
The Meeting

After his parents death, Peter was called to a meetingwith the council's. The council consist of seven elderly vampires but since his dad is not there he took his dad place.

The council room was wide with a long conference table taking most of the space in the room with seven black chairs surrounding them.

She Peter entered he just went to his father's chair which is technically his now. The chair has the Number 1 written on it. All the chairs had different number used to differentiate them.

Few minutes later all the chairs were occupied and one of the elderly men who sat on the chair numbered 2 stood up to start the meeting.

"Good day everyone, normally it's the first leader job to start the council meeting but because of previous the tragic event i shall take command"the second leader said with all the leaders nodding their heads in agreement.

"We all know of the misfortune that has taken" the second leader continued looking at Peter's direction

"We shall all decide what shall happen to this young fella. Everyone are allowed to voice their opinion" he said while adjusting his chair so he could sit down comfortably

"My opinion is that we have the boy stay with one of us to teach him about the councils so when he turn eighteen he can take his father's place" A large man who looks to be in his late forties stood up to talk

"Its unlikely that we could survive because the werewolves are making their loved already. My opinion is that the boy take his father seat now, we don't have time to waste and we need as many people as possible " A middle age woman some like the meeting was already annoying her.

"You mean you want this small brat to lead us the way he is, we will be doom" an aggressive man by the name jet said slamming his fist on the dest.

Jet has always been known for his aggressive behaviour. He was Peter's number one suspect for who would want to kill his parents.

Even people in the council have always notice how jet was obsessed with the first leader chair.

The chair is know to be made from a demon tier dragon beast that was beign hunted by the original vampires thousand of years ago.

The chair has three skills that it gives its leader which are the first leaders

Jet has being know for wanting the first leader job he wanted to rule the vampires with his aggressive behaviour.

"Hey watch your mouth or I can help you" Peter replied jet giving his a death stare

"You cocky bastard am gonna kill you"Jet shouted some growing his fist the Peter's face

All the leaders were surprised at what was happening they wanted to stop it but it was happening too fast .

Jet fist was moving at an incredible speed but his fist did not hit Peter's face instead it just hit the air. Everyone was surprised as they could not see Peter again it was like he teleported. Suddenly jet could be seen kneeling down and sitting in front of him was Peter

"No way the chair has already choosen him, he just used one of its special skills" The second leader by the name Nes Charles said surprised by what was happening

"Absolute command"The female who spoke recently by the name bliss said as the rest of the leaders gulped. She was the forth leader

" How is this possible I mean it take other leaders years before they unlock one of the skill but he unlocked one of the just the first day. I can't imagine what this boy would turn to in just a few years" Luke the fifth leader said

"Now,now that's not how to welcome your new fist leader is it" Peter said with a smile

"We welcome you young Lord" All the leader said with one knee in the ground

'I knew that the first leaders are meant to be like that king and queen but this is more than I expected'Peter thought as he look at all the leader

"You may stand up and you" He said pointing at jet"Go and have your seat "

Jet quickly apologise for his aggressive behaviour and went to his seat.

"With you unlocking one of the first leaders power and being our new leader i would have to introduce the council members " Nes said while looking at Peter

"I will start with the seventh leader exza, the sixth leader Charles, the fiffth leader Luke, the fourth leader Bliss, the third leader jet the second leader New and you my Lord the first leader Peter"Nes said as each leader stood us while their name was being called

"I would like to know about all the leaders and their town, how they are separated and other details I need to know"Peter said as he crossed his leg

"Can I take this one young Lord as you may know the forth family are the ones with more information about the vampires and werewolves" Bliss said giving a slight bow

"You can go ahead and no one should interrupt her "

"The seven leaders lead the seven vampire settlements

Please continue reading my novels please I will try to update two or three chapters everyday

Thank you all