
Red Furs

The boys were ready to fight again they had about 400 more to go and they are now positive of winning since it is their only choice.

Peter ones again took the lead by picking a wood stick that he saw on the floor. The stick was rather strong and long and he used it to hit one of the warewolves legs making it bow.

By now all the warewolves that were coming in the distance had surrounded Peter and his friend. All four hundred surrounded them and Peter was ready to use something he had been practicing for the past seven years of his life.

What he was about to do had a thirty percent of not working but since these warewolves seem rather stupid he decided to do it anyway.

Peter extended his range of ABSOLUTE COMMAND to twenty meter so it can affect a all the warewolves at ones since there all were no far from him again and even running towards him.

Although with his training and everything he will be able to do this ones and they is a possibility that he could faint immediately he do it because it will drain him of his strength and counciousness.

He counsentrated and increased his range to the twenty meter and not now seeing how close all the warewolves are he saw this as a perfect time.

"Attract!!!"He shouted as all the warewolves started coming forward with where he is standing as the centre of attraction.

Peter quickly put about five small chip bellow him on the ground and ran away from there with Mike and Gabriel following him with their full speed while the warewolves were still being pulled by an invisible force.

Runnig for just 3 seconds but seems like hours Peter turned back and took a look of the warewolves who some were on top of the other while others still being pulled with great speed.

"Explode" Peter shouted which made exactly were the warewolves were gathered to explode.

It was a bloody and cruelly disgusting scene as different warewolves organs could be seen around the forest.

"ewww ,let's leave this place"Mike said as he grabbed Peter who was about to fall uncoincious.

"Thanks I don't think I can fight for now so I would just sleep on you hand"Peter closed his eyes as Gabriel supported Mike in carrying him.

They walked back to their tent and Peter laid on the bed while the Mike and Gabriel sat down in case of any more attack.

Gabriel went to a little bag and brought out three sachet of blood. He gave one to Mike while he drank one leaving the remaining one for Peter.

Gabriel opened the seal of the sachet of blood and he started drinking it.

Immediately the blood went down to his stomach he felt a blissful pleasure that made him think he was in the Heavens. The injury on his body started healing and his strength was regained. He turned to look at Mike who had a satisfying look on his face.

"I can never get use to this sensation" Mike smiled

"This one of for Peter wake him up so he can drink it before he rest" Gabriel was already opening the sachet as Mike taped Peter.

"Huh…. Don't tell me there is another attack" Peter grunted as he sat up.

"No they is not, we just want you to drink this blood before you sleep so your injuries would heal"Mike said as he supported Peter

"Oh is that so thank you" Peter took the blood and drank it also feeling the sensation and his energy coming back even his injuries healing.

"I don't think I need to sleep anymore let's call the military I want to talk to them.

Gabriel immediately went to a crystal with slight blue colour. The crystal was as clear as day.

After doing some things the crystal made some sound as a young man could be seen levitating on top of the crystal which now seems more like a projector.

The man looked at the three of them and when he saw Peter he stood as straight as an arrow.

" Young Lord what did I do to deserve this honor"The man said still not moving his body

" Drop the formalities Raph I just want to speak to your Leader Nes"Peter said going straight to the point as he new he don't have enough time.

Raph Tanokogi was a young red headed man in his mid-twenties. He is from the second settlement and part of the military. Right now he is a commanding officer which out him Under the one in charge of the Vampire Military which was the second leader Nes. Raph and Peter had talked a lot of time and Peter had drown close to him. Even with the age gap the both of them were friends although not beat friend like him and Mike or Gabriel but he still respected Raph.

"Am sorry but you can't speak wwith him now"Raph said calmly.

"What do you mean by that?"Peter asked

"Mr.Nes is busy and out of town, they had been some sighting of warewolves close to our boarder"he replied.

"This is urgent I want you to come to my location with some of the military cause my life is in danger since you said they are some warewolves in our boarder it means they went ahead and fighting then with just three of us is assured death"Peter said hastily

"With all due respect sir without orders from my leader I can't do any thing, right now my hands are tied and when I said some warewolves were seen I meant to say army. So now some of our Army are fighting while the rest are in the different settlement protecting it incase the warewolves tried anything funny so even if i wanted to help you I can't, but I will try to contact other leaders." The man said with a worried face.

"Alright guess we just have to survive this one by ourselves, if worst comes to worst I will use Ken"Peter said as he could see Mike walking out side the tent.

"Thanks for you understanding Peter"The man bowed as he slowly fadded

"Peter you should come see this"Mike said in a worried time which made Peter run outside as he was meant with a sight he did not expect. Five already warewolves could be seem coming and all of them had red furs instead of black.