

"I will get my revenge! I must get my revenge!" Fengge is the Crown Prince of the heavenly realm but he was born with immerse powers that causes panic to arise. Without realizing it, Fengge is betrayed and forced to lose everything. Many years pass and the three realms think Fengge has died causing peace to reign for a short while. But soon he returns with only one goal in mind. That is to take everything from his enemies. He will spare no one including the love of his life, Jiayi who played a major key in his betrayal.

Chillaxzy168 · Fantasy
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165 Chs


Su Ying sat down while Tinzghe stood standing. Finally. After a long devastating battle, they had finally gotten all the scrolls. Su Ying sat down summoning her powers.

"Are you sure about this?" Tingzhe asked.

" We have worked too hard and long for this. Brother Tinzghe, after this, I will go and meet Jiayi. That way, Fengge won't feel bad and he won't find out the truth." Su Ying said.

"You are making a big sacrifice. I promise you. I won't allow Fengge to be alone." Tinzghe said.

" Thank you, Tingzhe" Su Ying said turning to Tingzhe. 

After watching him nod his head, Su Ying turned back and started transferring her powers. For so long, she had spent all her time gathering the scrolls. The former dark king told her clearly. She had to give out all her powers.

Meanwhile, Tinzghe watched as Su Ying transfered all her powers to Fengge. Fengge still seemed to be asleep. After a few minutes, Su Ying staggered back causing Tinzghe to hold her.