
The outcast and her bounty hunter

Selene is a young half-werewolf, she is the daughter of the alpha and vampire queen. she has been living in a kingdom where the vampires and werewolves have been at war for the better part of a thousand years. Selene soon finds out that she is the key to peace in the kingdom, but she is soon kidnapped by a charming bounty hunter who intends to sell her to the highest bidder. when he finds himself falling in love with her his heart and his allegiances start to change

Sukuna_Yuki · Fantasy
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2 Chs

The ball and the first meeting

The night began like any other night except tonight I had to get ready for the ball that all the young wolves without mates had to attend. I've had to attend this ball three times now because I've yet to find my mate, as I stand in front of my mirror assessing my appearance I decide to put on a bit more black eyeliner to make my violet eyes pop more, then I pull a few pieces of my silver hair out of my curly bun and put a sapphire tiara on that matches my navy blue ball gown. As I finish up getting ready I hear my father call for me " hurry up Selene or we are going to be late" I quickly put on my black and blue high heels and rush down to where my father is waiting for me. I tend to try not to piss him off because when he gets angry he breaks things. I stand next to him in front of the big doors that open into the ballroom, I glance up at my father who looks very irritated, and I speak " I'm sorry dad I was trying to hurry" he quickly glares at me and without a hint of care, he says " Do not embarrass me tonight and make sure you find your mate our kingdom depends on it" and with that, we enter the ballroom. The herald said " his Majesty king Drake and Princess Selene!!" my father smiled as we walked to the opening of the staircase and announced, " good evening everyone my daughter and I are delighted to welcome you all to this year's mate ball and we hope that every one of you finds your true mates tonight enjoy the ball!"

Once my father was done talking he went and sat on his thrown and I went down the staircase to join all the other eighteen-year-olds who were talking and dancing now that the King had finished his speech. I went over to the corner that I normally waited in until someone came up to talk to me or ask me to dance but unfortunately, this event went just like all the other ones, and no one bothered to acknowledge that I was even there. My entire pack seemed to pretend that I didn't exist because I was different from them, and rather than try to get to know me and try to understand why I'm different they choose to just ignore me. Honestly, it is a bit lonesome to be ignored by everyone including the little family I have but I've gotten used to it and no longer try to get them to pay attention to me, and I just go on with my life the way I want to most of the time anyway. As I was standing there I felt like someone was staring at me but when I looked around I didn't see anyone looking in my direction so I just decided to ignore the feeling until whoever decides to talk to me but not long after I pushed the feeling away I saw a man with shoulder-length shaggy hair standing by the window on the other side of the room, as I was looking at him our eyes met and he started walking over to me as he came closer I could tell he had a great body under his navy blue suit once he was close enough I could see his face he is breathtakingly handsome and the scar right under his eye doesn't even take away from his charm. As I was looking at him he smirks and then asks "may I have this dance princess?" it took me by surprise that was the last thing I was expecting this handsome man to ask me and the answer I gave him surprised me even more " yes you may sir" I took his hand and he led me to the dance floor. what came after that no one could have seen coming not even, my proud father.