

"I will get my revenge! I must get my revenge!" Fengge is the Crown Prince of the heavenly realm but he was born with immerse powers that causes panic to arise. Without realizing it, Fengge is betrayed and forced to lose everything. Many years pass and the three realms think Fengge has died causing peace to reign for a short while. But soon he returns with only one goal in mind. That is to take everything from his enemies. He will spare no one including the love of his life, Jiayi who played a major key in his betrayal.

Chillaxzy168 · Fantasy
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165 Chs


Su Ying sat down with Xie Bai/ Yang Han at the table drinking tea as Xie Bai/ Yang Han updated her on the situation of everything that was happening presently. 

"We can't waste time any longer. We must move the crown prince" Su Ying said.

"Jiu Bao has just been coronated. I don't know if she can provide any backup right now. Why don't we 2W for help w from master?" Xie Bai asked.

" No. I don't want to involve anyone else. We will have to do it ourselves. Even if it's without Jiu Bao." Su Ying said.








The heavenly king sat down in his hall waiting because he had received a summon from the nature guardian. Everything had been going well after the accident with the ice god and the heavenly realm and the dark realm had made an agreement between each other not to fight each other again therefore the three realms had peace. The celestial god's soon forgot everything.