. You cannot afford to waste your power on things like this." Fengge said

"Don't worry. I am a 200 year demon. I have high cultivation. Besides I have always wanted to see what the book of legends looked like. Since luck is on my side, why not take the chance to look at it?" Yingtai asked

"But..." Fengge stopped upon hearing the sound of people screaming. Even though he wasn't looking, he heard the sound of the beast approaching.

Looking back he saw it was a big tiger beast. Standing still, the tiger beast stood tall making people panic. All the disciples drew their sword ready to fight when Tingzhe stopped them.

"Its a fellow demon just like us" Tingzhe said making them put their weapons away.

"No. Something seems to be wrong with the demon." Fengge said

Tingzhe looked at the beast carefully. Based on his body, he was indeed powerful and very big. It would surely be nothing less than a 1000 year old demon. Has it gone rogue? Looking at it's eyes, Tingzhe noticed it had white eyes. Tingzhe summoned his powers immediately and the others followed suit.

Watching Tingzhe fight the demon, Fengge stood still. He didn't know how to use his dark powers and if he used heavenly spells, he would be caught immediately. Tingzhe charged forward attacking the tiger beast. The tiger beast was very ferocious. Bending down, Tingzhe dodged as it almost hit him passing under its belly. Using his powers, he hit the tiger beast on its stomach and heard it growl. Using one of its paws, it hit Tingzhe causing him to fall hard on the ground spitting out blood.

Using his dark powers, Fengge charged forward attacking the beast passing under it. While no was looking, he used heavenly magic to hit one of its legs. Landing on the ground, Fengge saw the beast growling in pain before falling to the ground causing some houses to be destroyed.

Tingzhe sat up in astonishment as the beast fell down. Taking Fengge's hand, he stood up as they both approached the beast. The tiger beast continued growling in pain while rolling on its back. One of its legs had been injured.

"Let's kill it!" Yingtai said

"Stop. Don't kill it." Fengge said stopping Yingtai as she wanted to use her powers.

"Why?" Yingtai asked looking bored

"Because it's still a living creature. You shouldn't kill it" Fengge said

"You really behave like you are from the heavenly realm. This beast is over a thousand years. If we kill it, we can absorb its cultivation" Yingtai said

"Do as he says. Its just that the beast is in the center of the capital. Even if we don't kill it, I'm afraid that someone might." Tingzhe said

"Then lemme heal it. Then it would be able to leave on its own" Fengge said

"Don't! This beast is not on its right mind. From the color of its eyes, it does look normal but if you look closely, you can see that it has a speck of white." Tingzhe said pointing to the beast's eyes.

"Okay. Yingtai, take the rest of the disciples so they can shop. We will handle the beast" Tingzhe said to Yingtai who nodded taking the disciples with her.

After they were gone, Tingzhe faced Fengge seriously.

"Did you do this?" Tingzhe asked

"What do you mean?" Fengge asked

"The white spot in the beast's eyes is because someone was controlling it. The red tiger beast is a powerful beast that is very rare. Plus it is over a thousand year old. Its not easy to control it. So it must be someone very powerful. Someone like a crown prince" Tingzhe said

"What do you mean?" Fengge asked.

"I already know everything. No need to hide it from me. Besides, although you are the crown prince, your disguise had a big flaw. So I was able to recognise you." Tingzhe said

"Then why didn't you report me?" Fengge asked

"Because I wanted to know why you are here. But now, I don't want to know" Tingzhe said

"Why?" Fengge asked watching Tingzhe as he walked up to the beast.

Using his power, Tingzhe exposed a hidden talisman from the beast's head. Raising it up, he showed Fengge.

"Because someone wants to kill you" Tingzhe said