

"I will get my revenge! I must get my revenge!" Fengge is the Crown Prince of the heavenly realm but he was born with immerse powers that causes panic to arise. Without realizing it, Fengge is betrayed and forced to lose everything. Many years pass and the three realms think Fengge has died causing peace to reign for a short while. But soon he returns with only one goal in mind. That is to take everything from his enemies. He will spare no one including the love of his life, Jiayi who played a major key in his betrayal.

Chillaxzy168 · Fantasy
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165 Chs


Jiayi gasped as she saw a different look in her son's eyes. Fengge was using soul possession. A skill that was very dangerous especially to the host which was being used. She hated him. She wanted him dead. Dead! Just like his father and all his uncles. He was a pain to her life. But instead, she tried to smooth talk him. That was the only way she would get him to leave her son.

"Fengge, if you want my life, sure. Be my guest. But don't harm our son. Jiu Jan is your son. You can't be cruel enough to harm your own son." Jiayi said.

" I already told you! I don't want any son you give me. I don't have any son. Besides, if you care about him so much then you shouldn't have harmed his father. Be careful Jiayi. One day, you might just wake up to see your son kill you. I, I have him in the palm of my hand." Jiu Jan said in Fengge's voice as he used the knife to touch his face.

"Don't do it. I beg you, Fengge!" Jiayi shouted upon seeing what Jiu Jan was doing.